AIC Academy is AIC’s training centre that was established for the purpose of improving the qualifications and standards of automotive professionals and whose activities embrace the development of specialised courses, advanced programmes and in-company activities as well as a range of actions geared toward attracting and enhancing talent. It also offers the AIC Campus, an environment for inspiration, learning and interactions based on an experiential methodology without classrooms or lectures.
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string(37) "AIC Challenges – Retos Aula AIC"
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string(202) "Desde AIC – Automotive Intelligence Center, lanzamos una nueva edición de Retos Aula AIC 2024-2025.
¿Eres un estudiante universitario apasionado por la automoción?
¡Es momento de poner..."
string(4992) "
Desde AIC – Automotive Intelligence Center, lanzamos una nueva edición de Retos Aula AIC 2024-2025.
¿Eres un estudiante universitario apasionado por la automoción? ¡Es momento de poner a prueba tu talento en los retos de automoción de AIC Open University!
Te invitamos a participar en 13 retos exclusivos, diseñados para desafiar tus conocimientos y habilidades en diferentes áreas del sector de la automoción.
Reto 1.Smartización de componentes: análisis del estado del arte actual y prospectiva de oportunidades relacionadas con la incorporación de la electrónica en los componentes del vehículo
Reto 2.Desarrollo de una metodología de conversión de Adams a Carmaker para su integración en un simulador de carretera
Reto 3.Estudio de la evaluación del confort de pasajeros en un simulador de conducción
Reto 4.Generación de un modelo de mantenimiento predictivo en una Smart Factory
Reto 5. Integración de robótica avanzada para automatización de operaciones en una Smart Factory
Reto 6.Prospectiva sobre el diseño y tecnologías de fabricación Tracción-E EVs
Reto 7. Ingeniería de integración de pila de combustible de hidrógeno como extensor de autonomía de un autobús eléctrico
Reto 8.Integración de Sub-sistemas de conducción by-wire en vehículo prototipo
Reto 9.Desarrollo de un sistema inteligente basado en visión artificial y 5G para reducir riesgos relacionados con la multi-movilidad
Reto 10.Análisis de la movilidad /automoción en India
Reto 11.Benchmark de motores de bicicleta: desmontaje y estudio comparativo de los diferentes tipos de motores y de sus componentes
Reto 12. Simulación en entorno virtual. Mejora de la seguridad en bicicleta mediante la reproducción de escenarios / maniobras de alta peligrosidad y su validación en entorno virtual
Reto 13. Integración de tecnología en la bicicleta y validación en entorno real controlado, orientada a mejorar la seguridad
¿Por qué deberías unirte?
Innovación dinámica: Tendrás acceso a tecnologías punteras y trabajarás con las últimas tendencias que están moldeando el futuro de la movilidad. Desde vehículos eléctricos hasta la conducción autónoma, este es tu espacio para explorar lo que viene.
Desarrollo profesional: Conéctate con líderes y expertos de la industria. Esta es una oportunidad perfecta para ampliar tu red de contactos y obtener conocimientos directos de profesionales que están a la vanguardia del sector.
Resuelve retos reales: Enfrentarás desafíos concretos que las empresas de automoción están abordando en la actualidad. ¿Cómo contribuirías a mejorar la eficiencia energética? ¿Qué soluciones propondrías para un futuro más sostenible en la movilidad? Estos son solo algunos de los problemas a resolver.
¿Quiénes pueden participar?
Este evento está abierto a todos los estudiantes universitarios con pasión por la ingeniería, el diseño, la tecnología o cualquier otra disciplina / área relacionada con la automoción. No importa si eres de primer año o si estás en los últimos semestres, lo importante es que tengas ganas de aprender, innovar y marcar la diferencia.
¡Es tu oportunidad de destacar y dar un paso adelante hacia el futuro de la movilidad! Plazo de inscripción abierto. ¡No te lo pierdas e inscríbete!
BikeTalent está orientado a desarrollar nuevas soluciones de movilidad sostenible a través del diseño de un vehículo versátil con pedaleo asistido y/o un prototipo de solución digital ⎮ conectividad ⎮ tecnológica, orientada a incrementar la seguridad vial en bicicleta.
La idea es salvar las limitaciones de movilidad impuestas en las ciudades y que dificultan la entrada de vehículos de combustión por las normas de contaminación, y por la peatonalización de los centros históricos.
Fomentar la capacidad creativa e innovadora en los alumnos de Formación Profesional de Euskadi, colocando al sector de la movilidad urbana en el centro del proyecto, para desarrollar productos y servicios como vector estratégico de competitividad empresarial. Además, se busca desarrollar nuevos conceptos que respondan a las pautas deseable/factible/viable.
Se valorará el aporte de una componente social, desde la ayuda a personas de movilidad reducida, hasta la integración de sectores desfavorecidos, pasando por temas medioambientales, como el uso de materiales reciclados o reutilización de componentes.
Como parte de este proyecto formarás parte de una iniciativa con alto potencial de impacto en la mejora de las condiciones y calidad de vida de la población, así como en el desarrollo económico del territorio, impulsando su transición hacia una sociedad y una economía más sostenibles.
Analiza, diseña y desarrolla una solución que transforme la sociedad mediante uno de estos dos proyectos:
CATEGORÍA 1: Un vehículo versátil con pedaleo asistido para desplazamientos urbanos
CATEGORÍA 2:Un prototipo de solución digital ⎮conectividad ⎮ tecnológica, orientada a incrementar la seguridad vial en bicicleta
Valoración de los proyectos:
Un jurado formado por los organizadores valorará los proyectos teniendo en cuenta cuatro elementos:
ORIGINALIDAD de ideas o enfoques
CALIDAD del trabajo en cuanto al esfuerzo dedicado y al grado de detalle alcanzado
VIABILIDAD en su aplicación real en el mercado
CONTRIBUCIÓN a la mejora de la sociedad
Los equipos que participen tendrán un reconocimiento público y unos premios asociados a la valoración de los proyectos. Estos premios serán para cada una de las categorías:
1er Premio(destinado al centro para financiar gastos del proyecto):
Categoría 1: 2.000€
Categoría 2: 1.000€
2do Premio(destinado a profesores):
Participación en evento Movilidad en Europa
3er Premio(destinado a alumnos/as):
Visita a fábrica Orbea
4to Premio(destinado a alumnos/as):
Equipación AIC
*Condiciones específicas a consultar con la organización
Todos los equipos que participen, podrán cursar el Programa Inmersión Junior que se llevará a cabo en junio 2025 (2 plazas por equipo, según disponibilidad)
2. Edizioa⎮ 2024-2025
BikeTalent proiektuak, mugikortasun jasangarrirako irtenbideak bilatzea du helburu, pedalei eraginez laguntza duen ibilgailu bat disenatuz, edota beste motako soluzio teknologiko / digital / edo konektibitatea lantzen duen garapen baten bitartez, beti ere bizikletaz bide-segurtasuna hobetzeko asmoarekin.
Ohiko erregaiak erabiltzen dizuten ibilgailuak, hiriburuetan sartzeko dituzten mugikortasun-mugak gainditzea da asmoa eta aldi berean, hirietako erdigune historikoak oinezkoentzat izango direla bermatzea
Euskadiko Lanbide Heziketako ikasleen artean sormenerako eta berrikuntzarako gaitasuna sustatzea, hiri-mugikortasunaren sektorea proiektuaren ardatza izanik: prototipo fisikoak eta irtenbide digitalak garatzeko, enpresa-lehiakortasunaren bektore estrategiko gisa. Gainera, kontzeptu berriak garatu nahi dira, desiragarriak, egokiak eta bideragarritasunarekin bat datozenak.
Osagai sozial baten ekarpena baloratuko da, mugikortasun urriko pertsonen beharrak kontutan dituena, sektore behartsuen beharrak eta baita ere ingurumen-gaieri erantzuten diena, hala nola birziklatutako materialen erabilera edo eta osagaien berrerabiltzea.
Proiektu honetan parte hartzen baduzu, biztanleriaren bizi-kalitatean eta baldintzen hobekuntzan inpaktu hadia duen ekimen baten parte izango zera, bai eta lurraldearen trantsizio eta garapenean ere. Proiektu honekin, gizarte eta ekonomia iraunkurragoak bultzatuko dituzu.
Aztertu, diseinatu eta garatu gizartea eraldatuko duen soluzio bat, autatu hurrengo bi proiektu aukeren artean:
1. KATEGORIA: Hiriko joan-etorrietarako, pedalen laguntza duen ibilgailu moldakor bat
2. KATEGORIA: Bizikletaz bide-segurtasuna hobetzera bideratatuko prototipo edo soluzio digital bat ⎮ teknologia ⎮ konektibitatea lantzen duena
Proiektuen Balorazioa:
Antolatzaileek osatutako epaimahai batek proiektuak baloratuko ditu, honako lau elementu hauek kontuan hartuta:
Ideien edo ikuspegien ORIGINALTASUNA
Lanaren KALITATEA, egindako ahaleginari eta lortutako xehetasun-mailari dagokionez
BIDERAGARRITASUNA merkatuan benetan aplikatzerako orduan
Gizartea hobetzen LAGUNTZEA
Parte hartzen duten taldeek aintzatespen publikoa eta proiektuak baloratzearekin lotutako sariak izango dituzte. Sari hauek, kategoria bakoitzerako izango dira:
Mugikortasuna Europako ekitaldiren baten parte hartzea
3. Saria(Ikasleei bideratua):
ORBEA lantegira visita
4. Saria(Ikasleei bideratua):
AIC Ekipazioa
* Antolatzaileak kontsultatu beharreko baldintza espezifikoak
Parte hartzen duten talde guztiek, ekainean burutuko den 2025 Junior Murgiltze Programan parte hartu ahal izango dute (2 plaza taldeko, disponibilitatearen arabera)
The objective of this course is to learn about the carbon footprint as a methodology for calculating the environmental cost of an organization, product or service, analyze the available calculation tools and their validation.
Review the regulatory framework on the environmental Footprint.
Use the Environmental Footprint as a methodology to calculate the environmental cost of an organization, product or service.
Analyze the available calculation tools and their verification.
string(119) "Professionals and technical staff who are interested in calculating the carbon footprint incurred by their organization"
string(271) "
Environmental footprint
Normative framework (ISO 14060, 14064, 14067 and Ghg protocol series)
Definition of the objectives and scope
Calculation methodology
Calculation tools
string(790) "AIC/ACICAE members: 245€ + VAT
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 350€ + VAT
A 10% discount will be applied on the second or more people registered to companies that send more than one employee.
(*) Material will be posted on the web.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to"
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string(0) ""
string(16964) "
string(12) "245€ + VAT"
string(12) "350€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(58) "10% discount from the second registration"
string(19) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(7) "4 hours"
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string(47) "Calculating the carbon footprint in the company"
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string(47) "How to turn a Technician into a People Manager?"
string(91) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "In many organizations, internal promotion processes have been carried out on the basis of promoting good professionals at the technical level to a management function in recognition of their work...."
string(517) "
In many organizations, internal promotion processes have been carried out on the basis of promoting good professionals at the technical level to a management function in recognition of their work. This decision, good in the short term because of its implications for the individual and for the organization, can generate dysfunctions in the medium and long term. This workshop aims to facilitate the transition to a people management function.
Decide what is the rol of each employee in my activity
Set out the key elements to lead people
Propose simple techniques to favor relationships between people
string(97) "Intermediate Managers, Team Managers and potential Team Managers with a strong technical profile."
string(1086) "
Situation 1:If I already do my job, do I now also have to do with people? One more thing?
Situation 2:What do people want from my team?
Situation 3:If facility maintenance is a natural procedure, what do I do with the people?
Situation 4:What’s in it for me if I also deal with people?
Situation 5:When I make an unfortunate decision with a team member, what happens?
Situation 6:I want to do it right, but I don’t know how to do it.
With the development of each situation, the following is raised:
Detailed analysis of the situation
Proposal of actions and measures to deal with the situation (repertoire).
How to transfer these repertoires to similar situations
string(945) "AIC/ACICAE members: 320€ (VAT not included)
Non-members AIC/ACICAE: 445€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals are included.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to"
array(1) {
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string(20) "Enrol to this course"
string(0) ""
string(16964) "
10% discount from the second registration: 288€ + VAT
string(99) "
10% discount from the second registration: 400,50€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(19) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(7) "8 hours"
array(0) {
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string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(47) "How to turn a Technician into a People Manager?"
array(4) {
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string(9) "actividad"
string(56) "The Robust Factory: Zero defects and minimum variability"
string(100) ""
string(0) ""
string(191) "The quality function as we know it in the automotive industry is facing a transformation caused by the increased level of demand, the criticality of assets, the complexity of manufacturing..."
string(1195) "
The quality function as we know it in the automotive industry is facing a transformation caused by the increased level of demand, the criticality of assets, the complexity of manufacturing technologies and the digital ecosystem, which make it possible to develop a robust factory with minimum variability. This concept is the result of the integration of automation, technologies, management systems and people, with the aim of anticipating the appearance of defects, as well as optimizing the working conditions of the process. Making the robust factory a reality requires in-depth knowledge of the behavior and relationship of raw materials and processes, as well as the opportunities provided by technologies, digital tools and people for their management. This training action deepens on the challenges and scenarios that are presented to the quality/process function in order to focus on 0 defects.
The training will take place at ASF’s facilities.
Attendees will be able to interact with the quality solutions applied in the manufacturing line itself.
This course is taught in Spanish
array(2) {
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string(67) "On-site"
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string(692) ""
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string(11) "15 Jan 2025"
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string(10) "22/05/2025"
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string(8) "upcoming"
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string(10) "23/05/2025"
string(5) "15:00"
array(1) {
string(0) ""
string(115) "May 22nd and 23rd, from 8:00 to 15:00.
At AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano).
LENGTH: 14 hours"
string(270) "Attendees will be able to identify the main actions to go through in their companies at the level of robustness, both conventional actions for the minimization of process variability and those actions related to industry 4.0 for the predictive management of its quality."
string(121) "Managers and technicians related to the areas of engineering, quality, production, digital transformation and operations."
string(1595) "Traditional quality:
1. Effectiveness of the quality plan:
Focusing efforts on what is important.
First time through: robust diagnosis, standardization and training of people.
2. Efficiency in quality control, increasing team capacity;
Optimized processes
Integrated partners
Basic digitalization
3. Sustainability and process, deviation management and standards improvement
Targeted information and agile decision making
Analysis methods and tools
Action management: maturity level assessment.
Advanced Quality:
1. Keys to quality transformation:
Product quality assurance through process mastery.
In-depth knowledge of the process
Anticipation of the occurrence of problems
Traceability and traceability of the entire process
Increased people capability and decision making
Robust manufacturing with minimum variability
2. ASF Practice: Knowledge generation through multivariable modernization
Practical team experience using the ASF line.
3. Industry 4.0 application in:
Enabling technologies: inspection technologies, bit data, data analytics, machine Learning and simulation.
New operating model
Redefinition of roles and functions
4. ASF Practice: Real-time process mastery
Practical experience in a team using the ASF line.
string(1089) "AIC/ACICAE members: 710€ (VAT not included).
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 1.000€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
PAYMENT METHOD:Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to
Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
PAYMENT METHOD: Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to"
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string(20) "Enrol to this course"
string(0) ""
string(16964) "
10% discount from the second registration: 639€ + VAT
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 900€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(19) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(8) "14 hours"
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string(56) "The Robust Factory: Zero defects and minimum variability"
array(4) {
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string(9) "actividad"
string(79) "Purchasing & Negotiation | Total Cost Reduction and Negotiation Techniques"
string(67) ""
string(0) ""
string(201) "The Purchasing Management course is designed to strengthen the skills in this strategic area of any organization, while providing an in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles of the tools..."
string(583) "
The Purchasing Management course is designed to strengthen the skills in this strategic area of any organization, while providing an in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles of the tools to drive efficiency and effectiveness in supply chain purchasing management.
Throughout the program, we will explore three fundamental pillars to achieve excellence in purchasing management: Principles of Continuous Improvement in Purchasing, Processes and Improvement Tools, and Negotiation Techniques.
Implement sustainable improvements in the purchasing function in addition to improving cost objectives.
Define the right strategy for efficient and effective purchasing.
Master the purchasing management tools according to the company’s strategy.
Define the organizational keys of the overall purchasing process.
Adequately measure the improvement of results.
Integrate suppliers into the value chain.
Understand the appropriate negotiation strategy for the type of purchasing process to be addressed.
Strategically prepare your negotiations according to the type of purchasing process you need to engage in.
Master the negotiation skills.
string(446) "
Purchasing Managers
Project Managers
Engineering and Maintenance Managers
Logistics and Supply Chain Managers
Also to improvement developers, directors, middle management and support professionals.
string(1473) "
Waste vs. Added value.
Key indicators.
Definition and calculation method.
Price index.
Planning, analysis and definition of purchasing and supply strategy.
Organizational structures to support efficient and effective processes.
Roles and responsibilities in supply chain management.
Process for selecting the best supply option.
Make or Buy strategic and operational. Manufacture or subcontract.
Design products and processes for cost reduction and value enhancement.
Value Analysis, Value Engineering.
Optimization of the purchasing process: Elimination of non-value steps and quality assurance.
Design and implementation of supplier management and continuous improvement process.
Commodity negotiation and strategic product negotiation.
Planning, analysis and definition of purchasing and supply strategy.
string(784) "AIC/ACICAE members: 750€ + VAT
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 890 € + VAT
A 10% discount will be applied on the second or more people registered to companies that send more than one employee.
(*) Material will be posted on the web.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to"
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string(0) ""
string(16964) "
string(12) "750€ + VAT"
string(12) "890€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(58) "10% discount from the second registration"
string(19) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(8) "16 hours"
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string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(79) "Purchasing & Negotiation | Total Cost Reduction and Negotiation Techniques"
array(4) {
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string(9) "actividad"
string(41) "Conflict Resolution for Middle Management"
string(85) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "Middle managers are faced with the thankless task of dealing with personal conflicts between colleagues, and sometimes they are part of the conflict themselves. And anything that is related to the..."
string(484) "
Middle managers are faced with the thankless task of dealing with personal conflicts between colleagues, and sometimes they are part of the conflict themselves. And anything that is related to the people in the team always involves extra effort in terms of treatment and effort. This course aims to change the approach to problems and, as a result, the strategy for dealing with them from a people perspective.
To deepen in the importance of communication as a management tool, with special emphasis on labor conflicts in the company.
To analyze the elements that favor a good work environment and those that can enhance the opposite environment.
Define actions to generate healthy environments.
Identify specific tactics to address conflicts.
string(117) "Project Managers and potential Project Managers, Team Managers with a strong technical profile and middle management."
string(692) "1.Communication as a management tool.
Purposes. Medium and long term consequences
Strategy and Marketing
Keys for the argumentation
2.Environments with less conflicts. Prevention
The fluidity of relationships.
Trust with a pivotal point
Listening as a tool
3.Elements that favor conflict
How do “noises” increase?
Power, authority and their gaps
Emotional vs. rational
4. Conflict management
Operational and interpersonal tactics
Conflict mediation
string(902) "AIC/ACICAE members: 320€ + VAT
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 445€ + VAT
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals included.
Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to"
array(1) {
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string(0) ""
string(16964) "
string(12) "320€ + VAT"
string(12) "445€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
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string(0) ""
string(58) "10% discount from the second registration"
string(19) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(7) "8 hours"
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string(0) ""
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string(35) "Advanced Automotive Intra-Logistics"
string(80) ""
string(0) ""
string(201) "The reality of the internal logistics world as we know it in the automotive industry is facing major evolutions to transform today’s factory into an autonomous, agile and flexible environment with..."
string(975) "
The reality of the internal logistics world as we know it in the automotive industry is facing major evolutions to transform today’s factory into an autonomous, agile and flexible environment with lean inventories. This concept is the result of the integration of automatization, technologies, management systems and people, with the aim of anticipating and executing movements along the value chain with the greatest precision and speed while generating the lowest possible cost.
Having an effective and efficient intra-logistics system that makes a difference for the sector requires an in-depth knowledge of the opportunities that technologies, digital tools and people can offer. This training action brings knowledge to the logistics function about the challenges and scenarios that arise to optimize its current performance as well as to facilitate the deployment of the future concept.
This course is taught in Spanish
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array(1) {
string(0) ""
string(120) "June 26th and 27th, from 8:00 to 15:00.
At the AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano).
LENGTH: 14 hours"
string(391) "Attendees will be able to identify the main actions to go through in their companies to cause a qualitative leap in the management of their internal logistics, covering their strategy, organization, operational processes, physical plane (automation/technologies) and logical plane (digitalization/information flow); deploying conventional as well as advanced actions related to industry 4.0."
string(144) "Managers and technicians mainly related to the areas of Logistics, Engineering, Production, digital transformation, industry 4.0 and operations."
string(1795) "Autonomous, agile and flexible logistics as a challenge.Traditional internal logistics
1. Balance of the trinomial: Service – Productivity – Inventories.
2. Efficiency:
Supply chain management and service level.
Warehouse design: Storage and picking system
Stock sizing
Point-of-use procurement and means of transport.
3. Efficiency:
Synchronised and optimised processes
Integrated partners
4. Sustainability and progress, deviation management and improvement of standards.
Targeted information and agile decision making
Analysis methods and tools
Action management
5. Practice: maturity level assessment
Advanced internal logistics
1. Flexible automation
2. New model of internal integration between logistics and production 3.
Optimized transport routes
Logistics resources as part of the production flow
Health of the key logistics resources to guarantee the cadence of production.
3. New relationship model between suppliers, customers and plant from start to finish in the overall flow:
Real-time visibility of customer needs, as well as location and status of shipments.
End-to-end traceability
4. Redefinition of internal roles and functions
5. Augmented personas with agile and complete information at the point of use.
6. Anticipation of the appearance of problems in logistical resources, deviations in the reception of material and new needs.
7. Applied technologies
The training will take place at the ASF facilities."
string(778) "AIC/ACICAE members: 710€ + VAT
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 1.000€ + VAT
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to"
array(1) {
array(5) {
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
string(0) ""
string(16896) "
10% discount from the second registration: 639€ + VAT
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 900€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(19) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(8) "14 hours"
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(35) "Advanced Automotive Intra-Logistics"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(20) "Mobility Summer Camp"
string(63) ""
string(0) ""
string(200) "Mobility Summer Camp Program at AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center – is designed under the STEAM methodology, specifically for children between 8 and 12 years old.
This program offers two weeks..."
string(1152) "
Mobility Summer Camp Program at AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center – is designed under the STEAM methodology, specifically for children between 8 and 12 years old.
This program offers two weeks full of fun, learning and group experiences. The participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the fascinating world of the sustainable mobility in an interactive and exciting way. The camp will be conducted in English.
Our team of professionals has prepared a wide variety of activities designed to stimulate creativity, encourage teamwork and awaken technological curiosity in young people.
In addition to mobility-related activities, there will also be time for outdoor play activities, recreational games and craft workshops, ensuring a balanced and enriching experience for all participants.
Join us this summer for an unforgettable experience at AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center!
Limited places
Program supported by Diputación Foral de Bizkaia | B(t) Bizkaia with the Talent | ACICAE
From 09:00h to 14:00h ⎮ With the possibility of extending hours: from 08:00h to 15:00h
Possibility of bus
string(213) "Children will have the opportunity to learn about basic concepts of vehicle design and assembly (car, motorbike and bicycle) and much more. All this in a safe environment and supervised by qualified professionals."
string(43) "Boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 12"
string(0) ""
string(11295) "AIC/ACICAE members: 210€ VAT included
Non-members AIC/ACICAE: 360€ VAT included
Extending hours: 45€
Bus: 55€
15% early registration discount: Before 30.05.2025
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
string(19) "210€ VAT Included"
string(19) "360€ VAT included"
string(70) "Extending hours: 45€
Bus: 55€"
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(67) "15% early registration discount: Before 30.05.2025"
string(19) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(2) {
array(2) {
string(12) "Brochure CAS"
string(0) ""
array(2) {
string(12) "Brochure EUS"
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(20) "Mobility Summer Camp"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(51) "Excellent Maintenance: from traditional to advanced"
string(95) ""
string(0) ""
string(196) "The reality of the maintenance world as we know it is facing major changes. The maintenance process is facing a transformation brought about by the increased level of demand, the criticality of..."
string(570) "
The reality of the maintenance world as we know it is facing major changes. The maintenance process is facing a transformation brought about by the increased level of demand, the criticality of assets, the complexity of manufacturing technologies and the digital ecosystem.
The training will take place at the ASF facilities.
Attendees will be able to interact with the maintenance solutions involved in the manufacturing line itself.
This course is taught in Spanish
array(2) {
string(60) "Course"
string(67) "On-site"
array(1) {
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string(6) "course"
string(14) "tipo_actividad"
string(0) ""
string(3) "raw"
string(6) "Course"
string(6) "course"
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
array(1) {
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string(7) "On-site"
string(7) "on-site"
string(14) "modo_actividad"
string(0) ""
string(3) "raw"
string(692) ""
string(795) ""
string(1004) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(11) "15 Jan 2025"
array(3) {
string(10) "01/10/2025"
string(5) "08:00"
string(8) "upcoming"
array(2) {
string(10) "02/10/2025"
string(5) "15:00"
array(1) {
string(0) ""
string(117) "October, 1st and 2nd, from 8:00 to 15:00.
At AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano)
LENGTH: 14 hours"
string(211) "Attendees will be able to identify the main actions to be carried out in their companies in terms of maintenance, both conventional actions to improve the reliability of assets and those related to industry 4.0."
string(77) "Managers and technicians related to the areas of Engineering and Maintenance."
string(1518) "Traditional maintenance:
1. Maintenance efficiency, one of the pillars of profitability.
Focusing efforts on what is important
Reliability and first time through: robust diagnosis, standardization and training of people.
Reduction of fixed assets through optimization of spare parts.
2. Maintenance efficiency by increasing equipment capacity.
Optimized processes
Integrated partners
3. Sustainability and process, correction of deviations and improvement of standards.
Anticipation through the application of intelligence
Knowledge generation
Increased technical knowledge through agile and complete information at the point of use.
