Mobility Summer Camp – AIC – Automotive Intelligence Center

Mobility Summer Camp

  • Mobility Summer Camp RRSS

    Mobility Summer Camp

    Mobility Summer Camp Program at AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center – is designed under the STEAM methodology, specifically for children between 8 and 12 years old.

    This program offers two weeks full of fun, learning and group experiences. The participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the fascinating world of the sustainable mobility in an interactive and exciting way.

    Our team of professionals has prepared a variety of activities designed to stimulate creativity, encourage teamwork and awaken scientific curiosity in young people.

    In addition to mobility-related activities, there will also be time for outdoor play activities, recreational games and craft workshops, ensuring a balanced and enriching experience for all participants.

    Join us this summer for an unforgettable experience at AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center!

    Maximum 15 kids

    The camp will be conducted in Spanish, but will include some activities in English.

    Program Partners: Orbea ⎮ ACICAE

    Program supported by Diputación Foral de Bizkaia for the promotion of talent

    • July, 1st to 12th, 2024
    • From 09:00h to 14:00h ⎮ With the possibility of extending hours: from 08:00h to 15:00h

    Children will have the opportunity to learn about basic concepts of sustainable mobility, design and assembly of vehicles (car, motorbike and bicycle) and much more. All this in a safe environment and supervised by qualified professionals.


    Boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 12

    Price details

    AIC/ACICAE members: 210€ VAT included

    Non-members AIC/ACICAE: 360€ VAT included

    Extending hours: 45€

    PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.

    Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa

    BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187

    KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466