2. ASF Practice: Intelligent monitoring of asset health status:
Hands-on experience of monitoring, analysis and decision making using the ASF manufacturing pipeline.
3. Industry 4.0 impact on:
Organization and functions.
Advanced techniques
Management systems
Enabling technologies
string(794) "AIC/ACICAE members: 710€ (VAT not included).
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 1.000€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: AIC Foundation-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to"
array(1) {
array(5) {
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
string(0) ""
string(16964) "
10% discount from the second registration: 639€ + VAT
string(98) "
10% discount from the second registration: 900€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(19) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(8) "14 hours"
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(51) "Excellent Maintenance: from traditional to advanced"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(31) "KAM-Key Account Manager Program"
string(76) ""
string(0) ""
string(200) "The drastic changes that are happening in the world are affecting the entire buying and selling strategy of automotive components.
The KAM-KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER Advanced Programme seeks to provide..."
string(676) "
The drastic changes that are happening in the world are affecting the entire buying and selling strategy of automotive components.
The KAM-KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER Advanced Programme seeks to provide an understanding of the OEMs and TIER 1s’ requirements in order to develop a successful price negotiation strategy in this new context.
The goal is to help professionals gain the necessary skills to work with OEMs and TIER1s and to achieve the best conditions in the negotiation of their contracts, in the context of the current crisis..
Understand the purchasing strategies of OEMs and Tier 1s and the interests of buyers.
Develop tactics to relieve the pressure in the negotiation of prices until reaching a beneficial final agreement.
Acquire knowledge, skills and abilities for prevention, management and resolutionof conflict.
Learn about aspects of psychology in order to apply them to the negotiation.
Adopt effective mechanisms to counter OEMs pressure to reduce prices to pre-crisis levels.
string(236) "
General Directors, Commercial Directors, Project Leaders and Account Managers who deal with clients.
Any professional who wants to develop his/her skills in order to improve negotiations with clients.
string(1394) "MODULE 1: Price negotiations with OEMs – History, Basics and current context
Price negotiation. Common requests for price reduction and their conditions. Strategy preparation to face a price negotiation. New purchasing strategies and supplier selection process. The buyer role and the balance in the negotiation. The power of argumentation and how to achieve an agreement.
MODULE 2:Price Negotiations in Turbulent Times
Helpful tools to counter back the intense pressure of the OEMs to reduce prices down to the pre-crisis level – Negotiating price increases and defend prices with shrinking indices.
MODULE 3:Psychology and Dramatics in Tough Price Negotiations
Psychology in negotiation. How to spot rule-breaking, manipulation attempts, and intentional escalation of negotiation drama. How to regain control of the negotiation from a weak position.
MODULE 4 (OPTIONAL): No Longer Competitive?: The Threat of China
Through an intensive one-day session, teams consisting of at least one executive and one or more key account managers will work together to develop concrete strategies, explore internal structural changes, and learn how to “smartly” break rules and specifications."
string(784) "AIC/ACICAE members: 2.500€ + VAT | 830€ + VAT (optional module)
Non-AIC ACICAE members: 2.950€ + VAT | 985€ + VAT (optional module)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
PAYMENT METHOD:Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to
Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(1) {
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string(21) "Enrol to this program"
string(0) ""
string(16964) "
string(47) "2.500€ + VAT | 830€ + VAT (optional module)"
string(47) "2.950€ + VAT | 985€ + VAT (optional module)"
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(58) "10% discount from the second registration"
string(19) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(8) "32 hours"
array(1) {
array(2) {
string(8) "Download"
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(31) "KAM-Key Account Manager Program"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(26) "Master Experto Automoción"
string(70) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "DESCRIPCIÓN:
Desde AIC lanzamos la séptima edición del Master Experto en Automoción, pensado para que comiences tu carrera profesional en el mundo de la movilidad de una manera efectiva. En..."
string(2919) "
Desde AIC lanzamos la séptima edición del Master Experto en Automoción, pensado para que comiences tu carrera profesional en el mundo de la movilidad de una manera efectiva. En esta edición se presentan muchas novedades.
PROGRAMA AVANZADO – Desde el primer día, te facilitaremos la experiencia que necesitas para trabajar con los más exigentes fabricantes de vehículos y proveedores de componentes, mientras aceleras tu aprendizaje con nuestra metodología exclusiva learning by doing.
DESARROLLO DISTINTOS PROYECTOS – Las personas seleccionadas para este programa trabajarán en un vehículo eléctrico o en la fabricación avanzada de componentes, donde desarrollarán distintos proyectos.
CUMPLIR RETOS Y PROBAR CONOCIMIENTO – AIC pondrá desafíos que obligarán a concebir, diseñar, fabricar, integrar y validar componentes y probar su factibilidad.
100% Conocimiento Avanzado
95% Continúan su carrera profesional en nuestro ecosistema al acabar el Master
25% Con becas para continuar en AIC una vez finalizado el Master
En esta edición, podrás elegir la modalidad que mejor se ajuste a tus necesidades formativas, seleccionando cualquiera de los siguientes sistemas:
MODALIDAD A – ONLINE: octubre a diciembre
Podrás formarte desde cualquier parte del mundo mediante formación online que te permitirán alcanzar un nivel de conocimiento muy alto y particularizado. Adicionalmente, tendrás sesiones peródicas con los tutores para resolver dudas. Obtendrás un Diploma en Automoción.
MODALIDAD B – ONLINE & PRESENCIAL: octubre a diciembre (online) | enero a junio (presencial)
Con este sistema podrás contar con todas las ventajas del formato online y, además, podrásponer en práctica la formación mediante retos ejecutados de manera presencial durante 5 meses en AIC. Obtendrás un Master en Automoción.
MODALIDAD C – PRESENCIAL:octubre a junio
Mediante este sistema tendrás la posibilidad de formarte durante 9 meses en las instalaciones de AIC desarrollando un vehículo eléctrico o trabajando en nuestro Centro de Competencia de Fabricación Avanzada desde el minuto uno, de manera práctica, junto a los tutores. Obtendrás un Master en Automoción."
string(853) "
Formar a futuros profesionales del sector de una manera integral
Dotarles de los mejores valores, conocimientos y herramientas para ser líderes en el sector
Facilitarles el acceso al mercado laboral con las empresas del ecosistema AIC"
string(2132) "
Dirigido principalmente a:
Graduados universitarios y/o posgraduados en carreras técnicas
Graduados superiores en áreas técnicas – Formación Profesional
Profesionales con menos de cinco años de experiencia en empresa
Apasionados por automoción con conocimientos técnicos – aplica solo para la Modalidad A
Se buscan personas con interés en:
Diseño, Mecánica, Electrificación, Electrónica, Programación Software, Dinámica vehicular, Fabricación e IA
Desarrollar una carrera profesional al más alto nivel en el sector de automoción
Modalidad B – Online & Presencial: octubre a diciembre (online) | enero a junio (presencial)
Modalidad C – Presencial: octubre a junio
array(0) {
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string(38) ""
string(8) "upcoming"
string(26) "Master Experto Automoción"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(38) "APQP-CP-PPAP + APQP Practical Workshop"
string(81) ""
string(0) ""
string(202) "Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) is the methodology to be followed by the manufacturer or supplier to arrive at a finished product. It is very important in complex projects because it greatly..."
string(890) "
Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) is the methodology to be followed by the manufacturer or supplier to arrive at a finished product. It is very important in complex projects because it greatly facilitates communication between the parties involved, whether they are internal departments of an organization or customers and suppliers. The Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) is intended to ensure that all customer engineering records and specifications are clearly understood. Although similar to APQP, its focus is on the approval of a product that has already gone through the APQP process.
REMARKS: It is recommended that each attendee brings his or her own computer. In order to evaluate previous knowledge of the subject, an individual questionnaire must be completed beforehand.
To acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge to:
Incorporate the APQP process in the organization.
Elaborate the necessary documentation for the APQP process.
Identify when to develop and how to use different types of control plans.
Identify PPAP requirements.
Obtain tools to incorporate the PPAP process in our relationships with customers.
Develop the necessary PPAP documentation: The PSW (Part Submission Certificate).
string(130) "
Professionals from the automotive sector in the areas of quality, product engineering, processes and production.
string(1452) "
APQP – Advanced Product Quality Planning.
Introduction and fundamentals of APQP.
Relationship with the IATF 16949:2016 standard.
Product quality planning cycle.
Phase 1. Product planning and definition.
Phase 2. Product design and development.
Phase 3. Process design and development.
Phase 4. Product and process validation.
Phase 5. Feedback, evaluation and corrective actions.
CP – Control Plan
Purpose and scope. Relationship to IATF 16949:2016.
Sample size and frequency.
Control methods. Reaction plans.
Examples and practical exercise.
PPAP – Production Part Approval Process.
Introduction and purpose.
Relationship to IATF 16949:2016.
Meaningful production.
The 18 PPAP requirements.
Customer notifications and PPAP levels.
Detailed review of the PSW.
Customer specific requirements.
string(932) "
AIC/ACICAE members: 650€ + VAT
Non-members AIC/ACICAE: 835€ + VAT
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Lunch included.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to"
array(1) {
array(5) {
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
string(0) ""
string(16964) "
string(12) "650€ + VAT"
string(12) "835€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(48) "10% discount from the second registration"
string(19) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(8) "12 hours"
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(38) "APQP-CP-PPAP + APQP Practical Workshop"
array(2) {
string(4) "Past"
array(39) {
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(32) "Advanced Electromobility Program"
string(92) ""
string(0) ""
string(202) "The electrification of vehicles is an unstoppable process that needs to be understood and managed, as we are experiencing a significant increase in the number of models on our roads. For this reason,..."
string(932) "
The electrification of vehicles is an unstoppable process that needs to be understood and managed, as we are experiencing a significant increase in the number of models on our roads. For this reason, AIC is launching the 4th edition of the Advanced Electromobility Program which aims to provide in a systematic and practical way, the keys to understand the electrified vehicle, the implications in each function of the vehicle and how to integrate it into the activity of each company. This pioneering program is especially designed for companies that manufacture components for electrified vehicles but want to understand the full implications for the whole vehicle and its manufacturing.
On this occasion, as a novelty, a HYDROGEN module will be added. In addition, participants will be able to benefit from a special BENCHMARK BYD SEAL experience.
This program is taught in Spanish
array(2) {
string(62) "Program"
string(83) "On-line/On-site"
array(1) {
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string(0) ""
string(3) "raw"
string(7) "Program"
string(7) "program"
string(21) "Enrol to this program"
array(1) {
object(WP_Term)#15519 (10) {
string(15) "On-line/On-site"
string(15) "on-line-on-site"
string(14) "modo_actividad"
string(0) ""
string(3) "raw"
string(976) ""
string(1119) ""
string(1408) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(11) "15 Jan 2025"
array(3) {
string(10) "06/03/2025"
string(5) "09:00"
string(4) "past"
array(2) {
string(10) "13/03/2025"
string(5) "00:00"
array(1) {
string(0) ""
string(189) "Online: March, 6th and 7th, 2025
On-site: March, 11th, 12th and 13th, 2025
DURATION: 30 + 4* hours
*On-site session (optional) (Hydrogen)"
string(155) "To facilitate the comprehensive knowledge of vehicle electrification to companies that are working in the manufacture of components for this market segment"
string(73) "Professionals who are specializing in different areas of electrification."
string(4124) "Introduction and basics of H&EV´s – online – Day 1: from 09.30h to 12.30h
Overview of the automotive sector
Factors for the introduction of H&EVs in the market
Barriers for the entry of H&EVs
Current market situation
Future trends
Powertrain in the H&EV’s – online – Day 2: from 09.30h to 12.30h
H&EV Conceptualization
H&EV Typology
Alternative propulsion architectures
Powertrain characterization variables
Driving cycles: WLTP
Impact of electrification
Electric engines – on-site – Day 3: from 09.00h to 13.00h
General Concepts
Types of engines
Electric engine design parameters
Selection of basic electric engine specifications
Controller (Driver)
Kinematic characterization of the Powertrain – on-site – Day 3: from 14.00h to 16.00h
Description of powertrain components
Sizing of powertrain components
Study of vehicle performance
Electric vehicle driving characteristics
Electronics and Control Systems – on-site – Day 3: from 16.00h to 18.00h
Main elements in ECUs
Communication between ECUs (CAN, Ethernet…)
ECU software
Programming languages
Types of ECUs
Energy storage systems (vehicle) – on-site – Day 4: from 09.00h to 13.00h
Battery Fundamentals
Battery Design Considerations
Battery electrochemistry
Current status of lithium-ion battery development
Storage system management and control mechanisms (BMS)
Battery sizing and packaging
Vehicle Charging (infrastructure) – on-site – Day 4: from 14.00h to 18.ooh
Charging system
Charging modes ( depending on communication)
Charging types ( depending on connector)
Dimensioning of the charging system depending on Powertrain characteristics
Integration in vehicle – on-site – Day 5: from 09.00h to 13.00h
Component Certification (ECE R100)
Electromagnetic compatibility
NVH (Noise, vibration and harshness) requirements
Electrical Powertrain calibration, validation and tuning
Vehicle dynamics
Electric vehicle safety – on-site – Day 5: from 14.00h to 18.00h
Physiological effects of electrical current on the human body
Personal Protective Equipment
Safety protocol for working on an EV
Maintenance of the electric drivetrain system
Repairing an EV
EV diagnostics
Hydrogen – Optional Module – Day 6: March 14th – 9.00h-13.o0h
Introduction to the technology
Fuel Cells
Hydrogen Engines
Hydrogen in mobility
Heavy Vehicles
Other Land Vehicles (Forklifts, etc.)
Vehicle architecture
Subsystems and Equipment
Power System Operation
string(889) "AIC/ACICAE members: 2.220€ + VAT – Optional session: 440€ +VAT
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 2.800€ + VAT – Optional session: 560€ +VAT
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to"
array(0) {
string(54) "2.220€ + VAT – Optional sessión: 440€ + VAT"
string(54) "2.800€ + VAT – Optional sessión: 560€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(62) "A 10% discount from the second registration"
string(19) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(40) "30 hours + 4 (Optional session-Hydrogen)"
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(8) "upcoming"
string(32) "Advanced Electromobility Program"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(20) "AMFE AIAG-VDA manual"
string(68) ""
string(0) ""
string(197) "The AIAG & VDA FMEA Manual (published on 3-6-2019), is a normative reference to unify the development of FMEA analysis. This new version presents an innovative methodology, applicable to all..."
string(631) "
The AIAG & VDA FMEA Manual (published on 3-6-2019), is a normative reference to unify the development of FMEA analysis. This new version presents an innovative methodology, applicable to all types of FMEA and related support analysis. The FMEA-Failure and Effects Analysis technique is presented as a methodology that helps to estimate and predict failures that a product may contain in the design phase, with the aim of incorporating the components and functions of the product that guarantee its reliability, safety and compliance with the parameters.
To identify product´s and processes´s failure reasons
To evaluate the impact of failures
To establish the necessary actions to reduce risks based on objectively obtained priorities
string(173) "Quality technicians and professionals with knowledge of the IATF 16949: 2016 and those with experience in the automotive sector."
string(527) "1. Introduction:
Objective of FMEA
Types of FMEA
Project Plan
Main new developments
2.FMEA design and process realization:
Planning and preparation
Structure Analysis
Function Analysis
Failure/Failure Cause Analysis
Risk Analysis
Documentation Result
3. Case Study"
string(993) "AIC/ACICAE members: 420€ + VAT
Non-members AIC/ACICAE: 550€ +VAT
A 10% discountwill be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one worker.
PAYMENT METHOD:Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals included
Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to"
array(0) {
string(12) "420€ + VAT"
string(12) "550€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(82) "
10% discount from the second registration
string(19) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(7) "8 hours"
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(8) "upcoming"
string(20) "AMFE AIAG-VDA manual"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(45) "VDA 6.5 – Product Auditor Qualification"
string(79) ""
string(0) ""
string(193) "Product audits are becoming an essential tool for product quality assurance. VDA 6.5 is the German reference book describing how to implement this methodology, always taking into account the..."
string(691) "
Product audits are becoming an essential tool for product quality assurance. VDA 6.5 is the German reference book describing how to implement this methodology, always taking into account the customer’s vision. In this course you will acquire the necessary knowledge about product audits, how they should be planned, how to prepare audit plans and how to present results in order to draw conclusions and be able to establish subsequent actions. All this always under the prism of continuous improvement.
REMARKS: It is recommended that each attendee bring his or her own computer
December, 03rd from 9:00 to 14:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00.
At AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano)
LENGTH: 8 hours
string(299) "
The objective of this course is to analyze the requirements of the VDA 6.5 referential, as well as to provide the knowledge to plan and execute the internal audit process of this referential, in order to effectively and efficiently verify the compliance status of this referential.
string(261) "
Quality, engineering or management systems managers based on ISO/TS 16949; personnel involved in activities related to management systems; newly hired personnel in quality or systems departments, production, logistics and automotive processes.
string(371) "
Objective and scope of the product audit
Development of the product audit
Audit program
Audit plan
Execution of the product audit
Audit report
Corrective actions
Qualification of planners and auditors
Reference documents
Practical examples
string(915) "
AIC/ACICAE members: 420€ (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 540€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Lunch included.
PAYMENT METHOD: Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to
Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
A 10% discount from the second registration: 378€ + VAT
string(99) "
A 10% discount from the second registration: 486€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(19) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(45) "VDA 6.5 – Product Auditor Qualification"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(35) "Advanced Automotive Intra-Logistics"
string(77) ""
string(0) ""
string(201) "The reality of the internal logistics world as we know it in the automotive industry is facing major evolutions to transform today’s factory into an autonomous, agile and flexible environment with..."
string(975) "
The reality of the internal logistics world as we know it in the automotive industry is facing major evolutions to transform today’s factory into an autonomous, agile and flexible environment with lean inventories. This concept is the result of the integration of automatization, technologies, management systems and people, with the aim of anticipating and executing movements along the value chain with the greatest precision and speed while generating the lowest possible cost.
Having an effective and efficient intra-logistics system that makes a difference for the sector requires an in-depth knowledge of the opportunities that technologies, digital tools and people can offer. This training action brings knowledge to the logistics function about the challenges and scenarios that arise to optimize its current performance as well as to facilitate the deployment of the future concept.
This course is taught in Spanish
array(2) {
string(60) "Course"
string(67) "On-site"
array(1) {
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string(6) "course"
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
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string(0) ""
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string(692) ""
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string(1123) ""
string(11) "12 Mar 2024"
array(3) {
string(10) "20/11/2024"
string(5) "08:00"
string(4) "past"
array(2) {
string(10) "21/11/2024"
string(5) "15:00"
array(1) {
string(0) ""
string(124) "November 20th and 21st, from 8:00 to 15:00.
At the AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano).
LENGTH: 14 hours"
string(391) "Attendees will be able to identify the main actions to go through in their companies to cause a qualitative leap in the management of their internal logistics, covering their strategy, organization, operational processes, physical plane (automation/technologies) and logical plane (digitalization/information flow); deploying conventional as well as advanced actions related to industry 4.0."
string(144) "Managers and technicians mainly related to the areas of Logistics, Engineering, Production, digital transformation, industry 4.0 and operations."
string(1795) "Autonomous, agile and flexible logistics as a challenge.Traditional internal logistics
1. Balance of the trinomial: Service – Productivity – Inventories.
2. Efficiency:
Supply chain management and service level.
Warehouse design: Storage and picking system
Stock sizing
Point-of-use procurement and means of transport.
3. Efficiency:
Synchronised and optimised processes
Integrated partners
4. Sustainability and progress, deviation management and improvement of standards.
Targeted information and agile decision making
Analysis methods and tools
Action management
5. Practice: maturity level assessment
Advanced internal logistics
1. Flexible automation
2. New model of internal integration between logistics and production 3.
Optimized transport routes
Logistics resources as part of the production flow
Health of the key logistics resources to guarantee the cadence of production.
3. New relationship model between suppliers, customers and plant from start to finish in the overall flow:
Real-time visibility of customer needs, as well as location and status of shipments.
End-to-end traceability
4. Redefinition of internal roles and functions
5. Augmented personas with agile and complete information at the point of use.
6. Anticipation of the appearance of problems in logistical resources, deviations in the reception of material and new needs.
7. Applied technologies
The training will take place at the ASF facilities."
string(706) "AIC/ACICAE members: 710€ + VAT
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 1.000€ + VAT
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
PAYMENT METHOD:Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to
Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
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string(14) "1.000€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 639€ + VAT
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 900€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(19) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(35) "Advanced Automotive Intra-Logistics"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(22) "Predictive Maintenance"
string(62) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "The continuous irruption of new technologies, as well as the continuously changing conditions that any process faces, are an opportunity for maintenance management to bet on an advanced management..."
string(887) "
The continuous irruption of new technologies, as well as the continuously changing conditions that any process faces, are an opportunity for maintenance management to bet on an advanced management model where predictive, and even prescriptive maintenance, are the main players and driving forces that ensure the availability of assets, their health and maximize their useful life.
To achieve these goals requires that organizations adopt maintenance techniques appropriate to the behavior of their assets and processes, as well as embedding them in the required enabling technologies.
The training will be held at ASF’s facilities.
Participants will be able to interact with the maintenance solutions applied on the manufacturing line itself.
This course is taught in Spanish
array(2) {
string(60) "Course"
string(67) "On-site"
array(1) {
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string(0) ""
string(3) "raw"
string(6) "Course"
string(6) "course"
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
array(1) {
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string(7) "On-site"
string(7) "on-site"
string(14) "modo_actividad"
string(0) ""
string(3) "raw"
string(785) ""
string(901) ""
string(1136) ""
string(891) ""
string(1110) ""
string(10) "6 May 2024"
array(3) {
string(10) "30/10/2024"
string(5) "08:00"
string(4) "past"
array(2) {
string(10) "13/11/2024"
string(5) "15:00"
array(1) {
string(0) ""
string(139) "October 30, November 6 and November 13, 2024
At the AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano).
LENGTH: 3 days – 24 hours"
string(202) "Attendees will be trained to acquire the necessary skills to enable them to adapt and adopt the most appropriate predictive maintenance technique(s) to their own environment in the field of Maintenance."
string(191) "Managers and technicians involved in the areas of Maintenance Engineering and Industrial Performance Management. Also of relevance to Process Engineering and Production Engineering personnel."
string(3142) "Condition Monitoring – 1st session:
Introduction to the training program. Objectives and expectations of the participants
The basics of Condition Monitoring:
Introduction to CM and its importance in asset management.
Principles of asset condition monitoring.
Selection of monitoring parameters and sampling strategies.
Interpretation of monitoring data and anomaly detection
Integration of CM in predictive maintenance programs.
Condition Monitoring techniques:
Vibration analysis for machinery failure detection.
Temperature analysis and infrared thermography in equipment monitoring
Ultrasound and Acoustic Emission
Lubricant analysis and oil analysis for wear and contamination evaluation.
Electrical current monitoring and electrical signature analysis for the identification of problems in motors and electrical components.
Data, signals, diagnosis and prognosis – 2nd session:
Data analysis and signal processing:
Signal preprocessing for data analysis.
Multivariate statistical analysis of signals.
Feature extraction in signal processing.
Signal modeling and prediction using machine learning techniques.
Correlation and causation analysis in the context of signals and data.
Diagnosis and prognosis:
Fault detection and classification methods.
Modeling and simulation of diagnostic systems.
Signal analysis and data processing in diagnostics.
Forecasting techniques of expected operating lifespan and failures.
Application of machine learning algorithms in diagnosis and prognosis.
CBM, AI and Big Data – 3rd session:
Integration and Implementation of CBM systems:
Design and integration of CBM systems.
Selection of sensors for CBM.
Data integration in CBM systems.
Development of analysis algorithms for CBM.
Implementation of CBM in critical infrastructures.
Strategic management of CBM, CM, PDM and PHM
CBM strategic planning.
Selection of condition monitoring techniques.
Key performance indicators (KPIs) for CBM.
Integration of CBM in the asset life cycle.
Continuous improvement of CBM through data analysis.
Artificial Intelligence and Massive Data Analysis in the field of maintenance:
AI in Industrial Maintenance.
Big Data analytics in Maintenance.
Data analytics in
Asset optimization with AI.
OT/IT Convergence. Data integration in intelligent maintenance.
Doubts and recommendations: where do I start?
string(708) "AIC/ACICAE members: 1.000€ + VAT
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 1.750€ + VAT
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
PAYMENT METHOD:Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to
Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(14) "1.000€ + VAT"
string(14) "1.750€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 900€ + VAT
string(98) "
10% discount from the second registration: 1.575€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(19) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(22) "Predictive Maintenance"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(56) "The Robust Factory: Zero defects and minimum variability"
string(97) ""
string(0) ""
string(191) "The quality function as we know it in the automotive industry is facing a transformation caused by the increased level of demand, the criticality of assets, the complexity of manufacturing..."
string(1195) "
The quality function as we know it in the automotive industry is facing a transformation caused by the increased level of demand, the criticality of assets, the complexity of manufacturing technologies and the digital ecosystem, which make it possible to develop a robust factory with minimum variability. This concept is the result of the integration of automation, technologies, management systems and people, with the aim of anticipating the appearance of defects, as well as optimizing the working conditions of the process. Making the robust factory a reality requires in-depth knowledge of the behavior and relationship of raw materials and processes, as well as the opportunities provided by technologies, digital tools and people for their management. This training action deepens on the challenges and scenarios that are presented to the quality/process function in order to focus on 0 defects.
The training will take place at ASF’s facilities.
Attendees will be able to interact with the quality solutions applied in the manufacturing line itself.
This course is taught in Spanish
array(2) {
string(60) "Course"
string(67) "On-site"
array(1) {
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string(6) "Course"
string(6) "course"
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
array(1) {
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string(7) "On-site"
string(7) "on-site"
string(14) "modo_actividad"
string(0) ""
string(3) "raw"
string(692) ""
string(795) ""
string(1004) ""
string(902) ""
string(1123) ""
string(11) "12 Mar 2024"
array(3) {
string(10) "23/10/2024"
string(5) "08:00"
string(4) "past"
array(2) {
string(10) "24/10/2024"
string(5) "15:00"
array(1) {
string(10) "24/10/2023"
string(115) "October 23 and 24, from 8:00 to 15:00.
At AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano).
LENGTH: 14 hours"
string(270) "Attendees will be able to identify the main actions to go through in their companies at the level of robustness, both conventional actions for the minimization of process variability and those actions related to industry 4.0 for the predictive management of its quality."
string(121) "Managers and technicians related to the areas of engineering, quality, production, digital transformation and operations."
string(1595) "Traditional quality:
1. Effectiveness of the quality plan:
Focusing efforts on what is important.
First time through: robust diagnosis, standardization and training of people.
2. Efficiency in quality control, increasing team capacity;
Optimized processes
Integrated partners
Basic digitalization
3. Sustainability and process, deviation management and standards improvement
Targeted information and agile decision making
Analysis methods and tools
Action management: maturity level assessment.
Advanced Quality:
1. Keys to quality transformation:
Product quality assurance through process mastery.
In-depth knowledge of the process
Anticipation of the occurrence of problems
Traceability and traceability of the entire process
Increased people capability and decision making
Robust manufacturing with minimum variability
2. ASF Practice: Knowledge generation through multivariable modernization
Practical team experience using the ASF line.
3. Industry 4.0 application in:
Enabling technologies: inspection technologies, bit data, data analytics, machine Learning and simulation.
New operating model
Redefinition of roles and functions
4. ASF Practice: Real-time process mastery
Practical experience in a team using the ASF line.
string(750) "AIC/ACICAE members: 710€ (VAT not included).
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 1.000€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
PAYMENT METHOD:Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to
Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "710€ + VAT"
string(14) "1.000€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 639€ + VAT
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 900€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(19) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(56) "The Robust Factory: Zero defects and minimum variability"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(31) "KAM-Key Account Manager Program"
string(74) ""
string(0) ""
string(200) "The drastic changes that are happening in the world are affecting the entire buying and selling strategy of automotive components.
The KAM-KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER Advanced Programme seeks to provide..."
string(676) "
The drastic changes that are happening in the world are affecting the entire buying and selling strategy of automotive components.
The KAM-KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER Advanced Programme seeks to provide an understanding of the OEMs and TIER 1s’ requirements in order to develop a successful price negotiation strategy in this new context.
The goal is to help professionals gain the necessary skills to work with OEMs and TIER1s and to achieve the best conditions in the negotiation of their contracts, in the context of the current crisis..
Understand the purchasing strategies of OEMs and Tier 1s and the interests of buyers.
Develop tactics to relieve the pressure in the negotiation of prices until reaching a beneficial final agreement.
Acquire knowledge, skills and abilities for prevention, management and resolutionof conflict.
Learn about aspects of psychology in order to apply them to the negotiation.
Adopt effective mechanisms to counter OEMs pressure to reduce prices to pre-crisis levels.
string(236) "
General Directors, Commercial Directors, Project Leaders and Account Managers who deal with clients.
Any professional who wants to develop his/her skills in order to improve negotiations with clients.
string(985) "MODULE 1: Price negotiations with OEMs – History, Basics and current context
Price negotiation. Common requests for price reduction and their conditions. Strategy preparation to face a price negotiation. New purchasing strategies and supplier selection process. The buyer role and the balance in the negotiation. The power of argumentation and how to achieve an agreement.
MODULE 2: Price Increases and Price Defense
Helpful tools to counter back the intense pressure of the OEMs to reduce prices down to the pre-crisis level – Negotiating price increases and defend prices with shrinking indices.
MODULE 3: Psychology and Dramatics in Tough Price Negotiations
Psychology in negotiation. How to spot rule-breaking, manipulation attempts, and intentional escalation of negotiation drama. How to regain control of the negotiation from a weak position."
string(718) "AIC/ACICAE members: 2.500€ + VAT
Non-AIC ACICAE members: 2.950€ + VAT
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
PAYMENT METHOD:Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to
Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(14) "2.500€ + VAT"
string(14) "2.950€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(98) "
10% discount from the second registration: 2.250€ + VAT
string(98) "
10% discount from the second registration: 2.655€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(19) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(1) {
array(2) {
string(8) "Download"
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(31) "KAM-Key Account Manager Program"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(51) "Excellent Maintenance: from traditional to advanced"
string(92) ""
string(0) ""
string(196) "The reality of the maintenance world as we know it is facing major changes. The maintenance process is facing a transformation brought about by the increased level of demand, the criticality of..."
string(570) "
The reality of the maintenance world as we know it is facing major changes. The maintenance process is facing a transformation brought about by the increased level of demand, the criticality of assets, the complexity of manufacturing technologies and the digital ecosystem.
The training will take place at the ASF facilities.
Attendees will be able to interact with the maintenance solutions involved in the manufacturing line itself.
This course is taught in Spanish
array(2) {
string(60) "Course"
string(67) "On-site"
array(1) {
object(WP_Term)#17999 (10) {
string(6) "Course"
string(6) "course"
string(14) "tipo_actividad"
string(0) ""
string(3) "raw"
string(6) "Course"
string(6) "course"
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
array(1) {
object(WP_Term)#18003 (10) {
string(7) "On-site"
string(7) "on-site"
string(14) "modo_actividad"
string(0) ""
string(3) "raw"
string(692) ""
string(795) ""
string(1004) ""
string(902) ""
string(1123) ""
string(11) "12 Mar 2024"
array(3) {
string(10) "25/09/2024"
string(5) "08:00"
string(4) "past"
array(2) {
string(10) "26/09/2024"
string(5) "15:00"
array(1) {
string(0) ""
string(121) "September, 25th and 26th, from 8:00 to 15:00.
At AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano)
LENGTH: 14 hours"
string(211) "Attendees will be able to identify the main actions to be carried out in their companies in terms of maintenance, both conventional actions to improve the reliability of assets and those related to industry 4.0."
string(77) "Managers and technicians related to the areas of Engineering and Maintenance."
string(1518) "Traditional maintenance:
1. Maintenance efficiency, one of the pillars of profitability.
Focusing efforts on what is important
Reliability and first time through: robust diagnosis, standardization and training of people.
Reduction of fixed assets through optimization of spare parts.
2. Maintenance efficiency by increasing equipment capacity.
Optimized processes
Integrated partners
3. Sustainability and process, correction of deviations and improvement of standards.
Anticipation through the application of intelligence
Knowledge generation
Increased technical knowledge through agile and complete information at the point of use.
2. ASF Practice: Intelligent monitoring of asset health status:
Hands-on experience of monitoring, analysis and decision making using the ASF manufacturing pipeline.
3. Industry 4.0 impact on:
Organization and functions.
Advanced techniques
Management systems
Enabling technologies
string(506) "AIC/ACICAE members: 710€ (VAT not included).
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 1.000€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: AIC Foundation-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "710€ + VAT"
string(14) "1.000€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(98) "
10% discount from the second registration: 639€ + VAT
string(98) "
10% discount from the second registration: 900€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(19) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(51) "Excellent Maintenance: from traditional to advanced"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(34) "8D methodology for problem solving"
string(76) ""
string(0) ""
string(202) "The success and competitiveness of companies today are directly related to the quality of their products or services. This requires, in case of failures, the use of appropriate methodologies to solve..."
string(705) "
The success and competitiveness of companies today are directly related to the quality of their products or services. This requires, in case of failures, the use of appropriate methodologies to solve the nonconformity. To this end, problem solving based on the 8D methodology in the production process in the automotive industry evidenced effective results such as the elimination of nonconformities, responding to customer expectations and providing financial performance.
Prior to the training, a questionnaire must be completed in order to evaluate the previous knowledge of each attendee.
To know the 8D format used in automotive and PDCA.
To understand the importance of solving the root of the problems.
To develop the 8 disciplines for problem solving.
To deepen the use of tools and techniques used in 8D.
To promote teamwork.
string(225) "Managers, technicians, internal auditors and professionals of the automotive sector involved in the quality management system. Personnel involved in problem solving, especially quality, engineering and production, purchasing."
string(777) "1. Presentation of the method: Why use a problem solving methodology?
2. Principle of operation: 8D and PDCA
3. Case study of a common thread – problem definition
4. Presentation of 8D and resolution
The 8 steps
Analysis of quality tools applicable at each stage
Resolution of the case
5. Follow-up of the 8D
6. Techniques for root cause analysis: Ishikawa and 5 whys.
D1: Formation of the team
D2: Problem definition
D3: Containment actions
D4: Root cause analysis
D5: Final solution
D6: Solution implementation
D7: Prevention
D8: Closure and celebration
string(705) "AIC/ACICAE members: 420 euros (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 540 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals are included.
PAYMENT METHOD:Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "420€ + VAT"
string(12) "540€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(99) "
A 10% discount from the second registration: 378€ + VAT
string(99) "
A 10% discount from the second registration: 486€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(19) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
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string(4) "past"
string(34) "8D methodology for problem solving"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(39) "SPC – Statistical Process Control"
string(71) ""
string(0) ""
string(200) "SPC is a lean tool that provides a scientific basis for defining optimal controls that replace the need to inspect all products, thus minimizing control costs while ensuring that the final products..."
string(399) "
SPC is a lean tool that provides a scientific basis for defining optimal controls that replace the need to inspect all products, thus minimizing control costs while ensuring that the final products are free of defects
It is recommended that each attendee brings his or her own computer.
Manage the techniques and basic principles of Statistical Quality Control, to achieve an effective implementation of quality control in the company.
Its use helps to greatly reduce quality problems in the launching of new products. Its knowledge is a necessity for the professional who seeks to be successful in the automotive industry.
Statistical Process Control (SPC) is a statistical control with a well-defined orientation towards automotive processes. It could be substituted by any statistical quality control but its status as a document issued by AIAG makes it practically normative.
string(164) "Technicians and/or quality managers and professionals with knowledge of the IATF 16949:2016 manual, and/or professionals with experience in the automotive sector."
string(555) "
Introduction, purpose and scope.
Relationship with the IATF 16949:2016 standard.
Prevention vs. detection approach
Measures of central tendency and dispersion
Variation: normal and special causes
Stable processes and unstable processes
Control charts by variables and attributes
Interpretation of control charts
Control charts for individual measurements
Capability studies (Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk)
Exercises (90 min)
string(502) "AIC/ACICAE members: 420€ (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 540€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "420€ + VAT"
string(12) "540€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 378€ + VAT
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 486€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(24) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
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string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(8) "upcoming"
string(39) "SPC – Statistical Process Control"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(20) "Mobility Summer Camp"
string(61) ""
string(0) ""
string(200) "Mobility Summer Camp Program at AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center – is designed under the STEAM methodology, specifically for children between 8 and 12 years old.
This program offers two weeks..."
string(1245) "
Mobility Summer Camp Program at AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center – is designed under the STEAM methodology, specifically for children between 8 and 12 years old.
This program offers two weeks full of fun, learning and group experiences. The participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the fascinating world of the sustainable mobility in an interactive and exciting way.
Our team of professionals has prepared a variety of activities designed to stimulate creativity, encourage teamwork and awaken scientific curiosity in young people.
In addition to mobility-related activities, there will also be time for outdoor play activities, recreational games and craft workshops, ensuring a balanced and enriching experience for all participants.
Join us this summer for an unforgettable experience at AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center!
Maximum 15 kids
The camp will be conducted in Spanish, but will include some activities in English.
Program Partners: Orbea ⎮ ACICAE
Program supported by Diputación Foral de Bizkaia for the promotion of talent
From 09:00h to 14:00h ⎮ With the possibility of extending hours: from 08:00h to 15:00h
string(239) "Children will have the opportunity to learn about basic concepts of sustainable mobility, design and assembly of vehicles (car, motorbike and bicycle) and much more. All this in a safe environment and supervised by qualified professionals."
string(43) "Boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 12"
string(0) ""
string(423) "AIC/ACICAE members: 210€ VAT included
Non-members AIC/ACICAE: 360€ VAT included
Extending hours: 45€
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
The automotive sector is a strategic sector in advanced societies. Its levels of management, productivity, innovation, quality and employment are decisive in assessing the development of modern economies.
Aware of this, AIC wants to facilitate the knowledge of the challenges of the sustainable mobility to the new generations of students who are about to choose their specialities and their professional development.
To this end, it offers them an experiential programme where they can learn about the design and manufacturing process of different electric vehicles such as a bicycle or a buggy.
Throughout a week of work at AIC, we will promote knowledge in different fundamental subjects and in the values associated with the sector. To do this, we will have the tutors of the Centre who will be their guides throughout the days.
Program partners: Orbea ⎮ 42 Urduliz ⎮ ACICAE
This program is taught in Spanish
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string(67) "On-site"
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string(21) "Enrol to this program"
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string(852) ""
string(977) ""
string(1230) ""
string(1022) ""
string(1273) ""
string(11) "12 Mar 2024"
array(3) {
string(10) "24/06/2024"
string(5) "09:00"
string(4) "past"
array(2) {
string(10) "28/06/2024"
string(5) "00:00"
array(1) {
string(0) ""
string(149) "June, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th, 2024
Monday to Thursday: From 09.00h to 17.00h
Friday: From 09.00h to 14.30h
LENGTH: 40 hours"
string(181) "To gain first-hand knowledge of the world of the sustainable mobility and, in particular, vehicle electrification, paying special attention to the values that underlie the industry."
string(45) "Aimed at students between 15 and 17 years old"
string(139) "
Sector knowledge
Design and simulation
Vehicle manufacturing
Project management
string(400) "730€ VAT included
450€ for early registration. Deadline: May 31st
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(89) "730€ VAT included
450€ for early registration. Deadline: May 31st"
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(24) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(2) {
array(2) {
string(12) "Brochure CAS"
string(72) ""
array(2) {
string(12) "Brochure EUS"
string(76) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(33) "Junior Mobility Inmersion Program"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(69) "IMDS (Theory and Workshop) – International Material Data System"
string(101) ""
string(0) ""
string(193) "In the automotive sector, automakers are being encouraged to establish a strategic alliance to develop a common Information Technology system to collect data on product materials, called the..."
string(579) "
In the automotive sector, automakers are being encouraged to establish a strategic alliance to develop a common Information Technology system to collect data on product materials, called the International Material Data System (IMDS), which will allow manufacturers of every part of the supply chain to enter data on their products. As a hierarchical database, it will enable car manufacturers to collect information at different levels in order to provide reports on the composition of the vehicle itself.
To become familiar with the International Material Data System (IMDS) and its interface.
To enter the information correctly in the Material Data Sheets (MDS).
To know about the different shipping options of the Material Data Sheets (MDS).
string(164) "Engineers, supervisors, quality and / or environmental technicians of manufacturing companies in the automotive sector."
string(1519) "
Introduction to IMSD
Main Menu
Material Data Sheet (MDS). Identification and data entry:
Basic substances
Deconstruction of level assembly parts
Sending Material Data Sheet (MDS) to customers
Practical Part
Data Tree Structure-Rules and Guidelines
Creation of Data Sheets (MDS)
Log On/work windows
Search – rules and guides
Loading an MDS
Reviewing an MDS
Issuing a data sheet (MDS)
Submit / propose / internal / publish
MDS request
Accept / reject MDS
Status Review
MDS Correction
Administration Options
User registration / deregistration
Report generation
Customer specific requirements
string(661) "AIC/ACICAE members: 420 euros (VAT not included)
Non-members AIC/ACICAE: 540 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals are included.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
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string(12) "540€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 378€ + VAT
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 486€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(24) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(69) "IMDS (Theory and Workshop) – International Material Data System"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(80) "Procurement & Negotiation / Total Cost Reduction and Negotiation Techniques"
string(111) ""
string(0) ""
string(201) "The Purchasing Management course is designed to strengthen the skills in this strategic area of any organization, while providing an in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles of the tools..."
string(583) "
The Purchasing Management course is designed to strengthen the skills in this strategic area of any organization, while providing an in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles of the tools to drive efficiency and effectiveness in supply chain purchasing management.
Throughout the program, we will explore three fundamental pillars to achieve excellence in purchasing management: Principles of Continuous Improvement in Purchasing, Processes and Improvement Tools, and Negotiation Techniques.
Implement sustainable improvements in the purchasing function in addition to improving cost objectives.
Define the right strategy for efficient and effective purchasing.
Master the purchasing management tools according to the company’s strategy.
Define the organizational keys of the overall purchasing process.
Adequately measure the improvement of results.
Integrate suppliers into the value chain.
Understand the appropriate negotiation strategy for the type of purchasing process to be addressed.
Strategically prepare your negotiations according to the type of purchasing process you need to engage in.
Master the negotiation skills.
string(446) "
Purchasing Managers
Project Managers
Engineering and Maintenance Managers
Logistics and Supply Chain Managers
Also to improvement developers, directors, middle management and support professionals.
string(1473) "
Waste vs. Added value.
Key indicators.
Definition and calculation method.
Price index.
Planning, analysis and definition of purchasing and supply strategy.
Organizational structures to support efficient and effective processes.
Roles and responsibilities in supply chain management.
Process for selecting the best supply option.
Make or Buy strategic and operational. Manufacture or subcontract.
Design products and processes for cost reduction and value enhancement.
Value Analysis, Value Engineering.
Optimization of the purchasing process: Elimination of non-value steps and quality assurance.
Design and implementation of supplier management and continuous improvement process.
Commodity negotiation and strategic product negotiation.
Planning, analysis and definition of purchasing and supply strategy.
string(528) "AIC/ACICAE members: 750€ (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 890 € (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied on the second or more people registered to companies that send more than one employee.
(*) Material will be posted on the web.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "750€ + VAT"
string(12) "890€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 675€ + VAT
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 801€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(24) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(80) "Procurement & Negotiation / Total Cost Reduction and Negotiation Techniques"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(41) "Conflict Resolution for Middle Management"
string(83) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "Middle managers are faced with the thankless task of dealing with personal conflicts between colleagues, and sometimes they are part of the conflict themselves. And anything that is related to the..."
string(484) "
Middle managers are faced with the thankless task of dealing with personal conflicts between colleagues, and sometimes they are part of the conflict themselves. And anything that is related to the people in the team always involves extra effort in terms of treatment and effort. This course aims to change the approach to problems and, as a result, the strategy for dealing with them from a people perspective.
To deepen in the importance of communication as a management tool, with special emphasis on labor conflicts in the company.
To analyze the elements that favor a good work environment and those that can enhance the opposite environment.
Define actions to generate healthy environments.
Identify specific tactics to address conflicts.
string(117) "Project Managers and potential Project Managers, Team Managers with a strong technical profile and middle management."
string(692) "1.Communication as a management tool.
Purposes. Medium and long term consequences
Strategy and Marketing
Keys for the argumentation
2.Environments with less conflicts. Prevention
The fluidity of relationships.
Trust with a pivotal point
Listening as a tool
3.Elements that favor conflict
How do “noises” increase?
Power, authority and their gaps
Emotional vs. rational
4. Conflict management
Operational and interpersonal tactics
Conflict mediation
string(646) "AIC/ACICAE members: 320€ (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 445€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals included."
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string(12) "445€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 288€ + VAT
string(99) "
10% discount from the second registration: 400,50€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(24) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(41) "Conflict Resolution for Middle Management"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(54) "Advanced Electromobility Program – Hybrid format"
string(87) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "The electrification of vehicles is an unstoppable process that needs to be known and managed, since we are experiencing an exponential growth of this trend. For this reason, AIC is launching a new..."
string(744) "
The electrification of vehicles is an unstoppable process that needs to be known and managed, since we are experiencing an exponential growth of this trend. For this reason, AIC is launching a new edition of the Advanced Electromobility Program which aims to provide in a systematic and practical way, the keys to understand the electrified vehicle, the implications in each function of the vehicle and how to integrate it into the activity of each company. This pioneering program is especially designed for those companies that manufacture components for vehicles but want to understand all the implications in the vehicle as a whole and in its manufacturing process.
This program is taught in Spanish
array(2) {
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string(83) "On-line/On-site"
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string(7) "Program"
string(7) "program"
string(21) "Enrol to this program"
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string(0) ""
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string(722) ""
string(829) ""
string(920) ""
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string(11) "12 Mar 2024"
array(3) {
string(10) "13/05/2024"
string(5) "09:00"
string(4) "past"
array(2) {
string(10) "23/05/2024"
string(5) "00:00"
array(1) {
string(0) ""
string(132) "Online: May, 13th and 17th, 2024
On-site: May, 21st, 22nd and 23rd, 2024
DURATION: 30 hours"
string(155) "To facilitate the comprehensive knowledge of vehicle electrification to companies that are working in the manufacture of components for this market segment"
string(73) "Professionals who are specializing in different areas of electrification."
string(3384) "Introduction and basics of H&EV´s – online – Day 1: from 09.30h to 12.30h
Overview of the automotive sector
Factors for the introduction of H&EVs in the market
Barriers for the entry of H&EVs
Current market situation
Future trends
Powertrain in the H&EV’s – online – Day 2: from 09.30h to 12.30h
H&EV Conceptualization
H&EV Typology
Alternative propulsion architectures
Powertrain characterization variables
Driving cycles: WLTP
Impact of electrification
Electric engines – on-site – Day 3: from 09.00h to 13.00h
General Concepts
Types of engines
Electric engine design parameters
Selection of basic electric engine specifications
Controller (Driver)
Kinematic characterization of the Powertrain – on-site – Day 3: from 14.00h to 16.00h
Description of powertrain components
Sizing of powertrain components
Study of vehicle performance
Electric vehicle driving characteristics
Electronics and Control Systems – on-site – Day 3: from 16.00h to 18.00h
Main elements in ECUs
Communication between ECUs (CAN, Ethernet…)
ECU software
Programming languages
Types of ECUs
Energy storage systems (vehicle) – on-site – Day 4: from 09.00h to 13.00h
Battery Fundamentals
Battery Design Considerations
Battery electrochemistry
Current status of lithium-ion battery development
Storage system management and control mechanisms (BMS)
Battery sizing and packaging
Vehicle Charging (infrastructure) – on-site – Day 4: from 14.00h to 18.ooh
Charging system
Charging modes ( depending on communication)
Charging types ( depending on connector)
Dimensioning of the charging system depending on Powertrain characteristics
Integration in vehicle – on-site – Day 5: from 09.00h to 13.00h
Component Certification (ECE R100)
Electromagnetic compatibility
NVH (Noise, vibration and harshness) requirements
Electrical Powertrain calibration, validation and tuning
Vehicle dynamics
Electric vehicle safety – on-site – Day 5: from 14.00h to 18.00h
Physiological effects of electrical current on the human body
Personal Protective Equipment
Safety protocol for working on an EV
Maintenance of the electric drivetrain system
Repairing an EV
EV diagnostics
string(524) "AIC/ACICAE members: 2.220€ + VAT
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 2.800€ + VAT
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(14) "2.220€ + VAT"
string(14) "2.800€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(62) "A 10% discount from the second registration"
string(24) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(1) {
array(2) {
string(7) "Folleto"
string(70) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(54) "Advanced Electromobility Program – Hybrid format"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(47) "How to turn a Technician into a People Manager?"
string(88) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "In many organizations, internal promotion processes have been carried out on the basis of promoting good professionals at the technical level to a management function in recognition of their work...."
string(517) "
In many organizations, internal promotion processes have been carried out on the basis of promoting good professionals at the technical level to a management function in recognition of their work. This decision, good in the short term because of its implications for the individual and for the organization, can generate dysfunctions in the medium and long term. This workshop aims to facilitate the transition to a people management function.
Decide what is the rol of each employee in my activity
Set out the key elements to lead people
Propose simple techniques to favor relationships between people
string(97) "Intermediate Managers, Team Managers and potential Team Managers with a strong technical profile."
string(1086) "
Situation 1:If I already do my job, do I now also have to do with people? One more thing?
Situation 2:What do people want from my team?
Situation 3:If facility maintenance is a natural procedure, what do I do with the people?
Situation 4:What’s in it for me if I also deal with people?
Situation 5:When I make an unfortunate decision with a team member, what happens?
Situation 6:I want to do it right, but I don’t know how to do it.
With the development of each situation, the following is raised:
Detailed analysis of the situation
Proposal of actions and measures to deal with the situation (repertoire).
How to transfer these repertoires to similar situations
string(656) "AIC/ACICAE members: 320€ (VAT not included)
Non-members AIC/ACICAE: 445€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals are included.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "320€ + VAT"
string(12) "445€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 288€ + VAT
string(99) "
10% discount from the second registration: 400,50€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(24) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(47) "How to turn a Technician into a People Manager?"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(47) "Calculating the carbon footprint in the company"
string(87) ""
string(0) ""
string(200) "The objective of this course is to learn about the carbon footprint as a methodology for calculating the environmental cost of an organization, product or service, analyze the available calculation..."
string(299) "
The objective of this course is to learn about the carbon footprint as a methodology for calculating the environmental cost of an organization, product or service, analyze the available calculation tools and their validation.
Review the regulatory framework on the environmental Footprint.
Use the Environmental Footprint as a methodology to calculate the environmental cost of an organization, product or service.
Analyze the available calculation tools and their verification.
string(119) "Professionals and technical staff who are interested in calculating the carbon footprint incurred by their organization"
string(271) "
Environmental footprint
Normative framework (ISO 14060, 14064, 14067 and Ghg protocol series)
Definition of the objectives and scope
Calculation methodology
Calculation tools
string(527) "AIC/ACICAE members: 240€ (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 300€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied on the second or more people registered to companies that send more than one employee.
(*) Material will be posted on the web.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "240€ + VAT"
string(12) "300€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(89) "10% discountfrom the second registration: 216€ + VAT"
string(89) "10% discountfrom the second registration: 270€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(24) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(47) "Calculating the carbon footprint in the company"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(33) "Internal Auditor IATF 16949: 2016"
string(74) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "IATF 16949:2016 (formerly ISO/ TS 16949:2009) is a global standard developed by the IATF (International Automotive Task Force), a group consisting of leading manufacturers and trade organizations...."
string(727) "
IATF 16949:2016 (formerly ISO/ TS 16949:2009) is a global standard developed by the IATF (International Automotive Task Force), a group consisting of leading manufacturers and trade organizations. Its objective is the development of a quality management system that enables continuous improvement, with an emphasis on preventing defects and reducing ariation and waste in the supply chain. The automotive QMS standard defines the quality management system requirements for the design and development, production and, where relevant, assembly, installation and service of automotive-related products, including products with embedded software.
10% discount from the second registration: 792€ + VAT
string(98) "
10% discount from the second registration: 972€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(24) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(33) "Internal Auditor IATF 16949: 2016"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(78) ""
string(0) ""
string(202) "Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) is the methodology to be followed by the manufacturer or supplier to arrive at a finished product. It is very important in complex projects because it greatly..."
string(841) "
Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) is the methodology to be followed by the manufacturer or supplier to arrive at a finished product. It is very important in complex projects because it greatly facilitates communication between the parties involved, whether they are internal departments of an organization or customers and suppliers. The Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) is intended to ensure that all customer engineering records and specifications are clearly understood. Although similar to APQP, its focus is on the approval of a product that has already gone through the APQP process.
REMARKS: It is recommended that each attendee brings his or her own computer. In order to evaluate previous knowledge of the subject, an individual questionnaire must be completed beforehand.
CURSO 2023-2024
El proyecto “BikeTalent” está orientado a desarrollar nuevas soluciones de movilidad sostenible a través del diseño un vehículo versátil con pedaleo asistido para desplazamientos urbanos, para salvar las limitaciones de movilidad impuestas en las ciudades y que dificultan la entrada de vehículos de combustión por las normas de contaminación, y por la peatonalización de los centros históricos. Proyecto organizado por AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center, Orbea, Tknika, Diputación Foral de Bizkaia y Gobierno Vasco.
Fomentar la capacidad creativa e innovadora en los alumnos de Formación Profesional de Euskadi, colocando al sector de la movilidad urbana en el centro del proyecto, para desarrollar productos y servicios como vector estratégico de competitividad empresarial. Además, se busca desarrollar nuevos conceptos que respondan a las pautas deseable/factible/viable.
Se valorará el aporte de una componente social, desde la ayuda a personas de movilidad reducida, hasta la integración de sectores desfavorecidos, pasando por temas medioambientales, como el uso de materiales reciclados o reutilización de componentes.
Como parte de este proyecto formarás parte de una iniciativa con alto potencial de impacto en la mejora de las condiciones y calidad de vida de la población, así como en el desarrollo económico del territorio, impulsando su transición hacia una sociedad y una economía más sostenibles.
Analiza, diseña y desarrolla un vehículo que transforme la sociedad
AIC es un centro europeo para la Generación de valor para el sector de la Movilidad basado en un concepto de innovación abierta. Concretamente, en el ámbito de micromovilidad, cuenta con un centro de competencia específico para el desarrollo cultural, tecnológico e industrial para el impulso de la movilidad sostenible en bicicleta.
Tknika es un centro impulsado por la Viceconsejería de Formación Profesional del Departamento de Educación del Gobierno Vasco.
Tknika, cuyo eje fundamental son la investigación y la innovación aplicada, trabaja con el objetivo de que la formación profesional de Euskadi siga manteniéndose en la vanguardia europea.
Los equipos que participen tendrán un reconocimiento público y aportación que será determinada más adelante
2023-2024 IKASTURTEA
“BikeTalent” proiektuaren helburua da mugikortasun jasangarriko soluzio berriak garatzea eta, horretarako, pedalei eragiteko laguntza duen erabilera askotariko ibilgailu bat diseinatzea hiri-desplazamenduetarako. Horri esker, hirietan ezarritako mugigarritasun-mugak gaindituko lirateke, kutsadura-arauek eta hirigune historikoak oinezkoen eremu bihurtzeak errekuntza-ibilgailuak sartzea zailtzen baitute. AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center, Orbea, Tknika, Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia eta Eusko Jaurlaritzak antolatutako proiektua.
Euskadiko Lanbide Heziketako ikasleen gaitasun sortzailea eta berritzailea sustatzea, hiri-mugikortasunaren sektorea erdigunean izango duen proiektuaren bidez. Proiektu horretan, ikasleek produktuak eta zerbitzuak garatuko dituzte, enpresa-lehiakortasunaren bektore estrategiko gisa. Gainera, desiragarria/egingarria/bideragarria jarraibideei erantzungo dieten kontzeptu berriak garatzea bilatzen da.
Osagai sozialaren ekarpena baloratuko da, hala nola mugikortasun murriztuko pertsonei zuzendutako laguntzak, sektore zaurgarrien integrazioa, edo ingurumen-gaiak —material birziklatuak erabiltzea edo osagaiak berrerabiltzea—.
Proiektuaren parte gisa, herritarren bizi-baldintzen eta -kalitatearen hobekuntzan eta lurraldearen garapen ekonomikoan inpaktu-ahalmen handia izango duen ekimen baten parte izango zara eta gizarte eta ekonomia jasangarriagoetarako trantsizioa bultzatuko duzu.
Gizartea eraldatuko duen ibilgailua aztertu, diseinatu eta garatzea
AIC Europako zentro bat da, mugikortasunaren sektorerako balioa sortzea helburu duena eta berrikuntza irekiaren kontzeptuan oinarritzen dena. Mikromugikortasunaren arloan, zehazki, bizikleta bidezko mugikortasun jasangarria sustatuko duen kultura, teknologia eta industriaren garapenerako konpetentzia-zentroespezifiko bat du.
Tknika Eusko Jaurlaritzako Hezkuntza Sailaren Lanbide Heziketako Sailburuordetzak sustatutako zentro bat da.
Tknikak ikerketa eta berrikuntza aplikatua du ardatz, eta Euskadiko lanbide-heziketak Europako abangoardian jarrai dezan lan egiten du.
Parte hartzen duten taldeek aintzatespen publikoa izango dute, baita aurrerago zehaztuko den ekarpena ere.
The reality of the internal logistics world as we know it in the automotive industry is facing major evolutions to transform today’s factory into an autonomous, agile and flexible environment with lean inventories. This concept is the result of the integration of automatization, technologies, management systems and people, with the aim of anticipating and executing movements along the value chain with the greatest precision and speed while generating the lowest possible cost. Having an effective and efficient intra-logistics system that makes a difference for the sector requires an in-depth knowledge of the opportunities that technologies, digital tools and people can offer. This training action brings knowledge to the logistics function about the challenges and scenarios that arise to optimize its current performance as well as to facilitate the deployment of the future concept.
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string(20) "Enrol to this course"
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string(10) "1 Apr 2023"
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string(5) "15:00"
array(1) {
string(10) "21/11/2023"
string(124) "November 22nd and 23rd, from 8:00 to 15:00.
At the AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano).
LENGTH: 14 hours"
string(391) "Attendees will be able to identify the main actions to go through in their companies to cause a qualitative leap in the management of their internal logistics, covering their strategy, organization, operational processes, physical plane (automation/technologies) and logical plane (digitalization/information flow); deploying conventional as well as advanced actions related to industry 4.0."
string(144) "Managers and technicians mainly related to the areas of Logistics, Engineering, Production, digital transformation, industry 4.0 and operations."
string(1795) "Autonomous, agile and flexible logistics as a challenge.Traditional internal logistics
1. Balance of the trinomial: Service – Productivity – Inventories.
2. Efficiency:
Supply chain management and service level.
Warehouse design: Storage and picking system
Stock sizing
Point-of-use procurement and means of transport.
3. Efficiency:
Synchronised and optimised processes
Integrated partners
4. Sustainability and progress, deviation management and improvement of standards.
Targeted information and agile decision making
Analysis methods and tools
Action management
5. Practice: maturity level assessment
Advanced internal logistics
1. Flexible automation
2. New model of internal integration between logistics and production 3.
Optimized transport routes
Logistics resources as part of the production flow
Health of the key logistics resources to guarantee the cadence of production.
3. New relationship model between suppliers, customers and plant from start to finish in the overall flow:
Real-time visibility of customer needs, as well as location and status of shipments.
End-to-end traceability
4. Redefinition of internal roles and functions
5. Augmented personas with agile and complete information at the point of use.
6. Anticipation of the appearance of problems in logistical resources, deviations in the reception of material and new needs.
7. Applied technologies
The training will take place at the ASF facilities."
string(673) "AIC/ACICAE members: 710 euros (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 1.000 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
A 15% discount will be applied on the total amount for early registration (before November 14th).
(*) Material will be posted on the web.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "710€ + VAT"
string(14) "1.000€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(198) "
10% discount from the second registration: 639€ + VAT
15% discount for early registration (before November 14th): 603,50 + VAT
string(198) "
10% discount from the second registration: 900€ + VAT
15% discount for early registration (before November 14th): 850€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(18) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
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string(35) "Advanced Automotive Intra-Logistics"
array(4) {
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string(9) "actividad"
string(38) "MSA-Analysis of the Measurement System"
string(78) ""
string(0) ""
string(200) "Core Tools are a set of tools used in the Automotive sector, oriented to Quality planning (FMEA, APQP, SPC, MSA and PPAP). They were developed to design, develop, prevent, measure, control, record,..."
string(962) "
Core Tools are a set of tools used in the Automotive sector, oriented to Quality planning (FMEA, APQP, SPC, MSA and PPAP). They were developed to design, develop, prevent, measure, control, record, analyze and approve quality products and services to meet customer needs and expectations. Their use helps to greatly reduce quality problems in the launching of new products. Its knowledge is a necessity for the professional who seeks to be successful in the automotive industry. Therefore, this course approaches the knowledge and control of the variability of measurement systems and their relationship with production processes to ensure the quality of the measurement results.
It is recommended that each attendee bring his/her own computer.
Prior to the training, a questionnaire should be carried out in order to be able to evaluate the previous knowledge on the subject of each attendee.
To analyze the particularities of the measurement process.
Identify the different tools for the analysis of measurement systems.
Make objective decisions on the suitability of measurement systems applied in organizations.
string(144) "Technicians and/or quality managers and professionals with knowledge of the IATF 16949:2016 Standard and/or experience in the automotive sector."
string(452) "Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA) is basically divided into two parts: the one covering the methodological part of a measurement and calibration laboratory and the one dealing with statistical tools to ensure quality in measurement results. MSA unifies criteria on how a measurement system is accepted or released, concentrates mainly on the study and control of the variability of measurement systems and their relationship with production processes."
string(664) "AIC/ACICAE members: 420€ (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 540€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one employee.
A 15% discount will be applied on the total amount for early registrations (before October 30).
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals included"
array(0) {
string(12) "420€ + VAT"
string(12) "540€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(198) "
10% discount from the second registration: 378€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before October 30th): 357€ + VAT
string(198) "
10% discount from the second registration: 486€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before October 30th): 459€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(18) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
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string(38) "MSA-Analysis of the Measurement System"
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string(9) "actividad"
string(56) "The Robust Factory: Zero defects and minimum variability"
string(95) ""
string(0) ""
string(191) "The quality function as we know it in the automotive industry is facing a transformation caused by the increased level of demand, the criticality of assets, the complexity of manufacturing..."
string(1129) "
The quality function as we know it in the automotive industry is facing a transformation caused by the increased level of demand, the criticality of assets, the complexity of manufacturing technologies and the digital ecosystem, which make it possible to develop a robust factory with minimum variability. This concept is the result of the integration of automation, technologies, management systems and people, with the aim of anticipating the appearance of defects, as well as optimizing the working conditions of the process. Making the robust factory a reality requires in-depth knowledge of the behavior and relationship of raw materials and processes, as well as the opportunities provided by technologies, digital tools and people for their management. This training action deepens on the challenges and scenarios that are presented to the quality/process function in order to focus on 0 defects.
The training will take place at ASF’s facilities.
Attendees will be able to interact with the quality solutions applied in the manufacturing line itself.
array(2) {
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string(67) "On-site"
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string(6) "Course"
string(6) "course"
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
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string(14) "modo_actividad"
string(0) ""
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string(692) ""
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string(11) "31 Mar 2023"
array(3) {
string(10) "25/10/2023"
string(5) "08:00"
string(4) "past"
array(2) {
string(10) "26/10/2023"
string(5) "15:00"
array(1) {
string(10) "24/10/2023"
string(115) "October 25 and 26, from 8:00 to 15:00.
At AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano).
LENGTH: 14 hours"
string(270) "Attendees will be able to identify the main actions to go through in their companies at the level of robustness, both conventional actions for the minimization of process variability and those actions related to industry 4.0 for the predictive management of its quality."
string(121) "Managers and technicians related to the areas of engineering, quality, production, digital transformation and operations."
string(1595) "Traditional quality:
1. Effectiveness of the quality plan:
Focusing efforts on what is important.
First time through: robust diagnosis, standardization and training of people.
2. Efficiency in quality control, increasing team capacity;
Optimized processes
Integrated partners
Basic digitalization
3. Sustainability and process, deviation management and standards improvement
Targeted information and agile decision making
Analysis methods and tools
Action management: maturity level assessment.
Advanced Quality:
1. Keys to quality transformation:
Product quality assurance through process mastery.
In-depth knowledge of the process
Anticipation of the occurrence of problems
Traceability and traceability of the entire process
Increased people capability and decision making
Robust manufacturing with minimum variability
2. ASF Practice: Knowledge generation through multivariable modernization
Practical team experience using the ASF line.
3. Industry 4.0 application in:
Enabling technologies: inspection technologies, bit data, data analytics, machine Learning and simulation.
New operating model
Redefinition of roles and functions
4. ASF Practice: Real-time process mastery
Practical experience in a team using the ASF line.
string(682) "AIC/ACICAE members: 710€ (VAT not included).
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 1.000€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
A 15% discount will be applied on the total amount for early registration (before October 13).
(*) Material will be posted on the web.
PAYMENT METHOD:Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "710€ + VAT"
string(14) "1.000€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(198) "
10% discount from the second registration: 639€ + VAT
15% discount for early registration (before October 13): 603,50€ + VAT
string(195) "
10% discount from the second registration: 900€ + VAT
15% discount for early registration (before October 13): 850€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(18) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(56) "The Robust Factory: Zero defects and minimum variability"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(49) "Process audit according to VDA 6.3 (2023 Edition)"
string(87) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "Understand the requirements of VDA 6.3 and the VDA 6.3 audit process to effectively and efficiently verify the status of compliance with VDA 6.3.
At the end of the training and after..."
string(602) "
Understand the requirements of VDA 6.3 and the VDA 6.3 audit process to effectively and efficiently verify the status of compliance with VDA 6.3.
At the end of the training and after having successfully passed the corresponding exercises, attendees will receive a certificate of achievement. This certificate is valid for 1st level internal audits within the company.
To perform 2nd and 3rd audits (process auditor in the supply chain) it will be necessary to obtain the VDA card issued by an accredited entity.
array(2) {
string(60) "Course"
string(67) "On-site"
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string(6) "Course"
string(6) "course"
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
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string(7) "on-site"
string(14) "modo_actividad"
string(0) ""
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string(692) ""
string(795) ""
string(1004) ""
string(884) ""
string(1101) ""
string(10) "7 Mar 2023"
array(3) {
string(10) "18/10/2023"
string(5) "09:00"
string(4) "past"
array(2) {
string(10) "20/10/2023"
string(5) "15:00"
array(1) {
string(10) "17/10/2023"
string(266) "October 18th and 19th from 9:00 to 14:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00. On October 20th, from 9:00 to 13:00.
At AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano)
LENGTH:20 hours"
string(145) "Understand the requirements of VDA 6.3 and the VDA 6.3 audit process to effectively and efficiently verify the status of compliance with VDA 6.3."
string(485) "People interested in carrying out, in the short term, internal process audits in automotive companies based on the VDA 6.3 manual.
The course is also aimed at internal auditors of companies in the automotive manufacturing sector, auditors of certification bodies who are already VDA 6.1 auditors or who have experience in this sector, as well as consultants, or any other person interested in receiving training to be enable them to carry out internal audits based on this standard."
string(987) "1. Introduction to automotive quality management systems (ISO 9001:2015; IATF 16949:2106).
2. Introduction to CORETOOLS (new AMFE AIAG-VDA, APQP, SPC, MSA and PPAP).
3. Implementation of the VDA 6.3 standard.
4. Requirement for Process Auditors
5. Remote Audits
6. Potential Analysis
7. Imputation and evaluation of audit findings.
8. Questionnaire
Process Element 2: Project Management.
Process Element 3: Product and Process Development Planning.
Process Element 4: Product and Process Development Implementation.
Process Element 5: Supplier Management.
Process Element 6: Production Process Analysis.
Process Element 7: Customer Service.
9. Theoretical-practical comprehension exam.
10. Conclusions and discussion. Practical advice from the trainer / auditor.
11. Examples, exercises and practical cases based on real situations, integrated in each of the previous items."
string(895) "AIC/ACICAE members: 1.115 euros (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 1.670 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discountwill be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one employee.
A 10% discountwill be applied to the total amount for early registrations (before June 20)
(*) Material will be posted on the web.PAYMENT METHOD:Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(14) "1.115€ + VAT"
string(14) "1.670€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(181) "
10% discount from the second registration
10% discount for early registrations (before June 20): 1.003€ + VAT
string(181) "
10% discount from the second registration
10% discount for early registrations (before June 20): 1.503€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(18) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(49) "Process audit according to VDA 6.3 (2023 Edition)"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(26) "Extreme Automotive Program"
string(67) ""
string(0) ""
string(195) "
Desde AIC lanzamos la sexta edición del Programa Extremo de Automoción y Movilidad, pensado para que comiences tu carrera profesional en automoción de una manera efectiva.
Este es un..."
string(12009) "
Desde AIC lanzamos la sexta edición del Programa Extremo de Automoción y Movilidad, pensado para que comiences tu carrera profesional en automoción de una manera efectiva.
Este es un Programa Exclusivo y Personalizado, pensado para un máximo de 10 alumnos por edición. Desde el primer día, te facilitaremos la experiencia laboral que necesitas para trabajar con los más exigentes fabricantes de vehículos y proveedores, mientras aceleras tu aprendizaje con nuestra metodología exclusiva learningbydoing.
Las personas seleccionadas para este programa trabajarán en un vehículo eléctrico-ObenCar, donde desarrollarán distintos proyectos conjuntos e individuales en áreas como mecánica, electrificación, electrónica, software o simulación vehicular.
AIC y empresas partners pondrán desafíos que obligarán a concebir, diseñar, fabricar, integrar y validar funciones, sistemas o componentes en el ObenCar en un tiempo récord y probarlas físicamente en circuito.
Nuestra metodología:
Learning by doing
Obtención de experiencia a través de la aplicación práctica
Sistema de aprendizaje por proyectos de empresas
Trabajo individual y en equipo de manera simultánea
Formación general y particularizada a lo largo del programa (+200 horas de formación específica)
Tutorización permanente por profesionales del sector
Master Class con OEMs y Tier 1
Visita a fábricas y unidades de I+D para ampliar expertise
Formar a futuros profesionales del sector de una manera integral
Dotarles de los mejores valores, conocimientos y herramientas para ser líderes en el sector
Facilitarles el acceso al mercado laboral con las empresas del ecosistema AIC
string(1075) "Este Programa está pensado para personas que cumplan cualquiera de los siguientes perfiles:
Graduados universitarios y/o posgraduados en carreras técnicas
Graduados superiores en áreas técnicas
Profesionales con menos de tres años de experiencia en empresa
Alumnos que estén a punto de finalizar sus estudios universitarios también pueden optar a una plaza tras análisis de perfil
Se buscan personas con interés en:
Diseño, Mecánica, Electrificación, Electrónica, Programación Software, Simulación vehicular y Fabricación.
Desarrollar una carrera profesional al más alto nivel en el sector de automoción.
Buena capacidad de trabajo individual y en equipo.
Apasionados por automoción.
string(0) ""
string(8) "2.800€"
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(178) "2.800€
Exclusivo y Personalizado: Máximo 10 alumnos
Compromiso AIC: 50% alumnos continuan su carrera profesional en el centro
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(24) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
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string(0) ""
string(38) ""
string(8) "upcoming"
string(26) "Extreme Automotive Program"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(31) "KAM-Key Account Manager Program"
string(72) ""
string(0) ""
string(196) "Automotive suppliers know this: it is not an easy task to negotiate an agreement with their big customers. The business relationship is looking like a David and Goliath relation, and the global..."
string(979) "
Automotive suppliers know this: it is not an easy task to negotiate an agreement with their big customers. The business relationship is looking like a David and Goliath relation, and the global corporations are using their buying power extensively to their favor. They insist on favorable conditions and requirements and have them built into the supply contracts as far as possible. This makes many suppliers feel powerless and helpless in both, normal times as well as in extraordinary situations.
So, what can they do? With a smart combination of strategic, tactical and legal elements, ʺDavidʺ can too achieve some ʺhitsʺ and influence important points in order to balance the one-sided rules and processes.This is the content of the new module 4 of the KAM Program, which combines strategic and legal aspects, while addressing the current context of rising prices.
Understand the purchasing strategies of OEMs and Tier 1s and the interests of buyers.
Develop tactics to relieve the pressure in the negotiation of prices until reaching a beneficial final agreement.
Acquire knowledge, skills and abilities for prevention, management and resolutionof conflict.
Learn about aspects of psychology in order to apply them to the negotiation.
string(236) "
General Directors, Commercial Directors, Project Leaders and Account Managers who deal with clients.
Any professional who wants to develop his/her skills in order to improve negotiations with clients.
string(1787) "MODULE 1: Price negotiations with OEMs – History, Basics and current context
Price negotiation. Common requests for price reduction and their conditions. Strategy preparation to face a price negotiation. New purchasing strategies and supplier selection process. The buyer role and the balance in the negotiation. The power of argumentation and how to achieve an agreement.
MODULE 2: Psychology in Negotiations
Psychology in negotiation. How to spot rule-breaking, manipulation attempts, and intentional escalation of negotiation drama. How to regain control of the negotiation from a weak position.
MODULE 3: Price Increases in the Automotive Sector – Strategies and Tactics for Price Increases – From Raw Materials to Chips
Tactics, methods for cost reduction and tools to ensure the achievement of goals and of beneficial agreements.This module includes lecture/discussion and the development of a guideline for price increase negotiations in the actual, difficult situation of the automotive supply chain, as well as practical work by the participants on their strategy for price increases.
Optional: MODULE 4 – Supplier friendly contracts? A combination of negotiation strategy and legal issues
How to put results of a negotiation into a supplier contract . This module includes a smart strategic/commercial mechanism to reassure the commitments of “Goliath”, and a wise concept to secure and enforce those commitments into the supplier contracts.
EXTRA TOPIC: Special aspects in times of supply chain problems, cost increases and the threat of inflation."
string(709) "MODULES 1, 2, 3, 4
AIC/ACICAE members: 3.300€ (VAT not included)
Non-AIC ACICAE members: 4.110€ (VAT not included)
MODULES 1, 2, 3
AIC/ACICAE members: 2.500€ (VAT not included)
Non-AIC ACICAE members: 2.950€ (VAT not included)
AIC/ACICAE members: 1.065€ (VAT not included)
Non-AIC ACICAE members: 1.360€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
A 10% discount will be applied for early registrations (before September 22nd)"
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(512) "MODULES 1, 2, 3, 4
AIC/ACICAE members: 3.300€ (VAT not included)
Non-AIC ACICAE members: 4.110€ (VAT not included)
MODULES 1, 2, 3
AIC/ACICAE members: 2.500€ (VAT not included)
Non-AIC ACICAE members: 2.950€ (VAT not included)
AIC/ACICAE members: 1.065€ (VAT not included)
Non-AIC ACICAE members: 1.360€ (VAT not included)
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(643) "10% discount from the second registration an for early registrations (before September 22nd)MODULES 1, 2, 3, 4
AIC/ACICAE members: 2.970€ (VAT not included)
Non-AIC ACICAE members: 3.699€ (VAT not included)
MODULES 1, 2, 3
AIC/ACICAE members: 2.250€ (VAT not included)
Non-AIC ACICAE members: 2.655€ (VAT not included)
AIC/ACICAE members: 958,50€ (VAT not included)
Non-AIC ACICAE members: 1.224€ (VAT not included)
string(18) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(1) {
array(2) {
string(8) "Download"
string(52) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(31) "KAM-Key Account Manager Program"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(51) "Excellent Maintenance: from traditional to advanced"
string(90) ""
string(0) ""
string(196) "The reality of the maintenance world as we know it is facing major changes. The maintenance process is facing a transformation brought about by the increased level of demand, the criticality of..."
string(504) "
The reality of the maintenance world as we know it is facing major changes. The maintenance process is facing a transformation brought about by the increased level of demand, the criticality of assets, the complexity of manufacturing technologies and the digital ecosystem.
The training will take place at the ASF facilities.
Attendees will be able to interact with the maintenance solutions involved in the manufacturing line itself.
array(2) {
string(60) "Course"
string(67) "On-site"
array(1) {
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string(6) "course"
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string(6) "Course"
string(6) "course"
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
array(1) {
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string(7) "On-site"
string(7) "on-site"
string(14) "modo_actividad"
string(0) ""
string(3) "raw"
string(692) ""
string(795) ""
string(1004) ""
string(780) ""
string(971) ""
string(11) "31 Mar 2023"
array(3) {
string(10) "27/09/2023"
string(5) "08:00"
string(4) "past"
array(2) {
string(10) "28/09/2023"
string(5) "15:00"
array(1) {
string(10) "26/09/2023"
string(120) "September 27th and 28th, from 8:00 to 15:00.
At AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano)
LENGTH: 14 hours"
string(211) "Attendees will be able to identify the main actions to be carried out in their companies in terms of maintenance, both conventional actions to improve the reliability of assets and those related to industry 4.0."
string(77) "Managers and technicians related to the areas of Engineering and Maintenance."
string(1518) "Traditional maintenance:
1. Maintenance efficiency, one of the pillars of profitability.
Focusing efforts on what is important
Reliability and first time through: robust diagnosis, standardization and training of people.
Reduction of fixed assets through optimization of spare parts.
2. Maintenance efficiency by increasing equipment capacity.
Optimized processes
Integrated partners
3. Sustainability and process, correction of deviations and improvement of standards.
Anticipation through the application of intelligence
Knowledge generation
Increased technical knowledge through agile and complete information at the point of use.
2. ASF Practice: Intelligent monitoring of asset health status:
Hands-on experience of monitoring, analysis and decision making using the ASF manufacturing pipeline.
3. Industry 4.0 impact on:
Organization and functions.
Advanced techniques
Management systems
Enabling technologies
string(666) "AIC/ACICAE members: 710€ (VAT not included).
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 885€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
A 15% discount will be applied on the total amount for early registrations (before September 19).
(*) Material will be posted on the web.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: AIC Foundation-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(25) "710€ (VAT not included)"
string(25) "885€ (VAT not included)"
string(0) ""
string(203) "
10% discount from the second registration: 639€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before September 19): 603,50€ + VAT
string(206) "
10% discount from the second registration: 796,50€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before September 19): 752,25€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(18) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(8) "upcoming"
string(51) "Excellent Maintenance: from traditional to advanced"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(57) "Product Safety and conformity representative (PSCR) (16H)"
string(93) ""
string(0) ""
string(193) "Every organization in the automotive supply chain must ensure the safety and compliance of its products.
Training provided by SERNAUTO
Minimum 9 students, maximum 12.
string(439) "
Every organization in the automotive supply chain must ensure the safety and compliance of its products.
Training provided by SERNAUTO
Minimum 9 students, maximum 12.
Documentation and VDA Product Integrity and Conformity manual will be issued to each participant.
Upon completion of the course, VDA-QMC Certificates of Qualification will be issued.
array(2) {
string(60) "Course"
string(67) "On-site"
array(1) {
object(WP_Term)#17863 (10) {
string(6) "Course"
string(6) "course"
string(14) "tipo_actividad"
string(0) ""
string(3) "raw"
string(6) "Course"
string(6) "course"
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
array(1) {
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string(7) "On-site"
string(7) "on-site"
string(14) "modo_actividad"
string(0) ""
string(3) "raw"
string(734) ""
string(843) ""
string(1064) ""
string(884) ""
string(1101) ""
string(11) "31 Mar 2023"
array(3) {
string(10) "19/09/2023"
string(5) "09:00"
string(4) "past"
array(2) {
string(10) "20/09/2023"
string(5) "18:00"
array(1) {
string(0) ""
string(99) "September 19th and 20th, from 9:00 to 17:00.
At AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano). On-site format."
string(122) "Understand the demands placed on the product safety representative and the requirements he/she has in daily work practice."
string(115) "Managers, technicians, engineers, quality management managers and other automotive/mobility industry professionals."
string(225) "Module 1: Introduction
Module 2: Product Integrity Organization
Module 3: Product integrity throughout its life cycle
Module 4: Recommended actions for product discrepancies
Module 5: Examples of tools and methods"
string(26) "600 € (VAT not included)"
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(26) "600 € (VAT not included)"
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(18) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(57) "Product Safety and conformity representative (PSCR) (16H)"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(47) "Updates standard VDA 6.3. 2016 to VDA 6.3. 2023"
string(85) ""
string(0) ""
string(200) "The VDA 6.3 standard on process audits has been revised and updated in its entirety. The objective has been to simplify and align the questionnaire with the new requirements based on the experience..."
string(237) "
The VDA 6.3 standard on process audits has been revised and updated in its entirety. The objective has been to simplify and align the questionnaire with the new requirements based on the experience and feedback from all involved.
September 18th from 9:00 to 14:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00 (8 hours)
At AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano)
string(123) "To learn about new developments related to the new version of the VDA 6.3 (2023), which replaces the previous 2016 version."
string(85) "VDA 6.3 Process Auditors who are looking to upgrade their knowledge and certification"
string(373) "
Main changes to VDA 6.3. 2023 requirements
Implementation of VDA 6.3.
Requirement for Process Auditors
Remote Audits
Potential Analysis
Imputation and evaluation of audit findings.
Theoretical and practical comprehension exam
string(587) "
AIC/ACICAE members: 465 euros (VAT not included)
Non-members AIC/ACICAE: 595 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
A 15% discount will be applied on the total amount for early registrations (before September 8, 2023).
A 10% discount from the second registration: 418,50€ (+VAT)
A 15% discount for early registrations (before September 8, 2023): 395,25€ (+VAT)
string(269) "
A 10% discount from the second registration: 535,50€ (+VAT)
A 15% discount for early registrations (before September 8, 2023): 505,75€ (+VAT)
string(0) ""
string(24) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(8) "upcoming"
string(47) "Updates standard VDA 6.3. 2016 to VDA 6.3. 2023"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(39) "People Management in Project Management"
string(79) ""
string(0) ""
string(196) "Projects are the axis of activity of numerous organizations. There are standardized methodologies and techniques that, in most cases, are assumed in the organizational culture. The challenge is..."
string(481) "
Projects are the axis of activity of numerous organizations. There are standardized methodologies and techniques that, in most cases, are assumed in the organizational culture. The challenge is usually given by the optimization of performance, the fulfillment of commitments, the assumption of individual responsibilities and the interest of the project vs. individual interests. This workshop aims to facilitate the role of people management in the project’s time frame.
To understand the keys to lead a project team effectively.
To use techniques to identify the capabilities of the team members and thus adapt demands and challenges.
Establish criteria, indicators and methodology for evaluation, follow-up and improvement within the team.
Develop skills to mobilize and drive the team towards the objectives and commitments acquired.
Define communication strategies for constructive situations and situations of differences and conflict.
string(95) "Project Managers and potential Project Managers; Team Managers with a strong technical profile."
string(1268) "1. Project Team Functioning.
Leading roles: service delivery and transformation
Team composition: balance, complementarity, and variety.
Capabilities of each person and capabilities as a team
Management of expectations and capabilities
Project coordination cycle
Management of team blockages. Solutions and alternatives
2. Project Team Objectives and Performance
Definition of challenges and responsibilities
Objectives: definition and conveyance
Project indicators and Team indicators
Elaboration of Team Improvement Plans
3. Relationships
Keys to effective communication, transmission of objectives.
The meaning of communication and its practices in a project team.
Error and deviation as opportunities and sources of learning.
Principles to apply motivational/affective communication.
Ways to approach feedback and positive communication.
Strategies and actions to deploy motivational and satisfaction factors.
Reinforcement techniques.
Ways to deal with conflicts.
Personal profiles in conflicts
string(826) "AIC/ACICAE members: 885 euros (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 1.120 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
A 15% discountwill be applied on the total amount for early registrations (before June 2nd).
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals included
PAYMENT METHOD:Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "885€ + VAT"
string(14) "1.120€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(197) "
10% discount from the second registration: 796,50€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before June 2nd): 752,25 + VAT
string(196) "
10% discount from the second registration: 1.008€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before June 2nd): 952€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(18) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(39) "People Management in Project Management"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(69) "IMDS (Theory and Workshop) – International Material Data System"
string(99) ""
string(0) ""
string(193) "In the automotive sector, automakers are being encouraged to establish a strategic alliance to develop a common Information Technology system to collect data on product materials, called the..."
string(513) "
In the automotive sector, automakers are being encouraged to establish a strategic alliance to develop a common Information Technology system to collect data on product materials, called the International Material Data System (IMDS), which will allow manufacturers of every part of the supply chain to enter data on their products. As a hierarchical database, it will enable car manufacturers to collect information at different levels in order to provide reports on the composition of the vehicle itself.
To become familiar with the International Material Data System (IMDS) and its interface.
To enter the information correctly in the Material Data Sheets (MDS).
To know about the different shipping options of the Material Data Sheets (MDS).
string(164) "Engineers, supervisors, quality and / or environmental technicians of manufacturing companies in the automotive sector."
string(0) ""
string(785) "AIC/ACICAE members: 420 euros (VAT not included)
Non-members AIC/ACICAE: 540 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
A 15% discountwill be applied on the total amount for early registrations (before May 31st).
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals are included.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "420€ + VAT"
string(12) "540€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(194) "
10% discount from the second registration: 378€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before May 31st): 357€ + VAT
string(194) "
10% discount from the second registration: 486€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before May 31st): 459€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(18) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(8) "upcoming"
string(69) "IMDS (Theory and Workshop) – International Material Data System"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(24) "New AMFE AIAG-VDA manual"
string(64) ""
string(0) ""
string(201) "The new AIAG & VDA FMEA Manual (published on 3-6-2019), is a new normative reference to unify the development of FMEA analysis. This new version presents an innovative methodology, applicable to..."
string(573) "
The new AIAG & VDA FMEA Manual (published on 3-6-2019), is a new normative reference to unify the development of FMEA analysis. This new version presents an innovative methodology, applicable to all types of FMEA and related support analysis. The FMEA-Failure and Effects Analysis technique is presented as a methodology that helps to estimate and predict failures that a product may contain in the design phase, with the aim of incorporating the components and functions of the product that guarantee its reliability, safety and compliance with the parameters.
To identify product´s and processes´s failure reasons
To evaluate the impact of failures
To establish the necessary actions to reduce risks based on objectively obtained priorities
string(173) "Quality technicians and professionals with knowledge of the IATF 16949: 2016 and those with experience in the automotive sector."
string(527) "1. Introduction:
Objective of FMEA
Types of FMEA
Project Plan
Main new developments
2.FMEA design and process realization:
Planning and preparation
Structure Analysis
Function Analysis
Failure/Failure Cause Analysis
Risk Analysis
Documentation Result
3. Case Study"
string(861) "AIC/ACICAE members: 420 euros (VAT not included)
Non-members AIC/ACICAE: 540 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discountwill be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one worker.
A 15% discountwill be applied on the total amount for early registrations (before June 1st).
PAYMENT METHOD:Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals included"
array(0) {
string(12) "420€ + VAT"
string(12) "540€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(196) "
10% discount from the second registration: 378€ + VAT
A 15% discount for early registrations (before June 1st): 357€ + VAT
string(196) "
10% discount from the second registration: 486€ + VAT
A 15% discount for early registrations (before June 1st): 459€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(18) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(24) "New AMFE AIAG-VDA manual"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(41) "Conflict Resolution for Middle Management"
string(81) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "Middle managers are faced with the thankless task of dealing with personal conflicts between colleagues, and sometimes they are part of the conflict themselves. And anything that is related to the..."
string(418) "
Middle managers are faced with the thankless task of dealing with personal conflicts between colleagues, and sometimes they are part of the conflict themselves. And anything that is related to the people in the team always involves extra effort in terms of treatment and effort. This course aims to change the approach to problems and, as a result, the strategy for dealing with them from a people perspective.
To deepen in the importance of communication as a management tool, with special emphasis on labor conflicts in the company.
To analyze the elements that favor a good work environment and those that can enhance the opposite environment.
Define actions to generate healthy environments.
Identify specific tactics to address conflicts.
string(117) "Project Managers and potential Project Managers, Team Managers with a strong technical profile and middle management."
string(692) "1.Communication as a management tool.
Purposes. Medium and long term consequences
Strategy and Marketing
Keys for the argumentation
2.Environments with less conflicts. Prevention
The fluidity of relationships.
Trust with a pivotal point
Listening as a tool
3.Elements that favor conflict
How do “noises” increase?
Power, authority and their gaps
Emotional vs. rational
4. Conflict management
Operational and interpersonal tactics
Conflict mediation
string(774) "AIC/ACICAE members: 445 euros (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 560 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
A 15% discountwill be applied on the total amount for early registrations (before May 22).
Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals included."
array(0) {
string(12) "445€ + VAT"
string(12) "560€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(198) "
10% discount from the second registration: 400,50€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before May 22): 378,25€ + VAT
string(192) "
10% discount from the second registration: 504€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before May 22): 476€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(18) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(8) "upcoming"
string(41) "Conflict Resolution for Middle Management"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(33) "Internal Auditor IATF 16949: 2016"
string(72) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "IATF 16949:2016 (formerly ISO/ TS 16949:2009) is a global standard developed by the IATF (International Automotive Task Force), a group consisting of leading manufacturers and trade organizations...."
string(661) "
IATF 16949:2016 (formerly ISO/ TS 16949:2009) is a global standard developed by the IATF (International Automotive Task Force), a group consisting of leading manufacturers and trade organizations. Its objective is the development of a quality management system that enables continuous improvement, with an emphasis on preventing defects and reducing ariation and waste in the supply chain. The automotive QMS standard defines the quality management system requirements for the design and development, production and, where relevant, assembly, installation and service of automotive-related products, including products with embedded software.
10% discount for early registrations (before May 9th): 756€ + VAT
string(181) "
10% discount from the second registration
10% discount for early registrations (before May 9th): 972€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(18) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(33) "Internal Auditor IATF 16949: 2016"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(47) "How to turn a Technician into a People Manager?"
string(86) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "In many organizations, internal promotion processes have been carried out on the basis of promoting good professionals at the technical level to a management function in recognition of their work...."
string(451) "
In many organizations, internal promotion processes have been carried out on the basis of promoting good professionals at the technical level to a management function in recognition of their work. This decision, good in the short term because of its implications for the individual and for the organization, can generate dysfunctions in the medium and long term. This workshop aims to facilitate the transition to a people management function.
Decide what is the rol of each employee in my activity
Set out the key elements to lead people
Propose simple techniques to favor relationships between people
string(97) "Intermediate Managers, Team Managers and potential Team Managers with a strong technical profile."
string(1086) "
Situation 1:If I already do my job, do I now also have to do with people? One more thing?
Situation 2:What do people want from my team?
Situation 3:If facility maintenance is a natural procedure, what do I do with the people?
Situation 4:What’s in it for me if I also deal with people?
Situation 5:When I make an unfortunate decision with a team member, what happens?
Situation 6:I want to do it right, but I don’t know how to do it.
With the development of each situation, the following is raised:
Detailed analysis of the situation
Proposal of actions and measures to deal with the situation (repertoire).
How to transfer these repertoires to similar situations
string(785) "AIC/ACICAE members: 300 euros (VAT not included)
Non-members AIC/ACICAE: 420 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
A 15% discountwill be applied on the total amount for early registrations (before April 26).
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals are included.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "300€ + VAT"
string(12) "420€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(194) "
10% discount from the second registration: 270€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before April 26): 255€ + VAT
string(194) "
10% discount from the second registration: 378€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before April 26): 357€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(18) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
string(47) "How to turn a Technician into a People Manager?"
array(4) {
array(48) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(54) "8D and PDCA methodology for automotive problem solving"
string(94) ""
string(0) ""
string(202) "The success and competitiveness of companies today are directly related to the quality of their products or services. This requires, in case of failures, the use of appropriate methodologies to solve..."
string(639) "
The success and competitiveness of companies today are directly related to the quality of their products or services. This requires, in case of failures, the use of appropriate methodologies to solve the nonconformity. To this end, problem solving based on the 8D methodology in the production process in the automotive industry evidenced effective results such as the elimination of nonconformities, responding to customer expectations and providing financial performance.
Prior to the training, a questionnaire must be completed in order to evaluate the previous knowledge of each attendee.
To know the 8D format used in automotive and PDCA.
To understand the importance of solving the root of the problems.
To develop the 8 disciplines for problem solving.
To deepen the use of tools and techniques used in 8D.
To promote teamwork.
string(225) "Managers, technicians, internal auditors and professionals of the automotive sector involved in the quality management system. Personnel involved in problem solving, especially quality, engineering and production, purchasing."
string(777) "1. Presentation of the method: Why use a problem solving methodology?
2. Principle of operation: 8D and PDCA
3. Case study of a common thread – problem definition
4. Presentation of 8D and resolution
The 8 steps
Analysis of quality tools applicable at each stage
Resolution of the case
5. Follow-up of the 8D
6. Techniques for root cause analysis: Ishikawa and 5 whys.
D1: Formation of the team
D2: Problem definition
D3: Containment actions
D4: Root cause analysis
D5: Final solution
D6: Solution implementation
D7: Prevention
D8: Closure and celebration
string(819) "AIC/ACICAE members: 420 euros (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 540 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
A 15% discount will be applied on the total amount for early registrations (before April 19).
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals are included.
PAYMENT METHOD:Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "420€ + VAT"
string(12) "540€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(200) "
A 10% discount from the second registration: 378€ + VAT
A 15% discount for early registration (before April 19th): 357€ +VAT
string(200) "
A 10% discount from the second registration: 357€ + VAT
A 15% discount for early registration (before April 19th): 459€ +VAT
string(0) ""
string(18) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(54) "8D and PDCA methodology for automotive problem solving"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(76) ""
string(0) ""
string(202) "Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) is the methodology to be followed by the manufacturer or supplier to arrive at a finished product. It is very important in complex projects because it greatly..."
string(841) "
Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) is the methodology to be followed by the manufacturer or supplier to arrive at a finished product. It is very important in complex projects because it greatly facilitates communication between the parties involved, whether they are internal departments of an organization or customers and suppliers. The Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) is intended to ensure that all customer engineering records and specifications are clearly understood. Although similar to APQP, its focus is on the approval of a product that has already gone through the APQP process.
REMARKS: It is recommended that each attendee brings his or her own computer. In order to evaluate previous knowledge of the subject, an individual questionnaire must be completed beforehand.
10% discount for early registrations (before March 21): 585€ + VAT
string(166) "
10% discount from the second registration
10% discount for early registrations (before March 21): 751,50€ + VAT
string(0) ""
string(18) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
array(4) {
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(45) "VDA 6.5 – Product Auditor Qualification"
string(77) ""
string(0) ""
string(193) "Product audits are becoming an essential tool for product quality assurance. VDA 6.5 is the German reference book describing how to implement this methodology, always taking into account the..."
string(625) "
Product audits are becoming an essential tool for product quality assurance. VDA 6.5 is the German reference book describing how to implement this methodology, always taking into account the customer’s vision. In this course you will acquire the necessary knowledge about product audits, how they should be planned, how to prepare audit plans and how to present results in order to draw conclusions and be able to establish subsequent actions. All this always under the prism of continuous improvement.
REMARKS: It is recommended that each attendee bring his or her own computer
March 8th from 9:00 to 14:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00.
At AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano)
LENGTH: 8 hours
string(299) "
The objective of this course is to analyze the requirements of the VDA 6.5 referential, as well as to provide the knowledge to plan and execute the internal audit process of this referential, in order to effectively and efficiently verify the compliance status of this referential.
string(261) "
Quality, engineering or management systems managers based on ISO/TS 16949; personnel involved in activities related to management systems; newly hired personnel in quality or systems departments, production, logistics and automotive processes.
string(371) "
Objective and scope of the product audit
Development of the product audit
Audit program
Audit plan
Execution of the product audit
Audit report
Corrective actions
Qualification of planners and auditors
Reference documents
Practical examples
string(799) "
AIC/ACICAE members: 420 euros (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 540 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
A 15% discount will be applied on the total amount for early registration (before February 28)
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Lunch included.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
Desde AIC – Automotive Intelligence Center, lanzamos una nueva edición de Retos Aula AIC 2024-2025.
¿Eres un estudiante universitario apasionado por la automoción?
¡Es momento de poner...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(37) "AIC Challenges – Retos Aula AIC"
string(55) ""
string(0) ""
string(202) "Desde AIC – Automotive Intelligence Center, lanzamos una nueva edición de Retos Aula AIC 2024-2025.
¿Eres un estudiante universitario apasionado por la automoción?
¡Es momento de poner..."
string(4992) "
Desde AIC – Automotive Intelligence Center, lanzamos una nueva edición de Retos Aula AIC 2024-2025.
¿Eres un estudiante universitario apasionado por la automoción? ¡Es momento de poner a prueba tu talento en los retos de automoción de AIC Open University!
Te invitamos a participar en 13 retos exclusivos, diseñados para desafiar tus conocimientos y habilidades en diferentes áreas del sector de la automoción.
Reto 1.Smartización de componentes: análisis del estado del arte actual y prospectiva de oportunidades relacionadas con la incorporación de la electrónica en los componentes del vehículo
Reto 2.Desarrollo de una metodología de conversión de Adams a Carmaker para su integración en un simulador de carretera
Reto 3.Estudio de la evaluación del confort de pasajeros en un simulador de conducción
Reto 4.Generación de un modelo de mantenimiento predictivo en una Smart Factory
Reto 5. Integración de robótica avanzada para automatización de operaciones en una Smart Factory
Reto 6.Prospectiva sobre el diseño y tecnologías de fabricación Tracción-E EVs
Reto 7. Ingeniería de integración de pila de combustible de hidrógeno como extensor de autonomía de un autobús eléctrico
Reto 8.Integración de Sub-sistemas de conducción by-wire en vehículo prototipo
Reto 9.Desarrollo de un sistema inteligente basado en visión artificial y 5G para reducir riesgos relacionados con la multi-movilidad
Reto 10.Análisis de la movilidad /automoción en India
Reto 11.Benchmark de motores de bicicleta: desmontaje y estudio comparativo de los diferentes tipos de motores y de sus componentes
Reto 12. Simulación en entorno virtual. Mejora de la seguridad en bicicleta mediante la reproducción de escenarios / maniobras de alta peligrosidad y su validación en entorno virtual
Reto 13. Integración de tecnología en la bicicleta y validación en entorno real controlado, orientada a mejorar la seguridad
¿Por qué deberías unirte?
Innovación dinámica: Tendrás acceso a tecnologías punteras y trabajarás con las últimas tendencias que están moldeando el futuro de la movilidad. Desde vehículos eléctricos hasta la conducción autónoma, este es tu espacio para explorar lo que viene.
Desarrollo profesional: Conéctate con líderes y expertos de la industria. Esta es una oportunidad perfecta para ampliar tu red de contactos y obtener conocimientos directos de profesionales que están a la vanguardia del sector.
Resuelve retos reales: Enfrentarás desafíos concretos que las empresas de automoción están abordando en la actualidad. ¿Cómo contribuirías a mejorar la eficiencia energética? ¿Qué soluciones propondrías para un futuro más sostenible en la movilidad? Estos son solo algunos de los problemas a resolver.
¿Quiénes pueden participar?
Este evento está abierto a todos los estudiantes universitarios con pasión por la ingeniería, el diseño, la tecnología o cualquier otra disciplina / área relacionada con la automoción. No importa si eres de primer año o si estás en los últimos semestres, lo importante es que tengas ganas de aprender, innovar y marcar la diferencia.
¡Es tu oportunidad de destacar y dar un paso adelante hacia el futuro de la movilidad! Plazo de inscripción abierto. ¡No te lo pierdas e inscríbete!
2ª Edición ⎮ 2024-2025
BikeTalent está orientado a desarrollar nuevas soluciones de movilidad sostenible a través del diseño de un vehículo versátil con...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(38) "BikeTalent – Educational Program"
string(61) ""
string(0) ""
string(196) "
2ª Edición ⎮ 2024-2025
BikeTalent está orientado a desarrollar nuevas soluciones de movilidad sostenible a través del diseño de un vehículo versátil con..."
string(20660) "
2ª Edición ⎮ 2024-2025
BikeTalent está orientado a desarrollar nuevas soluciones de movilidad sostenible a través del diseño de un vehículo versátil con pedaleo asistido y/o un prototipo de solución digital ⎮ conectividad ⎮ tecnológica, orientada a incrementar la seguridad vial en bicicleta.
La idea es salvar las limitaciones de movilidad impuestas en las ciudades y que dificultan la entrada de vehículos de combustión por las normas de contaminación, y por la peatonalización de los centros históricos.
Fomentar la capacidad creativa e innovadora en los alumnos de Formación Profesional de Euskadi, colocando al sector de la movilidad urbana en el centro del proyecto, para desarrollar productos y servicios como vector estratégico de competitividad empresarial. Además, se busca desarrollar nuevos conceptos que respondan a las pautas deseable/factible/viable.
Se valorará el aporte de una componente social, desde la ayuda a personas de movilidad reducida, hasta la integración de sectores desfavorecidos, pasando por temas medioambientales, como el uso de materiales reciclados o reutilización de componentes.
Como parte de este proyecto formarás parte de una iniciativa con alto potencial de impacto en la mejora de las condiciones y calidad de vida de la población, así como en el desarrollo económico del territorio, impulsando su transición hacia una sociedad y una economía más sostenibles.
Analiza, diseña y desarrolla una solución que transforme la sociedad mediante uno de estos dos proyectos:
CATEGORÍA 1: Un vehículo versátil con pedaleo asistido para desplazamientos urbanos
CATEGORÍA 2:Un prototipo de solución digital ⎮conectividad ⎮ tecnológica, orientada a incrementar la seguridad vial en bicicleta
Valoración de los proyectos:
Un jurado formado por los organizadores valorará los proyectos teniendo en cuenta cuatro elementos:
ORIGINALIDAD de ideas o enfoques
CALIDAD del trabajo en cuanto al esfuerzo dedicado y al grado de detalle alcanzado
VIABILIDAD en su aplicación real en el mercado
CONTRIBUCIÓN a la mejora de la sociedad
Los equipos que participen tendrán un reconocimiento público y unos premios asociados a la valoración de los proyectos. Estos premios serán para cada una de las categorías:
1er Premio(destinado al centro para financiar gastos del proyecto):
Categoría 1: 2.000€
Categoría 2: 1.000€
2do Premio(destinado a profesores):
Participación en evento Movilidad en Europa
3er Premio(destinado a alumnos/as):
Visita a fábrica Orbea
4to Premio(destinado a alumnos/as):
Equipación AIC
*Condiciones específicas a consultar con la organización
Todos los equipos que participen, podrán cursar el Programa Inmersión Junior que se llevará a cabo en junio 2025 (2 plazas por equipo, según disponibilidad)
2. Edizioa⎮ 2024-2025
BikeTalent proiektuak, mugikortasun jasangarrirako irtenbideak bilatzea du helburu, pedalei eraginez laguntza duen ibilgailu bat disenatuz, edota beste motako soluzio teknologiko / digital / edo konektibitatea lantzen duen garapen baten bitartez, beti ere bizikletaz bide-segurtasuna hobetzeko asmoarekin.
Ohiko erregaiak erabiltzen dizuten ibilgailuak, hiriburuetan sartzeko dituzten mugikortasun-mugak gainditzea da asmoa eta aldi berean, hirietako erdigune historikoak oinezkoentzat izango direla bermatzea
Euskadiko Lanbide Heziketako ikasleen artean sormenerako eta berrikuntzarako gaitasuna sustatzea, hiri-mugikortasunaren sektorea proiektuaren ardatza izanik: prototipo fisikoak eta irtenbide digitalak garatzeko, enpresa-lehiakortasunaren bektore estrategiko gisa. Gainera, kontzeptu berriak garatu nahi dira, desiragarriak, egokiak eta bideragarritasunarekin bat datozenak.
Osagai sozial baten ekarpena baloratuko da, mugikortasun urriko pertsonen beharrak kontutan dituena, sektore behartsuen beharrak eta baita ere ingurumen-gaieri erantzuten diena, hala nola birziklatutako materialen erabilera edo eta osagaien berrerabiltzea.
Proiektu honetan parte hartzen baduzu, biztanleriaren bizi-kalitatean eta baldintzen hobekuntzan inpaktu hadia duen ekimen baten parte izango zera, bai eta lurraldearen trantsizio eta garapenean ere. Proiektu honekin, gizarte eta ekonomia iraunkurragoak bultzatuko dituzu.
Aztertu, diseinatu eta garatu gizartea eraldatuko duen soluzio bat, autatu hurrengo bi proiektu aukeren artean:
1. KATEGORIA: Hiriko joan-etorrietarako, pedalen laguntza duen ibilgailu moldakor bat
2. KATEGORIA: Bizikletaz bide-segurtasuna hobetzera bideratatuko prototipo edo soluzio digital bat ⎮ teknologia ⎮ konektibitatea lantzen duena
Proiektuen Balorazioa:
Antolatzaileek osatutako epaimahai batek proiektuak baloratuko ditu, honako lau elementu hauek kontuan hartuta:
Ideien edo ikuspegien ORIGINALTASUNA
Lanaren KALITATEA, egindako ahaleginari eta lortutako xehetasun-mailari dagokionez
BIDERAGARRITASUNA merkatuan benetan aplikatzerako orduan
Gizartea hobetzen LAGUNTZEA
Parte hartzen duten taldeek aintzatespen publikoa eta proiektuak baloratzearekin lotutako sariak izango dituzte. Sari hauek, kategoria bakoitzerako izango dira:
Mugikortasuna Europako ekitaldiren baten parte hartzea
3. Saria(Ikasleei bideratua):
ORBEA lantegira visita
4. Saria(Ikasleei bideratua):
AIC Ekipazioa
* Antolatzaileak kontsultatu beharreko baldintza espezifikoak
Parte hartzen duten talde guztiek, ekainean burutuko den 2025 Junior Murgiltze Programan parte hartu ahal izango dute (2 plaza taldeko, disponibilitatearen arabera)
The objective of this course is to learn about the carbon footprint as a methodology for calculating the environmental cost of an organization, product or service, analyze the available calculation...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(47) "Calculating the carbon footprint in the company"
string(89) ""
string(0) ""
string(200) "The objective of this course is to learn about the carbon footprint as a methodology for calculating the environmental cost of an organization, product or service, analyze the available calculation..."
string(299) "
The objective of this course is to learn about the carbon footprint as a methodology for calculating the environmental cost of an organization, product or service, analyze the available calculation tools and their validation.
Review the regulatory framework on the environmental Footprint.
Use the Environmental Footprint as a methodology to calculate the environmental cost of an organization, product or service.
Analyze the available calculation tools and their verification.
string(119) "Professionals and technical staff who are interested in calculating the carbon footprint incurred by their organization"
string(271) "
Environmental footprint
Normative framework (ISO 14060, 14064, 14067 and Ghg protocol series)
Definition of the objectives and scope
Calculation methodology
Calculation tools
string(790) "AIC/ACICAE members: 245€ + VAT
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 350€ + VAT
A 10% discount will be applied on the second or more people registered to companies that send more than one employee.
(*) Material will be posted on the web.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to"
array(1) {
array(5) {
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
string(0) ""
string(16964) "
In many organizations, internal promotion processes have been carried out on the basis of promoting good professionals at the technical level to a management function in recognition of their work....
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(47) "How to turn a Technician into a People Manager?"
string(91) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "In many organizations, internal promotion processes have been carried out on the basis of promoting good professionals at the technical level to a management function in recognition of their work...."
string(517) "
In many organizations, internal promotion processes have been carried out on the basis of promoting good professionals at the technical level to a management function in recognition of their work. This decision, good in the short term because of its implications for the individual and for the organization, can generate dysfunctions in the medium and long term. This workshop aims to facilitate the transition to a people management function.
Decide what is the rol of each employee in my activity
Set out the key elements to lead people
Propose simple techniques to favor relationships between people
string(97) "Intermediate Managers, Team Managers and potential Team Managers with a strong technical profile."
string(1086) "
Situation 1:If I already do my job, do I now also have to do with people? One more thing?
Situation 2:What do people want from my team?
Situation 3:If facility maintenance is a natural procedure, what do I do with the people?
Situation 4:What’s in it for me if I also deal with people?
Situation 5:When I make an unfortunate decision with a team member, what happens?
Situation 6:I want to do it right, but I don’t know how to do it.
With the development of each situation, the following is raised:
Detailed analysis of the situation
Proposal of actions and measures to deal with the situation (repertoire).
How to transfer these repertoires to similar situations
string(945) "AIC/ACICAE members: 320€ (VAT not included)
Non-members AIC/ACICAE: 445€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals are included.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to"
array(1) {
array(5) {
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
string(0) ""
string(16964) "
The Robust Factory: Zero defects and minimum variability
The quality function as we know it in the automotive industry is facing a transformation caused by the increased level of demand, the criticality of assets, the complexity of manufacturing...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(56) "The Robust Factory: Zero defects and minimum variability"
string(100) ""
string(0) ""
string(191) "The quality function as we know it in the automotive industry is facing a transformation caused by the increased level of demand, the criticality of assets, the complexity of manufacturing..."
string(1195) "
The quality function as we know it in the automotive industry is facing a transformation caused by the increased level of demand, the criticality of assets, the complexity of manufacturing technologies and the digital ecosystem, which make it possible to develop a robust factory with minimum variability. This concept is the result of the integration of automation, technologies, management systems and people, with the aim of anticipating the appearance of defects, as well as optimizing the working conditions of the process. Making the robust factory a reality requires in-depth knowledge of the behavior and relationship of raw materials and processes, as well as the opportunities provided by technologies, digital tools and people for their management. This training action deepens on the challenges and scenarios that are presented to the quality/process function in order to focus on 0 defects.
The training will take place at ASF’s facilities.
Attendees will be able to interact with the quality solutions applied in the manufacturing line itself.
This course is taught in Spanish
array(2) {
string(60) "Course"
string(67) "On-site"
array(1) {
object(WP_Term)#17878 (10) {
string(6) "Course"
string(6) "course"
string(14) "tipo_actividad"
string(0) ""
string(3) "raw"
string(6) "Course"
string(6) "course"
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
array(1) {
object(WP_Term)#17874 (10) {
string(7) "On-site"
string(7) "on-site"
string(14) "modo_actividad"
string(0) ""
string(3) "raw"
string(692) ""
string(795) ""
string(1004) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(11) "15 Jan 2025"
array(3) {
string(10) "22/05/2025"
string(5) "08:00"
string(8) "upcoming"
array(2) {
string(10) "23/05/2025"
string(5) "15:00"
array(1) {
string(0) ""
string(115) "May 22nd and 23rd, from 8:00 to 15:00.
At AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano).
LENGTH: 14 hours"
string(270) "Attendees will be able to identify the main actions to go through in their companies at the level of robustness, both conventional actions for the minimization of process variability and those actions related to industry 4.0 for the predictive management of its quality."
string(121) "Managers and technicians related to the areas of engineering, quality, production, digital transformation and operations."
string(1595) "Traditional quality:
1. Effectiveness of the quality plan:
Focusing efforts on what is important.
First time through: robust diagnosis, standardization and training of people.
2. Efficiency in quality control, increasing team capacity;
Optimized processes
Integrated partners
Basic digitalization
3. Sustainability and process, deviation management and standards improvement
Targeted information and agile decision making
Analysis methods and tools
Action management: maturity level assessment.
Advanced Quality:
1. Keys to quality transformation:
Product quality assurance through process mastery.
In-depth knowledge of the process
Anticipation of the occurrence of problems
Traceability and traceability of the entire process
Increased people capability and decision making
Robust manufacturing with minimum variability
2. ASF Practice: Knowledge generation through multivariable modernization
Practical team experience using the ASF line.
3. Industry 4.0 application in:
Enabling technologies: inspection technologies, bit data, data analytics, machine Learning and simulation.
New operating model
Redefinition of roles and functions
4. ASF Practice: Real-time process mastery
Practical experience in a team using the ASF line.
string(1089) "AIC/ACICAE members: 710€ (VAT not included).
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 1.000€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
PAYMENT METHOD:Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to
Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
PAYMENT METHOD: Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to"
array(1) {
array(5) {
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
string(0) ""
string(16964) "
Purchasing & Negotiation | Total Cost Reduction and Negotiation Techniques
The Purchasing Management course is designed to strengthen the skills in this strategic area of any organization, while providing an in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles of the tools...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(79) "Purchasing & Negotiation | Total Cost Reduction and Negotiation Techniques"
string(67) ""
string(0) ""
string(201) "The Purchasing Management course is designed to strengthen the skills in this strategic area of any organization, while providing an in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles of the tools..."
string(583) "
The Purchasing Management course is designed to strengthen the skills in this strategic area of any organization, while providing an in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles of the tools to drive efficiency and effectiveness in supply chain purchasing management.
Throughout the program, we will explore three fundamental pillars to achieve excellence in purchasing management: Principles of Continuous Improvement in Purchasing, Processes and Improvement Tools, and Negotiation Techniques.
Implement sustainable improvements in the purchasing function in addition to improving cost objectives.
Define the right strategy for efficient and effective purchasing.
Master the purchasing management tools according to the company’s strategy.
Define the organizational keys of the overall purchasing process.
Adequately measure the improvement of results.
Integrate suppliers into the value chain.
Understand the appropriate negotiation strategy for the type of purchasing process to be addressed.
Strategically prepare your negotiations according to the type of purchasing process you need to engage in.
Master the negotiation skills.
string(446) "
Purchasing Managers
Project Managers
Engineering and Maintenance Managers
Logistics and Supply Chain Managers
Also to improvement developers, directors, middle management and support professionals.
string(1473) "
Waste vs. Added value.
Key indicators.
Definition and calculation method.
Price index.
Planning, analysis and definition of purchasing and supply strategy.
Organizational structures to support efficient and effective processes.
Roles and responsibilities in supply chain management.
Process for selecting the best supply option.
Make or Buy strategic and operational. Manufacture or subcontract.
Design products and processes for cost reduction and value enhancement.
Value Analysis, Value Engineering.
Optimization of the purchasing process: Elimination of non-value steps and quality assurance.
Design and implementation of supplier management and continuous improvement process.
Commodity negotiation and strategic product negotiation.
Planning, analysis and definition of purchasing and supply strategy.
string(784) "AIC/ACICAE members: 750€ + VAT
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 890 € + VAT
A 10% discount will be applied on the second or more people registered to companies that send more than one employee.
(*) Material will be posted on the web.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to"
array(1) {
array(5) {
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
string(0) ""
string(16964) "
Middle managers are faced with the thankless task of dealing with personal conflicts between colleagues, and sometimes they are part of the conflict themselves. And anything that is related to the...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(41) "Conflict Resolution for Middle Management"
string(85) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "Middle managers are faced with the thankless task of dealing with personal conflicts between colleagues, and sometimes they are part of the conflict themselves. And anything that is related to the..."
string(484) "
Middle managers are faced with the thankless task of dealing with personal conflicts between colleagues, and sometimes they are part of the conflict themselves. And anything that is related to the people in the team always involves extra effort in terms of treatment and effort. This course aims to change the approach to problems and, as a result, the strategy for dealing with them from a people perspective.
To deepen in the importance of communication as a management tool, with special emphasis on labor conflicts in the company.
To analyze the elements that favor a good work environment and those that can enhance the opposite environment.
Define actions to generate healthy environments.
Identify specific tactics to address conflicts.
string(117) "Project Managers and potential Project Managers, Team Managers with a strong technical profile and middle management."
string(692) "1.Communication as a management tool.
Purposes. Medium and long term consequences
Strategy and Marketing
Keys for the argumentation
2.Environments with less conflicts. Prevention
The fluidity of relationships.
Trust with a pivotal point
Listening as a tool
3.Elements that favor conflict
How do “noises” increase?
Power, authority and their gaps
Emotional vs. rational
4. Conflict management
Operational and interpersonal tactics
Conflict mediation
string(902) "AIC/ACICAE members: 320€ + VAT
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 445€ + VAT
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals included.
Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to"
array(1) {
array(5) {
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
string(0) ""
string(16964) "
The reality of the internal logistics world as we know it in the automotive industry is facing major evolutions to transform today’s factory into an autonomous, agile and flexible environment with...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(35) "Advanced Automotive Intra-Logistics"
string(80) ""
string(0) ""
string(201) "The reality of the internal logistics world as we know it in the automotive industry is facing major evolutions to transform today’s factory into an autonomous, agile and flexible environment with..."
string(975) "
The reality of the internal logistics world as we know it in the automotive industry is facing major evolutions to transform today’s factory into an autonomous, agile and flexible environment with lean inventories. This concept is the result of the integration of automatization, technologies, management systems and people, with the aim of anticipating and executing movements along the value chain with the greatest precision and speed while generating the lowest possible cost.
Having an effective and efficient intra-logistics system that makes a difference for the sector requires an in-depth knowledge of the opportunities that technologies, digital tools and people can offer. This training action brings knowledge to the logistics function about the challenges and scenarios that arise to optimize its current performance as well as to facilitate the deployment of the future concept.
This course is taught in Spanish
array(2) {
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string(67) "On-site"
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string(20) "Enrol to this course"
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string(692) ""
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string(11) "15 Jan 2025"
array(3) {
string(10) "26/06/2025"
string(5) "08:00"
string(8) "upcoming"
array(2) {
string(10) "27/06/2025"
string(5) "15:00"
array(1) {
string(0) ""
string(120) "June 26th and 27th, from 8:00 to 15:00.
At the AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano).
LENGTH: 14 hours"
string(391) "Attendees will be able to identify the main actions to go through in their companies to cause a qualitative leap in the management of their internal logistics, covering their strategy, organization, operational processes, physical plane (automation/technologies) and logical plane (digitalization/information flow); deploying conventional as well as advanced actions related to industry 4.0."
string(144) "Managers and technicians mainly related to the areas of Logistics, Engineering, Production, digital transformation, industry 4.0 and operations."
string(1795) "Autonomous, agile and flexible logistics as a challenge.Traditional internal logistics
1. Balance of the trinomial: Service – Productivity – Inventories.
2. Efficiency:
Supply chain management and service level.
Warehouse design: Storage and picking system
Stock sizing
Point-of-use procurement and means of transport.
3. Efficiency:
Synchronised and optimised processes
Integrated partners
4. Sustainability and progress, deviation management and improvement of standards.
Targeted information and agile decision making
Analysis methods and tools
Action management
5. Practice: maturity level assessment
Advanced internal logistics
1. Flexible automation
2. New model of internal integration between logistics and production 3.
Optimized transport routes
Logistics resources as part of the production flow
Health of the key logistics resources to guarantee the cadence of production.
3. New relationship model between suppliers, customers and plant from start to finish in the overall flow:
Real-time visibility of customer needs, as well as location and status of shipments.
End-to-end traceability
4. Redefinition of internal roles and functions
5. Augmented personas with agile and complete information at the point of use.
6. Anticipation of the appearance of problems in logistical resources, deviations in the reception of material and new needs.
7. Applied technologies
The training will take place at the ASF facilities."
string(778) "AIC/ACICAE members: 710€ + VAT
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 1.000€ + VAT
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to"
array(1) {
array(5) {
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
string(0) ""
string(16896) "
Mobility Summer Camp Program at AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center – is designed under the STEAM methodology, specifically for children between 8 and 12 years old.
This program offers two weeks...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(20) "Mobility Summer Camp"
string(63) ""
string(0) ""
string(200) "Mobility Summer Camp Program at AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center – is designed under the STEAM methodology, specifically for children between 8 and 12 years old.
This program offers two weeks..."
string(1152) "
Mobility Summer Camp Program at AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center – is designed under the STEAM methodology, specifically for children between 8 and 12 years old.
This program offers two weeks full of fun, learning and group experiences. The participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the fascinating world of the sustainable mobility in an interactive and exciting way. The camp will be conducted in English.
Our team of professionals has prepared a wide variety of activities designed to stimulate creativity, encourage teamwork and awaken technological curiosity in young people.
In addition to mobility-related activities, there will also be time for outdoor play activities, recreational games and craft workshops, ensuring a balanced and enriching experience for all participants.
Join us this summer for an unforgettable experience at AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center!
Limited places
Program supported by Diputación Foral de Bizkaia | B(t) Bizkaia with the Talent | ACICAE
From 09:00h to 14:00h ⎮ With the possibility of extending hours: from 08:00h to 15:00h
Possibility of bus
string(213) "Children will have the opportunity to learn about basic concepts of vehicle design and assembly (car, motorbike and bicycle) and much more. All this in a safe environment and supervised by qualified professionals."
string(43) "Boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 12"
string(0) ""
string(11295) "AIC/ACICAE members: 210€ VAT included
Non-members AIC/ACICAE: 360€ VAT included
Extending hours: 45€
Bus: 55€
15% early registration discount: Before 30.05.2025
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
Excellent Maintenance: from traditional to advanced
The reality of the maintenance world as we know it is facing major changes. The maintenance process is facing a transformation brought about by the increased level of demand, the criticality of...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(51) "Excellent Maintenance: from traditional to advanced"
string(95) ""
string(0) ""
string(196) "The reality of the maintenance world as we know it is facing major changes. The maintenance process is facing a transformation brought about by the increased level of demand, the criticality of..."
string(570) "
The reality of the maintenance world as we know it is facing major changes. The maintenance process is facing a transformation brought about by the increased level of demand, the criticality of assets, the complexity of manufacturing technologies and the digital ecosystem.
The training will take place at the ASF facilities.
Attendees will be able to interact with the maintenance solutions involved in the manufacturing line itself.
This course is taught in Spanish
array(2) {
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string(67) "On-site"
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string(6) "Course"
string(6) "course"
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
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string(11) "15 Jan 2025"
array(3) {
string(10) "01/10/2025"
string(5) "08:00"
string(8) "upcoming"
array(2) {
string(10) "02/10/2025"
string(5) "15:00"
array(1) {
string(0) ""
string(117) "October, 1st and 2nd, from 8:00 to 15:00.
At AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano)
LENGTH: 14 hours"
string(211) "Attendees will be able to identify the main actions to be carried out in their companies in terms of maintenance, both conventional actions to improve the reliability of assets and those related to industry 4.0."
string(77) "Managers and technicians related to the areas of Engineering and Maintenance."
string(1518) "Traditional maintenance:
1. Maintenance efficiency, one of the pillars of profitability.
Focusing efforts on what is important
Reliability and first time through: robust diagnosis, standardization and training of people.
Reduction of fixed assets through optimization of spare parts.
2. Maintenance efficiency by increasing equipment capacity.
Optimized processes
Integrated partners
3. Sustainability and process, correction of deviations and improvement of standards.
Anticipation through the application of intelligence
Knowledge generation
Increased technical knowledge through agile and complete information at the point of use.
2. ASF Practice: Intelligent monitoring of asset health status:
Hands-on experience of monitoring, analysis and decision making using the ASF manufacturing pipeline.
3. Industry 4.0 impact on:
Organization and functions.
Advanced techniques
Management systems
Enabling technologies
string(794) "AIC/ACICAE members: 710€ (VAT not included).
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 1.000€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: AIC Foundation-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to"
array(1) {
array(5) {
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
string(0) ""
string(16964) "
The drastic changes that are happening in the world are affecting the entire buying and selling strategy of automotive components.
The KAM-KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER Advanced Programme seeks to provide...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(31) "KAM-Key Account Manager Program"
string(76) ""
string(0) ""
string(200) "The drastic changes that are happening in the world are affecting the entire buying and selling strategy of automotive components.
The KAM-KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER Advanced Programme seeks to provide..."
string(676) "
The drastic changes that are happening in the world are affecting the entire buying and selling strategy of automotive components.
The KAM-KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER Advanced Programme seeks to provide an understanding of the OEMs and TIER 1s’ requirements in order to develop a successful price negotiation strategy in this new context.
The goal is to help professionals gain the necessary skills to work with OEMs and TIER1s and to achieve the best conditions in the negotiation of their contracts, in the context of the current crisis..
Understand the purchasing strategies of OEMs and Tier 1s and the interests of buyers.
Develop tactics to relieve the pressure in the negotiation of prices until reaching a beneficial final agreement.
Acquire knowledge, skills and abilities for prevention, management and resolutionof conflict.
Learn about aspects of psychology in order to apply them to the negotiation.
Adopt effective mechanisms to counter OEMs pressure to reduce prices to pre-crisis levels.
string(236) "
General Directors, Commercial Directors, Project Leaders and Account Managers who deal with clients.
Any professional who wants to develop his/her skills in order to improve negotiations with clients.
string(1394) "MODULE 1: Price negotiations with OEMs – History, Basics and current context
Price negotiation. Common requests for price reduction and their conditions. Strategy preparation to face a price negotiation. New purchasing strategies and supplier selection process. The buyer role and the balance in the negotiation. The power of argumentation and how to achieve an agreement.
MODULE 2:Price Negotiations in Turbulent Times
Helpful tools to counter back the intense pressure of the OEMs to reduce prices down to the pre-crisis level – Negotiating price increases and defend prices with shrinking indices.
MODULE 3:Psychology and Dramatics in Tough Price Negotiations
Psychology in negotiation. How to spot rule-breaking, manipulation attempts, and intentional escalation of negotiation drama. How to regain control of the negotiation from a weak position.
MODULE 4 (OPTIONAL): No Longer Competitive?: The Threat of China
Through an intensive one-day session, teams consisting of at least one executive and one or more key account managers will work together to develop concrete strategies, explore internal structural changes, and learn how to “smartly” break rules and specifications."
string(784) "AIC/ACICAE members: 2.500€ + VAT | 830€ + VAT (optional module)
Non-AIC ACICAE members: 2.950€ + VAT | 985€ + VAT (optional module)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
PAYMENT METHOD:Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to
Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(1) {
array(5) {
string(21) "Enrol to this program"
string(0) ""
string(16964) "
Desde AIC lanzamos la séptima edición del Master Experto en Automoción, pensado para que comiences tu carrera profesional en el mundo de la movilidad de una manera efectiva. En...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(26) "Master Experto Automoción"
string(70) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "DESCRIPCIÓN:
Desde AIC lanzamos la séptima edición del Master Experto en Automoción, pensado para que comiences tu carrera profesional en el mundo de la movilidad de una manera efectiva. En..."
string(2919) "
Desde AIC lanzamos la séptima edición del Master Experto en Automoción, pensado para que comiences tu carrera profesional en el mundo de la movilidad de una manera efectiva. En esta edición se presentan muchas novedades.
PROGRAMA AVANZADO – Desde el primer día, te facilitaremos la experiencia que necesitas para trabajar con los más exigentes fabricantes de vehículos y proveedores de componentes, mientras aceleras tu aprendizaje con nuestra metodología exclusiva learning by doing.
DESARROLLO DISTINTOS PROYECTOS – Las personas seleccionadas para este programa trabajarán en un vehículo eléctrico o en la fabricación avanzada de componentes, donde desarrollarán distintos proyectos.
CUMPLIR RETOS Y PROBAR CONOCIMIENTO – AIC pondrá desafíos que obligarán a concebir, diseñar, fabricar, integrar y validar componentes y probar su factibilidad.
100% Conocimiento Avanzado
95% Continúan su carrera profesional en nuestro ecosistema al acabar el Master
25% Con becas para continuar en AIC una vez finalizado el Master
En esta edición, podrás elegir la modalidad que mejor se ajuste a tus necesidades formativas, seleccionando cualquiera de los siguientes sistemas:
MODALIDAD A – ONLINE: octubre a diciembre
Podrás formarte desde cualquier parte del mundo mediante formación online que te permitirán alcanzar un nivel de conocimiento muy alto y particularizado. Adicionalmente, tendrás sesiones peródicas con los tutores para resolver dudas. Obtendrás un Diploma en Automoción.
MODALIDAD B – ONLINE & PRESENCIAL: octubre a diciembre (online) | enero a junio (presencial)
Con este sistema podrás contar con todas las ventajas del formato online y, además, podrásponer en práctica la formación mediante retos ejecutados de manera presencial durante 5 meses en AIC. Obtendrás un Master en Automoción.
MODALIDAD C – PRESENCIAL:octubre a junio
Mediante este sistema tendrás la posibilidad de formarte durante 9 meses en las instalaciones de AIC desarrollando un vehículo eléctrico o trabajando en nuestro Centro de Competencia de Fabricación Avanzada desde el minuto uno, de manera práctica, junto a los tutores. Obtendrás un Master en Automoción."
string(853) "
Formar a futuros profesionales del sector de una manera integral
Dotarles de los mejores valores, conocimientos y herramientas para ser líderes en el sector
Facilitarles el acceso al mercado laboral con las empresas del ecosistema AIC"
string(2132) "
Dirigido principalmente a:
Graduados universitarios y/o posgraduados en carreras técnicas
Graduados superiores en áreas técnicas – Formación Profesional
Profesionales con menos de cinco años de experiencia en empresa
Apasionados por automoción con conocimientos técnicos – aplica solo para la Modalidad A
Se buscan personas con interés en:
Diseño, Mecánica, Electrificación, Electrónica, Programación Software, Dinámica vehicular, Fabricación e IA
Desarrollar una carrera profesional al más alto nivel en el sector de automoción
Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) is the methodology to be followed by the manufacturer or supplier to arrive at a finished product. It is very important in complex projects because it greatly...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(38) "APQP-CP-PPAP + APQP Practical Workshop"
string(81) ""
string(0) ""
string(202) "Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) is the methodology to be followed by the manufacturer or supplier to arrive at a finished product. It is very important in complex projects because it greatly..."
string(890) "
Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) is the methodology to be followed by the manufacturer or supplier to arrive at a finished product. It is very important in complex projects because it greatly facilitates communication between the parties involved, whether they are internal departments of an organization or customers and suppliers. The Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) is intended to ensure that all customer engineering records and specifications are clearly understood. Although similar to APQP, its focus is on the approval of a product that has already gone through the APQP process.
REMARKS: It is recommended that each attendee brings his or her own computer. In order to evaluate previous knowledge of the subject, an individual questionnaire must be completed beforehand.
To acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge to:
Incorporate the APQP process in the organization.
Elaborate the necessary documentation for the APQP process.
Identify when to develop and how to use different types of control plans.
Identify PPAP requirements.
Obtain tools to incorporate the PPAP process in our relationships with customers.
Develop the necessary PPAP documentation: The PSW (Part Submission Certificate).
string(130) "
Professionals from the automotive sector in the areas of quality, product engineering, processes and production.
string(1452) "
APQP – Advanced Product Quality Planning.
Introduction and fundamentals of APQP.
Relationship with the IATF 16949:2016 standard.
Product quality planning cycle.
Phase 1. Product planning and definition.
Phase 2. Product design and development.
Phase 3. Process design and development.
Phase 4. Product and process validation.
Phase 5. Feedback, evaluation and corrective actions.
CP – Control Plan
Purpose and scope. Relationship to IATF 16949:2016.
Sample size and frequency.
Control methods. Reaction plans.
Examples and practical exercise.
PPAP – Production Part Approval Process.
Introduction and purpose.
Relationship to IATF 16949:2016.
Meaningful production.
The 18 PPAP requirements.
Customer notifications and PPAP levels.
Detailed review of the PSW.
Customer specific requirements.
string(932) "
AIC/ACICAE members: 650€ + VAT
Non-members AIC/ACICAE: 835€ + VAT
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Lunch included.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to"
array(1) {
array(5) {
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
string(0) ""
string(16964) "
The electrification of vehicles is an unstoppable process that needs to be understood and managed, as we are experiencing a significant increase in the number of models on our roads. For this reason,...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(32) "Advanced Electromobility Program"
string(92) ""
string(0) ""
string(202) "The electrification of vehicles is an unstoppable process that needs to be understood and managed, as we are experiencing a significant increase in the number of models on our roads. For this reason,..."
string(932) "
The electrification of vehicles is an unstoppable process that needs to be understood and managed, as we are experiencing a significant increase in the number of models on our roads. For this reason, AIC is launching the 4th edition of the Advanced Electromobility Program which aims to provide in a systematic and practical way, the keys to understand the electrified vehicle, the implications in each function of the vehicle and how to integrate it into the activity of each company. This pioneering program is especially designed for companies that manufacture components for electrified vehicles but want to understand the full implications for the whole vehicle and its manufacturing.
On this occasion, as a novelty, a HYDROGEN module will be added. In addition, participants will be able to benefit from a special BENCHMARK BYD SEAL experience.
This program is taught in Spanish
array(2) {
string(62) "Program"
string(83) "On-line/On-site"
array(1) {
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string(0) ""
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string(7) "Program"
string(7) "program"
string(21) "Enrol to this program"
array(1) {
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string(15) "On-line/On-site"
string(15) "on-line-on-site"
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string(0) ""
string(3) "raw"
string(976) ""
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string(11) "15 Jan 2025"
array(3) {
string(10) "06/03/2025"
string(5) "09:00"
string(4) "past"
array(2) {
string(10) "13/03/2025"
string(5) "00:00"
array(1) {
string(0) ""
string(189) "Online: March, 6th and 7th, 2025
On-site: March, 11th, 12th and 13th, 2025
DURATION: 30 + 4* hours
*On-site session (optional) (Hydrogen)"
string(155) "To facilitate the comprehensive knowledge of vehicle electrification to companies that are working in the manufacture of components for this market segment"
string(73) "Professionals who are specializing in different areas of electrification."
string(4124) "Introduction and basics of H&EV´s – online – Day 1: from 09.30h to 12.30h
Overview of the automotive sector
Factors for the introduction of H&EVs in the market
Barriers for the entry of H&EVs
Current market situation
Future trends
Powertrain in the H&EV’s – online – Day 2: from 09.30h to 12.30h
H&EV Conceptualization
H&EV Typology
Alternative propulsion architectures
Powertrain characterization variables
Driving cycles: WLTP
Impact of electrification
Electric engines – on-site – Day 3: from 09.00h to 13.00h
General Concepts
Types of engines
Electric engine design parameters
Selection of basic electric engine specifications
Controller (Driver)
Kinematic characterization of the Powertrain – on-site – Day 3: from 14.00h to 16.00h
Description of powertrain components
Sizing of powertrain components
Study of vehicle performance
Electric vehicle driving characteristics
Electronics and Control Systems – on-site – Day 3: from 16.00h to 18.00h
Main elements in ECUs
Communication between ECUs (CAN, Ethernet…)
ECU software
Programming languages
Types of ECUs
Energy storage systems (vehicle) – on-site – Day 4: from 09.00h to 13.00h
Battery Fundamentals
Battery Design Considerations
Battery electrochemistry
Current status of lithium-ion battery development
Storage system management and control mechanisms (BMS)
Battery sizing and packaging
Vehicle Charging (infrastructure) – on-site – Day 4: from 14.00h to 18.ooh
Charging system
Charging modes ( depending on communication)
Charging types ( depending on connector)
Dimensioning of the charging system depending on Powertrain characteristics
Integration in vehicle – on-site – Day 5: from 09.00h to 13.00h
Component Certification (ECE R100)
Electromagnetic compatibility
NVH (Noise, vibration and harshness) requirements
Electrical Powertrain calibration, validation and tuning
Vehicle dynamics
Electric vehicle safety – on-site – Day 5: from 14.00h to 18.00h
Physiological effects of electrical current on the human body
Personal Protective Equipment
Safety protocol for working on an EV
Maintenance of the electric drivetrain system
Repairing an EV
EV diagnostics
Hydrogen – Optional Module – Day 6: March 14th – 9.00h-13.o0h
Introduction to the technology
Fuel Cells
Hydrogen Engines
Hydrogen in mobility
Heavy Vehicles
Other Land Vehicles (Forklifts, etc.)
Vehicle architecture
Subsystems and Equipment
Power System Operation
string(889) "AIC/ACICAE members: 2.220€ + VAT – Optional session: 440€ +VAT
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 2.800€ + VAT – Optional session: 560€ +VAT
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to"
array(0) {
string(54) "2.220€ + VAT – Optional sessión: 440€ + VAT"
string(54) "2.800€ + VAT – Optional sessión: 560€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(62) "A 10% discount from the second registration"
string(19) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(40) "30 hours + 4 (Optional session-Hydrogen)"
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(8) "upcoming"
The AIAG & VDA FMEA Manual (published on 3-6-2019), is a normative reference to unify the development of FMEA analysis. This new version presents an innovative methodology, applicable to all...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(20) "AMFE AIAG-VDA manual"
string(68) ""
string(0) ""
string(197) "The AIAG & VDA FMEA Manual (published on 3-6-2019), is a normative reference to unify the development of FMEA analysis. This new version presents an innovative methodology, applicable to all..."
string(631) "
The AIAG & VDA FMEA Manual (published on 3-6-2019), is a normative reference to unify the development of FMEA analysis. This new version presents an innovative methodology, applicable to all types of FMEA and related support analysis. The FMEA-Failure and Effects Analysis technique is presented as a methodology that helps to estimate and predict failures that a product may contain in the design phase, with the aim of incorporating the components and functions of the product that guarantee its reliability, safety and compliance with the parameters.
To identify product´s and processes´s failure reasons
To evaluate the impact of failures
To establish the necessary actions to reduce risks based on objectively obtained priorities
string(173) "Quality technicians and professionals with knowledge of the IATF 16949: 2016 and those with experience in the automotive sector."
string(527) "1. Introduction:
Objective of FMEA
Types of FMEA
Project Plan
Main new developments
2.FMEA design and process realization:
Planning and preparation
Structure Analysis
Function Analysis
Failure/Failure Cause Analysis
Risk Analysis
Documentation Result
3. Case Study"
string(993) "AIC/ACICAE members: 420€ + VAT
Non-members AIC/ACICAE: 550€ +VAT
A 10% discountwill be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one worker.
PAYMENT METHOD:Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals included
Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to"
array(0) {
string(12) "420€ + VAT"
string(12) "550€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(82) "
Product audits are becoming an essential tool for product quality assurance. VDA 6.5 is the German reference book describing how to implement this methodology, always taking into account the...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(45) "VDA 6.5 – Product Auditor Qualification"
string(79) ""
string(0) ""
string(193) "Product audits are becoming an essential tool for product quality assurance. VDA 6.5 is the German reference book describing how to implement this methodology, always taking into account the..."
string(691) "
Product audits are becoming an essential tool for product quality assurance. VDA 6.5 is the German reference book describing how to implement this methodology, always taking into account the customer’s vision. In this course you will acquire the necessary knowledge about product audits, how they should be planned, how to prepare audit plans and how to present results in order to draw conclusions and be able to establish subsequent actions. All this always under the prism of continuous improvement.
REMARKS: It is recommended that each attendee bring his or her own computer
December, 03rd from 9:00 to 14:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00.
At AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano)
LENGTH: 8 hours
string(299) "
The objective of this course is to analyze the requirements of the VDA 6.5 referential, as well as to provide the knowledge to plan and execute the internal audit process of this referential, in order to effectively and efficiently verify the compliance status of this referential.
string(261) "
Quality, engineering or management systems managers based on ISO/TS 16949; personnel involved in activities related to management systems; newly hired personnel in quality or systems departments, production, logistics and automotive processes.
string(371) "
Objective and scope of the product audit
Development of the product audit
Audit program
Audit plan
Execution of the product audit
Audit report
Corrective actions
Qualification of planners and auditors
Reference documents
Practical examples
string(915) "
AIC/ACICAE members: 420€ (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 540€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Lunch included.
PAYMENT METHOD: Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to
Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
The reality of the internal logistics world as we know it in the automotive industry is facing major evolutions to transform today’s factory into an autonomous, agile and flexible environment with...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(35) "Advanced Automotive Intra-Logistics"
string(77) ""
string(0) ""
string(201) "The reality of the internal logistics world as we know it in the automotive industry is facing major evolutions to transform today’s factory into an autonomous, agile and flexible environment with..."
string(975) "
The reality of the internal logistics world as we know it in the automotive industry is facing major evolutions to transform today’s factory into an autonomous, agile and flexible environment with lean inventories. This concept is the result of the integration of automatization, technologies, management systems and people, with the aim of anticipating and executing movements along the value chain with the greatest precision and speed while generating the lowest possible cost.
Having an effective and efficient intra-logistics system that makes a difference for the sector requires an in-depth knowledge of the opportunities that technologies, digital tools and people can offer. This training action brings knowledge to the logistics function about the challenges and scenarios that arise to optimize its current performance as well as to facilitate the deployment of the future concept.
This course is taught in Spanish
array(2) {
string(60) "Course"
string(67) "On-site"
array(1) {
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string(6) "course"
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string(6) "Course"
string(6) "course"
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
array(1) {
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string(14) "modo_actividad"
string(0) ""
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string(692) ""
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string(1004) ""
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string(1123) ""
string(11) "12 Mar 2024"
array(3) {
string(10) "20/11/2024"
string(5) "08:00"
string(4) "past"
array(2) {
string(10) "21/11/2024"
string(5) "15:00"
array(1) {
string(0) ""
string(124) "November 20th and 21st, from 8:00 to 15:00.
At the AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano).
LENGTH: 14 hours"
string(391) "Attendees will be able to identify the main actions to go through in their companies to cause a qualitative leap in the management of their internal logistics, covering their strategy, organization, operational processes, physical plane (automation/technologies) and logical plane (digitalization/information flow); deploying conventional as well as advanced actions related to industry 4.0."
string(144) "Managers and technicians mainly related to the areas of Logistics, Engineering, Production, digital transformation, industry 4.0 and operations."
string(1795) "Autonomous, agile and flexible logistics as a challenge.Traditional internal logistics
1. Balance of the trinomial: Service – Productivity – Inventories.
2. Efficiency:
Supply chain management and service level.
Warehouse design: Storage and picking system
Stock sizing
Point-of-use procurement and means of transport.
3. Efficiency:
Synchronised and optimised processes
Integrated partners
4. Sustainability and progress, deviation management and improvement of standards.
Targeted information and agile decision making
Analysis methods and tools
Action management
5. Practice: maturity level assessment
Advanced internal logistics
1. Flexible automation
2. New model of internal integration between logistics and production 3.
Optimized transport routes
Logistics resources as part of the production flow
Health of the key logistics resources to guarantee the cadence of production.
3. New relationship model between suppliers, customers and plant from start to finish in the overall flow:
Real-time visibility of customer needs, as well as location and status of shipments.
End-to-end traceability
4. Redefinition of internal roles and functions
5. Augmented personas with agile and complete information at the point of use.
6. Anticipation of the appearance of problems in logistical resources, deviations in the reception of material and new needs.
7. Applied technologies
The training will take place at the ASF facilities."
string(706) "AIC/ACICAE members: 710€ + VAT
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 1.000€ + VAT
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
PAYMENT METHOD:Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to
Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "710€ + VAT"
string(14) "1.000€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 639€ + VAT
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 900€ + VAT
The continuous irruption of new technologies, as well as the continuously changing conditions that any process faces, are an opportunity for maintenance management to bet on an advanced management...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(22) "Predictive Maintenance"
string(62) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "The continuous irruption of new technologies, as well as the continuously changing conditions that any process faces, are an opportunity for maintenance management to bet on an advanced management..."
string(887) "
The continuous irruption of new technologies, as well as the continuously changing conditions that any process faces, are an opportunity for maintenance management to bet on an advanced management model where predictive, and even prescriptive maintenance, are the main players and driving forces that ensure the availability of assets, their health and maximize their useful life.
To achieve these goals requires that organizations adopt maintenance techniques appropriate to the behavior of their assets and processes, as well as embedding them in the required enabling technologies.
The training will be held at ASF’s facilities.
Participants will be able to interact with the maintenance solutions applied on the manufacturing line itself.
This course is taught in Spanish
array(2) {
string(60) "Course"
string(67) "On-site"
array(1) {
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string(6) "Course"
string(6) "course"
string(14) "tipo_actividad"
string(0) ""
string(3) "raw"
string(6) "Course"
string(6) "course"
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
array(1) {
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string(7) "On-site"
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string(14) "modo_actividad"
string(0) ""
string(3) "raw"
string(785) ""
string(901) ""
string(1136) ""
string(891) ""
string(1110) ""
string(10) "6 May 2024"
array(3) {
string(10) "30/10/2024"
string(5) "08:00"
string(4) "past"
array(2) {
string(10) "13/11/2024"
string(5) "15:00"
array(1) {
string(0) ""
string(139) "October 30, November 6 and November 13, 2024
At the AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano).
LENGTH: 3 days – 24 hours"
string(202) "Attendees will be trained to acquire the necessary skills to enable them to adapt and adopt the most appropriate predictive maintenance technique(s) to their own environment in the field of Maintenance."
string(191) "Managers and technicians involved in the areas of Maintenance Engineering and Industrial Performance Management. Also of relevance to Process Engineering and Production Engineering personnel."
string(3142) "Condition Monitoring – 1st session:
Introduction to the training program. Objectives and expectations of the participants
The basics of Condition Monitoring:
Introduction to CM and its importance in asset management.
Principles of asset condition monitoring.
Selection of monitoring parameters and sampling strategies.
Interpretation of monitoring data and anomaly detection
Integration of CM in predictive maintenance programs.
Condition Monitoring techniques:
Vibration analysis for machinery failure detection.
Temperature analysis and infrared thermography in equipment monitoring
Ultrasound and Acoustic Emission
Lubricant analysis and oil analysis for wear and contamination evaluation.
Electrical current monitoring and electrical signature analysis for the identification of problems in motors and electrical components.
Data, signals, diagnosis and prognosis – 2nd session:
Data analysis and signal processing:
Signal preprocessing for data analysis.
Multivariate statistical analysis of signals.
Feature extraction in signal processing.
Signal modeling and prediction using machine learning techniques.
Correlation and causation analysis in the context of signals and data.
Diagnosis and prognosis:
Fault detection and classification methods.
Modeling and simulation of diagnostic systems.
Signal analysis and data processing in diagnostics.
Forecasting techniques of expected operating lifespan and failures.
Application of machine learning algorithms in diagnosis and prognosis.
CBM, AI and Big Data – 3rd session:
Integration and Implementation of CBM systems:
Design and integration of CBM systems.
Selection of sensors for CBM.
Data integration in CBM systems.
Development of analysis algorithms for CBM.
Implementation of CBM in critical infrastructures.
Strategic management of CBM, CM, PDM and PHM
CBM strategic planning.
Selection of condition monitoring techniques.
Key performance indicators (KPIs) for CBM.
Integration of CBM in the asset life cycle.
Continuous improvement of CBM through data analysis.
Artificial Intelligence and Massive Data Analysis in the field of maintenance:
AI in Industrial Maintenance.
Big Data analytics in Maintenance.
Data analytics in
Asset optimization with AI.
OT/IT Convergence. Data integration in intelligent maintenance.
Doubts and recommendations: where do I start?
string(708) "AIC/ACICAE members: 1.000€ + VAT
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 1.750€ + VAT
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
PAYMENT METHOD:Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to
Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(14) "1.000€ + VAT"
string(14) "1.750€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 900€ + VAT
string(98) "
10% discount from the second registration: 1.575€ + VAT
The Robust Factory: Zero defects and minimum variability
The quality function as we know it in the automotive industry is facing a transformation caused by the increased level of demand, the criticality of assets, the complexity of manufacturing...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(56) "The Robust Factory: Zero defects and minimum variability"
string(97) ""
string(0) ""
string(191) "The quality function as we know it in the automotive industry is facing a transformation caused by the increased level of demand, the criticality of assets, the complexity of manufacturing..."
string(1195) "
The quality function as we know it in the automotive industry is facing a transformation caused by the increased level of demand, the criticality of assets, the complexity of manufacturing technologies and the digital ecosystem, which make it possible to develop a robust factory with minimum variability. This concept is the result of the integration of automation, technologies, management systems and people, with the aim of anticipating the appearance of defects, as well as optimizing the working conditions of the process. Making the robust factory a reality requires in-depth knowledge of the behavior and relationship of raw materials and processes, as well as the opportunities provided by technologies, digital tools and people for their management. This training action deepens on the challenges and scenarios that are presented to the quality/process function in order to focus on 0 defects.
The training will take place at ASF’s facilities.
Attendees will be able to interact with the quality solutions applied in the manufacturing line itself.
This course is taught in Spanish
array(2) {
string(60) "Course"
string(67) "On-site"
array(1) {
object(WP_Term)#17709 (10) {
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string(6) "course"
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string(6) "Course"
string(6) "course"
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
array(1) {
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string(7) "On-site"
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string(14) "modo_actividad"
string(0) ""
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string(692) ""
string(795) ""
string(1004) ""
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string(1123) ""
string(11) "12 Mar 2024"
array(3) {
string(10) "23/10/2024"
string(5) "08:00"
string(4) "past"
array(2) {
string(10) "24/10/2024"
string(5) "15:00"
array(1) {
string(10) "24/10/2023"
string(115) "October 23 and 24, from 8:00 to 15:00.
At AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano).
LENGTH: 14 hours"
string(270) "Attendees will be able to identify the main actions to go through in their companies at the level of robustness, both conventional actions for the minimization of process variability and those actions related to industry 4.0 for the predictive management of its quality."
string(121) "Managers and technicians related to the areas of engineering, quality, production, digital transformation and operations."
string(1595) "Traditional quality:
1. Effectiveness of the quality plan:
Focusing efforts on what is important.
First time through: robust diagnosis, standardization and training of people.
2. Efficiency in quality control, increasing team capacity;
Optimized processes
Integrated partners
Basic digitalization
3. Sustainability and process, deviation management and standards improvement
Targeted information and agile decision making
Analysis methods and tools
Action management: maturity level assessment.
Advanced Quality:
1. Keys to quality transformation:
Product quality assurance through process mastery.
In-depth knowledge of the process
Anticipation of the occurrence of problems
Traceability and traceability of the entire process
Increased people capability and decision making
Robust manufacturing with minimum variability
2. ASF Practice: Knowledge generation through multivariable modernization
Practical team experience using the ASF line.
3. Industry 4.0 application in:
Enabling technologies: inspection technologies, bit data, data analytics, machine Learning and simulation.
New operating model
Redefinition of roles and functions
4. ASF Practice: Real-time process mastery
Practical experience in a team using the ASF line.
string(750) "AIC/ACICAE members: 710€ (VAT not included).
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 1.000€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
PAYMENT METHOD:Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to
Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "710€ + VAT"
string(14) "1.000€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 639€ + VAT
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 900€ + VAT
The drastic changes that are happening in the world are affecting the entire buying and selling strategy of automotive components.
The KAM-KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER Advanced Programme seeks to provide...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(31) "KAM-Key Account Manager Program"
string(74) ""
string(0) ""
string(200) "The drastic changes that are happening in the world are affecting the entire buying and selling strategy of automotive components.
The KAM-KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER Advanced Programme seeks to provide..."
string(676) "
The drastic changes that are happening in the world are affecting the entire buying and selling strategy of automotive components.
The KAM-KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER Advanced Programme seeks to provide an understanding of the OEMs and TIER 1s’ requirements in order to develop a successful price negotiation strategy in this new context.
The goal is to help professionals gain the necessary skills to work with OEMs and TIER1s and to achieve the best conditions in the negotiation of their contracts, in the context of the current crisis..
Understand the purchasing strategies of OEMs and Tier 1s and the interests of buyers.
Develop tactics to relieve the pressure in the negotiation of prices until reaching a beneficial final agreement.
Acquire knowledge, skills and abilities for prevention, management and resolutionof conflict.
Learn about aspects of psychology in order to apply them to the negotiation.
Adopt effective mechanisms to counter OEMs pressure to reduce prices to pre-crisis levels.
string(236) "
General Directors, Commercial Directors, Project Leaders and Account Managers who deal with clients.
Any professional who wants to develop his/her skills in order to improve negotiations with clients.
string(985) "MODULE 1: Price negotiations with OEMs – History, Basics and current context
Price negotiation. Common requests for price reduction and their conditions. Strategy preparation to face a price negotiation. New purchasing strategies and supplier selection process. The buyer role and the balance in the negotiation. The power of argumentation and how to achieve an agreement.
MODULE 2: Price Increases and Price Defense
Helpful tools to counter back the intense pressure of the OEMs to reduce prices down to the pre-crisis level – Negotiating price increases and defend prices with shrinking indices.
MODULE 3: Psychology and Dramatics in Tough Price Negotiations
Psychology in negotiation. How to spot rule-breaking, manipulation attempts, and intentional escalation of negotiation drama. How to regain control of the negotiation from a weak position."
string(718) "AIC/ACICAE members: 2.500€ + VAT
Non-AIC ACICAE members: 2.950€ + VAT
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
PAYMENT METHOD:Payment required before the beginning of the Program. Proof of payment must be sent to
Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(14) "2.500€ + VAT"
string(14) "2.950€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(98) "
10% discount from the second registration: 2.250€ + VAT
string(98) "
10% discount from the second registration: 2.655€ + VAT
Excellent Maintenance: from traditional to advanced
The reality of the maintenance world as we know it is facing major changes. The maintenance process is facing a transformation brought about by the increased level of demand, the criticality of...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(51) "Excellent Maintenance: from traditional to advanced"
string(92) ""
string(0) ""
string(196) "The reality of the maintenance world as we know it is facing major changes. The maintenance process is facing a transformation brought about by the increased level of demand, the criticality of..."
string(570) "
The reality of the maintenance world as we know it is facing major changes. The maintenance process is facing a transformation brought about by the increased level of demand, the criticality of assets, the complexity of manufacturing technologies and the digital ecosystem.
The training will take place at the ASF facilities.
Attendees will be able to interact with the maintenance solutions involved in the manufacturing line itself.
This course is taught in Spanish
array(2) {
string(60) "Course"
string(67) "On-site"
array(1) {
object(WP_Term)#17999 (10) {
string(6) "Course"
string(6) "course"
string(14) "tipo_actividad"
string(0) ""
string(3) "raw"
string(6) "Course"
string(6) "course"
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
array(1) {
object(WP_Term)#18003 (10) {
string(7) "On-site"
string(7) "on-site"
string(14) "modo_actividad"
string(0) ""
string(3) "raw"
string(692) ""
string(795) ""
string(1004) ""
string(902) ""
string(1123) ""
string(11) "12 Mar 2024"
array(3) {
string(10) "25/09/2024"
string(5) "08:00"
string(4) "past"
array(2) {
string(10) "26/09/2024"
string(5) "15:00"
array(1) {
string(0) ""
string(121) "September, 25th and 26th, from 8:00 to 15:00.
At AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano)
LENGTH: 14 hours"
string(211) "Attendees will be able to identify the main actions to be carried out in their companies in terms of maintenance, both conventional actions to improve the reliability of assets and those related to industry 4.0."
string(77) "Managers and technicians related to the areas of Engineering and Maintenance."
string(1518) "Traditional maintenance:
1. Maintenance efficiency, one of the pillars of profitability.
Focusing efforts on what is important
Reliability and first time through: robust diagnosis, standardization and training of people.
Reduction of fixed assets through optimization of spare parts.
2. Maintenance efficiency by increasing equipment capacity.
Optimized processes
Integrated partners
3. Sustainability and process, correction of deviations and improvement of standards.
Anticipation through the application of intelligence
Knowledge generation
Increased technical knowledge through agile and complete information at the point of use.
2. ASF Practice: Intelligent monitoring of asset health status:
Hands-on experience of monitoring, analysis and decision making using the ASF manufacturing pipeline.
3. Industry 4.0 impact on:
Organization and functions.
Advanced techniques
Management systems
Enabling technologies
string(506) "AIC/ACICAE members: 710€ (VAT not included).
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 1.000€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: AIC Foundation-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "710€ + VAT"
string(14) "1.000€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(98) "
10% discount from the second registration: 639€ + VAT
string(98) "
10% discount from the second registration: 900€ + VAT
The success and competitiveness of companies today are directly related to the quality of their products or services. This requires, in case of failures, the use of appropriate methodologies to solve...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(34) "8D methodology for problem solving"
string(76) ""
string(0) ""
string(202) "The success and competitiveness of companies today are directly related to the quality of their products or services. This requires, in case of failures, the use of appropriate methodologies to solve..."
string(705) "
The success and competitiveness of companies today are directly related to the quality of their products or services. This requires, in case of failures, the use of appropriate methodologies to solve the nonconformity. To this end, problem solving based on the 8D methodology in the production process in the automotive industry evidenced effective results such as the elimination of nonconformities, responding to customer expectations and providing financial performance.
Prior to the training, a questionnaire must be completed in order to evaluate the previous knowledge of each attendee.
To know the 8D format used in automotive and PDCA.
To understand the importance of solving the root of the problems.
To develop the 8 disciplines for problem solving.
To deepen the use of tools and techniques used in 8D.
To promote teamwork.
string(225) "Managers, technicians, internal auditors and professionals of the automotive sector involved in the quality management system. Personnel involved in problem solving, especially quality, engineering and production, purchasing."
string(777) "1. Presentation of the method: Why use a problem solving methodology?
2. Principle of operation: 8D and PDCA
3. Case study of a common thread – problem definition
4. Presentation of 8D and resolution
The 8 steps
Analysis of quality tools applicable at each stage
Resolution of the case
5. Follow-up of the 8D
6. Techniques for root cause analysis: Ishikawa and 5 whys.
D1: Formation of the team
D2: Problem definition
D3: Containment actions
D4: Root cause analysis
D5: Final solution
D6: Solution implementation
D7: Prevention
D8: Closure and celebration
string(705) "AIC/ACICAE members: 420 euros (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 540 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals are included.
PAYMENT METHOD:Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "420€ + VAT"
string(12) "540€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(99) "
A 10% discount from the second registration: 378€ + VAT
string(99) "
A 10% discount from the second registration: 486€ + VAT
SPC is a lean tool that provides a scientific basis for defining optimal controls that replace the need to inspect all products, thus minimizing control costs while ensuring that the final products...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(39) "SPC – Statistical Process Control"
string(71) ""
string(0) ""
string(200) "SPC is a lean tool that provides a scientific basis for defining optimal controls that replace the need to inspect all products, thus minimizing control costs while ensuring that the final products..."
string(399) "
SPC is a lean tool that provides a scientific basis for defining optimal controls that replace the need to inspect all products, thus minimizing control costs while ensuring that the final products are free of defects
It is recommended that each attendee brings his or her own computer.
Manage the techniques and basic principles of Statistical Quality Control, to achieve an effective implementation of quality control in the company.
Its use helps to greatly reduce quality problems in the launching of new products. Its knowledge is a necessity for the professional who seeks to be successful in the automotive industry.
Statistical Process Control (SPC) is a statistical control with a well-defined orientation towards automotive processes. It could be substituted by any statistical quality control but its status as a document issued by AIAG makes it practically normative.
string(164) "Technicians and/or quality managers and professionals with knowledge of the IATF 16949:2016 manual, and/or professionals with experience in the automotive sector."
string(555) "
Introduction, purpose and scope.
Relationship with the IATF 16949:2016 standard.
Prevention vs. detection approach
Measures of central tendency and dispersion
Variation: normal and special causes
Stable processes and unstable processes
Control charts by variables and attributes
Interpretation of control charts
Control charts for individual measurements
Capability studies (Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk)
Exercises (90 min)
string(502) "AIC/ACICAE members: 420€ (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 540€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "420€ + VAT"
string(12) "540€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 378€ + VAT
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 486€ + VAT
Mobility Summer Camp Program at AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center – is designed under the STEAM methodology, specifically for children between 8 and 12 years old.
This program offers two weeks...
array(50) {
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string(20) "Mobility Summer Camp"
string(61) ""
string(0) ""
string(200) "Mobility Summer Camp Program at AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center – is designed under the STEAM methodology, specifically for children between 8 and 12 years old.
This program offers two weeks..."
string(1245) "
Mobility Summer Camp Program at AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center – is designed under the STEAM methodology, specifically for children between 8 and 12 years old.
This program offers two weeks full of fun, learning and group experiences. The participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the fascinating world of the sustainable mobility in an interactive and exciting way.
Our team of professionals has prepared a variety of activities designed to stimulate creativity, encourage teamwork and awaken scientific curiosity in young people.
In addition to mobility-related activities, there will also be time for outdoor play activities, recreational games and craft workshops, ensuring a balanced and enriching experience for all participants.
Join us this summer for an unforgettable experience at AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center!
Maximum 15 kids
The camp will be conducted in Spanish, but will include some activities in English.
Program Partners: Orbea ⎮ ACICAE
Program supported by Diputación Foral de Bizkaia for the promotion of talent
From 09:00h to 14:00h ⎮ With the possibility of extending hours: from 08:00h to 15:00h
string(239) "Children will have the opportunity to learn about basic concepts of sustainable mobility, design and assembly of vehicles (car, motorbike and bicycle) and much more. All this in a safe environment and supervised by qualified professionals."
string(43) "Boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 12"
string(0) ""
string(423) "AIC/ACICAE members: 210€ VAT included
Non-members AIC/ACICAE: 360€ VAT included
Extending hours: 45€
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
The automotive sector is a strategic sector in advanced societies. Its levels of management, productivity, innovation, quality and employment are decisive in assessing the development of modern...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(33) "Junior Mobility Inmersion Program"
string(76) ""
string(0) ""
string(196) "The automotive sector is a strategic sector in advanced societies. Its levels of management, productivity, innovation, quality and employment are decisive in assessing the development of modern..."
string(985) "
The automotive sector is a strategic sector in advanced societies. Its levels of management, productivity, innovation, quality and employment are decisive in assessing the development of modern economies.
Aware of this, AIC wants to facilitate the knowledge of the challenges of the sustainable mobility to the new generations of students who are about to choose their specialities and their professional development.
To this end, it offers them an experiential programme where they can learn about the design and manufacturing process of different electric vehicles such as a bicycle or a buggy.
Throughout a week of work at AIC, we will promote knowledge in different fundamental subjects and in the values associated with the sector. To do this, we will have the tutors of the Centre who will be their guides throughout the days.
Program partners: Orbea ⎮ 42 Urduliz ⎮ ACICAE
This program is taught in Spanish
array(2) {
string(62) "Program"
string(67) "On-site"
array(1) {
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string(7) "Program"
string(7) "program"
string(21) "Enrol to this program"
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string(11) "12 Mar 2024"
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string(10) "24/06/2024"
string(5) "09:00"
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string(5) "00:00"
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string(149) "June, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th, 2024
Monday to Thursday: From 09.00h to 17.00h
Friday: From 09.00h to 14.30h
LENGTH: 40 hours"
string(181) "To gain first-hand knowledge of the world of the sustainable mobility and, in particular, vehicle electrification, paying special attention to the values that underlie the industry."
string(45) "Aimed at students between 15 and 17 years old"
string(139) "
Sector knowledge
Design and simulation
Vehicle manufacturing
Project management
string(400) "730€ VAT included
450€ for early registration. Deadline: May 31st
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
IMDS (Theory and Workshop) – International Material Data System
In the automotive sector, automakers are being encouraged to establish a strategic alliance to develop a common Information Technology system to collect data on product materials, called the...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(69) "IMDS (Theory and Workshop) – International Material Data System"
string(101) ""
string(0) ""
string(193) "In the automotive sector, automakers are being encouraged to establish a strategic alliance to develop a common Information Technology system to collect data on product materials, called the..."
string(579) "
In the automotive sector, automakers are being encouraged to establish a strategic alliance to develop a common Information Technology system to collect data on product materials, called the International Material Data System (IMDS), which will allow manufacturers of every part of the supply chain to enter data on their products. As a hierarchical database, it will enable car manufacturers to collect information at different levels in order to provide reports on the composition of the vehicle itself.
To become familiar with the International Material Data System (IMDS) and its interface.
To enter the information correctly in the Material Data Sheets (MDS).
To know about the different shipping options of the Material Data Sheets (MDS).
string(164) "Engineers, supervisors, quality and / or environmental technicians of manufacturing companies in the automotive sector."
string(1519) "
Introduction to IMSD
Main Menu
Material Data Sheet (MDS). Identification and data entry:
Basic substances
Deconstruction of level assembly parts
Sending Material Data Sheet (MDS) to customers
Practical Part
Data Tree Structure-Rules and Guidelines
Creation of Data Sheets (MDS)
Log On/work windows
Search – rules and guides
Loading an MDS
Reviewing an MDS
Issuing a data sheet (MDS)
Submit / propose / internal / publish
MDS request
Accept / reject MDS
Status Review
MDS Correction
Administration Options
User registration / deregistration
Report generation
Customer specific requirements
string(661) "AIC/ACICAE members: 420 euros (VAT not included)
Non-members AIC/ACICAE: 540 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals are included.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "420€ + VAT"
string(12) "540€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 378€ + VAT
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 486€ + VAT
Procurement & Negotiation / Total Cost Reduction and Negotiation Techniques
The Purchasing Management course is designed to strengthen the skills in this strategic area of any organization, while providing an in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles of the tools...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(80) "Procurement & Negotiation / Total Cost Reduction and Negotiation Techniques"
string(111) ""
string(0) ""
string(201) "The Purchasing Management course is designed to strengthen the skills in this strategic area of any organization, while providing an in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles of the tools..."
string(583) "
The Purchasing Management course is designed to strengthen the skills in this strategic area of any organization, while providing an in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles of the tools to drive efficiency and effectiveness in supply chain purchasing management.
Throughout the program, we will explore three fundamental pillars to achieve excellence in purchasing management: Principles of Continuous Improvement in Purchasing, Processes and Improvement Tools, and Negotiation Techniques.
Implement sustainable improvements in the purchasing function in addition to improving cost objectives.
Define the right strategy for efficient and effective purchasing.
Master the purchasing management tools according to the company’s strategy.
Define the organizational keys of the overall purchasing process.
Adequately measure the improvement of results.
Integrate suppliers into the value chain.
Understand the appropriate negotiation strategy for the type of purchasing process to be addressed.
Strategically prepare your negotiations according to the type of purchasing process you need to engage in.
Master the negotiation skills.
string(446) "
Purchasing Managers
Project Managers
Engineering and Maintenance Managers
Logistics and Supply Chain Managers
Also to improvement developers, directors, middle management and support professionals.
string(1473) "
Waste vs. Added value.
Key indicators.
Definition and calculation method.
Price index.
Planning, analysis and definition of purchasing and supply strategy.
Organizational structures to support efficient and effective processes.
Roles and responsibilities in supply chain management.
Process for selecting the best supply option.
Make or Buy strategic and operational. Manufacture or subcontract.
Design products and processes for cost reduction and value enhancement.
Value Analysis, Value Engineering.
Optimization of the purchasing process: Elimination of non-value steps and quality assurance.
Design and implementation of supplier management and continuous improvement process.
Commodity negotiation and strategic product negotiation.
Planning, analysis and definition of purchasing and supply strategy.
string(528) "AIC/ACICAE members: 750€ (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 890 € (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied on the second or more people registered to companies that send more than one employee.
(*) Material will be posted on the web.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "750€ + VAT"
string(12) "890€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 675€ + VAT
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 801€ + VAT
Middle managers are faced with the thankless task of dealing with personal conflicts between colleagues, and sometimes they are part of the conflict themselves. And anything that is related to the...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(41) "Conflict Resolution for Middle Management"
string(83) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "Middle managers are faced with the thankless task of dealing with personal conflicts between colleagues, and sometimes they are part of the conflict themselves. And anything that is related to the..."
string(484) "
Middle managers are faced with the thankless task of dealing with personal conflicts between colleagues, and sometimes they are part of the conflict themselves. And anything that is related to the people in the team always involves extra effort in terms of treatment and effort. This course aims to change the approach to problems and, as a result, the strategy for dealing with them from a people perspective.
To deepen in the importance of communication as a management tool, with special emphasis on labor conflicts in the company.
To analyze the elements that favor a good work environment and those that can enhance the opposite environment.
Define actions to generate healthy environments.
Identify specific tactics to address conflicts.
string(117) "Project Managers and potential Project Managers, Team Managers with a strong technical profile and middle management."
string(692) "1.Communication as a management tool.
Purposes. Medium and long term consequences
Strategy and Marketing
Keys for the argumentation
2.Environments with less conflicts. Prevention
The fluidity of relationships.
Trust with a pivotal point
Listening as a tool
3.Elements that favor conflict
How do “noises” increase?
Power, authority and their gaps
Emotional vs. rational
4. Conflict management
Operational and interpersonal tactics
Conflict mediation
string(646) "AIC/ACICAE members: 320€ (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 445€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals included."
array(0) {
string(12) "320€ + VAT"
string(12) "445€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 288€ + VAT
string(99) "
10% discount from the second registration: 400,50€ + VAT
The electrification of vehicles is an unstoppable process that needs to be known and managed, since we are experiencing an exponential growth of this trend. For this reason, AIC is launching a new...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(54) "Advanced Electromobility Program – Hybrid format"
string(87) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "The electrification of vehicles is an unstoppable process that needs to be known and managed, since we are experiencing an exponential growth of this trend. For this reason, AIC is launching a new..."
string(744) "
The electrification of vehicles is an unstoppable process that needs to be known and managed, since we are experiencing an exponential growth of this trend. For this reason, AIC is launching a new edition of the Advanced Electromobility Program which aims to provide in a systematic and practical way, the keys to understand the electrified vehicle, the implications in each function of the vehicle and how to integrate it into the activity of each company. This pioneering program is especially designed for those companies that manufacture components for vehicles but want to understand all the implications in the vehicle as a whole and in its manufacturing process.
This program is taught in Spanish
array(2) {
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string(83) "On-line/On-site"
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string(21) "Enrol to this program"
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string(11) "12 Mar 2024"
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string(10) "13/05/2024"
string(5) "09:00"
string(4) "past"
array(2) {
string(10) "23/05/2024"
string(5) "00:00"
array(1) {
string(0) ""
string(132) "Online: May, 13th and 17th, 2024
On-site: May, 21st, 22nd and 23rd, 2024
DURATION: 30 hours"
string(155) "To facilitate the comprehensive knowledge of vehicle electrification to companies that are working in the manufacture of components for this market segment"
string(73) "Professionals who are specializing in different areas of electrification."
string(3384) "Introduction and basics of H&EV´s – online – Day 1: from 09.30h to 12.30h
Overview of the automotive sector
Factors for the introduction of H&EVs in the market
Barriers for the entry of H&EVs
Current market situation
Future trends
Powertrain in the H&EV’s – online – Day 2: from 09.30h to 12.30h
H&EV Conceptualization
H&EV Typology
Alternative propulsion architectures
Powertrain characterization variables
Driving cycles: WLTP
Impact of electrification
Electric engines – on-site – Day 3: from 09.00h to 13.00h
General Concepts
Types of engines
Electric engine design parameters
Selection of basic electric engine specifications
Controller (Driver)
Kinematic characterization of the Powertrain – on-site – Day 3: from 14.00h to 16.00h
Description of powertrain components
Sizing of powertrain components
Study of vehicle performance
Electric vehicle driving characteristics
Electronics and Control Systems – on-site – Day 3: from 16.00h to 18.00h
Main elements in ECUs
Communication between ECUs (CAN, Ethernet…)
ECU software
Programming languages
Types of ECUs
Energy storage systems (vehicle) – on-site – Day 4: from 09.00h to 13.00h
Battery Fundamentals
Battery Design Considerations
Battery electrochemistry
Current status of lithium-ion battery development
Storage system management and control mechanisms (BMS)
Battery sizing and packaging
Vehicle Charging (infrastructure) – on-site – Day 4: from 14.00h to 18.ooh
Charging system
Charging modes ( depending on communication)
Charging types ( depending on connector)
Dimensioning of the charging system depending on Powertrain characteristics
Integration in vehicle – on-site – Day 5: from 09.00h to 13.00h
Component Certification (ECE R100)
Electromagnetic compatibility
NVH (Noise, vibration and harshness) requirements
Electrical Powertrain calibration, validation and tuning
Vehicle dynamics
Electric vehicle safety – on-site – Day 5: from 14.00h to 18.00h
Physiological effects of electrical current on the human body
Personal Protective Equipment
Safety protocol for working on an EV
Maintenance of the electric drivetrain system
Repairing an EV
EV diagnostics
string(524) "AIC/ACICAE members: 2.220€ + VAT
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 2.800€ + VAT
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
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string(62) "A 10% discount from the second registration"
string(24) ""
string(9) "946569400"
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string(7) "Folleto"
string(70) ""
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string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
How to turn a Technician into a People Manager?
In many organizations, internal promotion processes have been carried out on the basis of promoting good professionals at the technical level to a management function in recognition of their work....
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(47) "How to turn a Technician into a People Manager?"
string(88) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "In many organizations, internal promotion processes have been carried out on the basis of promoting good professionals at the technical level to a management function in recognition of their work...."
string(517) "
In many organizations, internal promotion processes have been carried out on the basis of promoting good professionals at the technical level to a management function in recognition of their work. This decision, good in the short term because of its implications for the individual and for the organization, can generate dysfunctions in the medium and long term. This workshop aims to facilitate the transition to a people management function.
Decide what is the rol of each employee in my activity
Set out the key elements to lead people
Propose simple techniques to favor relationships between people
string(97) "Intermediate Managers, Team Managers and potential Team Managers with a strong technical profile."
string(1086) "
Situation 1:If I already do my job, do I now also have to do with people? One more thing?
Situation 2:What do people want from my team?
Situation 3:If facility maintenance is a natural procedure, what do I do with the people?
Situation 4:What’s in it for me if I also deal with people?
Situation 5:When I make an unfortunate decision with a team member, what happens?
Situation 6:I want to do it right, but I don’t know how to do it.
With the development of each situation, the following is raised:
Detailed analysis of the situation
Proposal of actions and measures to deal with the situation (repertoire).
How to transfer these repertoires to similar situations
string(656) "AIC/ACICAE members: 320€ (VAT not included)
Non-members AIC/ACICAE: 445€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals are included.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "320€ + VAT"
string(12) "445€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(96) "
10% discount from the second registration: 288€ + VAT
string(99) "
10% discount from the second registration: 400,50€ + VAT
The objective of this course is to learn about the carbon footprint as a methodology for calculating the environmental cost of an organization, product or service, analyze the available calculation...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(47) "Calculating the carbon footprint in the company"
string(87) ""
string(0) ""
string(200) "The objective of this course is to learn about the carbon footprint as a methodology for calculating the environmental cost of an organization, product or service, analyze the available calculation..."
string(299) "
The objective of this course is to learn about the carbon footprint as a methodology for calculating the environmental cost of an organization, product or service, analyze the available calculation tools and their validation.
Review the regulatory framework on the environmental Footprint.
Use the Environmental Footprint as a methodology to calculate the environmental cost of an organization, product or service.
Analyze the available calculation tools and their verification.
string(119) "Professionals and technical staff who are interested in calculating the carbon footprint incurred by their organization"
string(271) "
Environmental footprint
Normative framework (ISO 14060, 14064, 14067 and Ghg protocol series)
Definition of the objectives and scope
Calculation methodology
Calculation tools
string(527) "AIC/ACICAE members: 240€ (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 300€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied on the second or more people registered to companies that send more than one employee.
(*) Material will be posted on the web.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
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string(12) "300€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(89) "10% discountfrom the second registration: 216€ + VAT"
string(89) "10% discountfrom the second registration: 270€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(24) ""
string(9) "946569400"
string(0) ""
array(0) {
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string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(4) "past"
Internal Auditor IATF 16949: 2016
IATF 16949:2016 (formerly ISO/ TS 16949:2009) is a global standard developed by the IATF (International Automotive Task Force), a group consisting of leading manufacturers and trade organizations....
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(33) "Internal Auditor IATF 16949: 2016"
string(74) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "IATF 16949:2016 (formerly ISO/ TS 16949:2009) is a global standard developed by the IATF (International Automotive Task Force), a group consisting of leading manufacturers and trade organizations...."
string(727) "
IATF 16949:2016 (formerly ISO/ TS 16949:2009) is a global standard developed by the IATF (International Automotive Task Force), a group consisting of leading manufacturers and trade organizations. Its objective is the development of a quality management system that enables continuous improvement, with an emphasis on preventing defects and reducing ariation and waste in the supply chain. The automotive QMS standard defines the quality management system requirements for the design and development, production and, where relevant, assembly, installation and service of automotive-related products, including products with embedded software.
Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) is the methodology to be followed by the manufacturer or supplier to arrive at a finished product. It is very important in complex projects because it greatly...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(78) ""
string(0) ""
string(202) "Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) is the methodology to be followed by the manufacturer or supplier to arrive at a finished product. It is very important in complex projects because it greatly..."
string(841) "
Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) is the methodology to be followed by the manufacturer or supplier to arrive at a finished product. It is very important in complex projects because it greatly facilitates communication between the parties involved, whether they are internal departments of an organization or customers and suppliers. The Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) is intended to ensure that all customer engineering records and specifications are clearly understood. Although similar to APQP, its focus is on the approval of a product that has already gone through the APQP process.
REMARKS: It is recommended that each attendee brings his or her own computer. In order to evaluate previous knowledge of the subject, an individual questionnaire must be completed beforehand.
CURSO 2023-2024
El proyecto “BikeTalent” está orientado a desarrollar nuevas soluciones de movilidad sostenible a...
array(50) {
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string(38) "BikeTalent – Educational Project"
string(61) ""
string(0) ""
CURSO 2023-2024
El proyecto “BikeTalent” está orientado a desarrollar nuevas soluciones de movilidad sostenible a..."
string(14428) "
CURSO 2023-2024
El proyecto “BikeTalent” está orientado a desarrollar nuevas soluciones de movilidad sostenible a través del diseño un vehículo versátil con pedaleo asistido para desplazamientos urbanos, para salvar las limitaciones de movilidad impuestas en las ciudades y que dificultan la entrada de vehículos de combustión por las normas de contaminación, y por la peatonalización de los centros históricos. Proyecto organizado por AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center, Orbea, Tknika, Diputación Foral de Bizkaia y Gobierno Vasco.
Fomentar la capacidad creativa e innovadora en los alumnos de Formación Profesional de Euskadi, colocando al sector de la movilidad urbana en el centro del proyecto, para desarrollar productos y servicios como vector estratégico de competitividad empresarial. Además, se busca desarrollar nuevos conceptos que respondan a las pautas deseable/factible/viable.
Se valorará el aporte de una componente social, desde la ayuda a personas de movilidad reducida, hasta la integración de sectores desfavorecidos, pasando por temas medioambientales, como el uso de materiales reciclados o reutilización de componentes.
Como parte de este proyecto formarás parte de una iniciativa con alto potencial de impacto en la mejora de las condiciones y calidad de vida de la población, así como en el desarrollo económico del territorio, impulsando su transición hacia una sociedad y una economía más sostenibles.
Analiza, diseña y desarrolla un vehículo que transforme la sociedad
AIC es un centro europeo para la Generación de valor para el sector de la Movilidad basado en un concepto de innovación abierta. Concretamente, en el ámbito de micromovilidad, cuenta con un centro de competencia específico para el desarrollo cultural, tecnológico e industrial para el impulso de la movilidad sostenible en bicicleta.
Tknika es un centro impulsado por la Viceconsejería de Formación Profesional del Departamento de Educación del Gobierno Vasco.
Tknika, cuyo eje fundamental son la investigación y la innovación aplicada, trabaja con el objetivo de que la formación profesional de Euskadi siga manteniéndose en la vanguardia europea.
Los equipos que participen tendrán un reconocimiento público y aportación que será determinada más adelante
2023-2024 IKASTURTEA
“BikeTalent” proiektuaren helburua da mugikortasun jasangarriko soluzio berriak garatzea eta, horretarako, pedalei eragiteko laguntza duen erabilera askotariko ibilgailu bat diseinatzea hiri-desplazamenduetarako. Horri esker, hirietan ezarritako mugigarritasun-mugak gaindituko lirateke, kutsadura-arauek eta hirigune historikoak oinezkoen eremu bihurtzeak errekuntza-ibilgailuak sartzea zailtzen baitute. AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center, Orbea, Tknika, Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia eta Eusko Jaurlaritzak antolatutako proiektua.
Euskadiko Lanbide Heziketako ikasleen gaitasun sortzailea eta berritzailea sustatzea, hiri-mugikortasunaren sektorea erdigunean izango duen proiektuaren bidez. Proiektu horretan, ikasleek produktuak eta zerbitzuak garatuko dituzte, enpresa-lehiakortasunaren bektore estrategiko gisa. Gainera, desiragarria/egingarria/bideragarria jarraibideei erantzungo dieten kontzeptu berriak garatzea bilatzen da.
Osagai sozialaren ekarpena baloratuko da, hala nola mugikortasun murriztuko pertsonei zuzendutako laguntzak, sektore zaurgarrien integrazioa, edo ingurumen-gaiak —material birziklatuak erabiltzea edo osagaiak berrerabiltzea—.
Proiektuaren parte gisa, herritarren bizi-baldintzen eta -kalitatearen hobekuntzan eta lurraldearen garapen ekonomikoan inpaktu-ahalmen handia izango duen ekimen baten parte izango zara eta gizarte eta ekonomia jasangarriagoetarako trantsizioa bultzatuko duzu.
Gizartea eraldatuko duen ibilgailua aztertu, diseinatu eta garatzea
AIC Europako zentro bat da, mugikortasunaren sektorerako balioa sortzea helburu duena eta berrikuntza irekiaren kontzeptuan oinarritzen dena. Mikromugikortasunaren arloan, zehazki, bizikleta bidezko mugikortasun jasangarria sustatuko duen kultura, teknologia eta industriaren garapenerako konpetentzia-zentroespezifiko bat du.
Tknika Eusko Jaurlaritzako Hezkuntza Sailaren Lanbide Heziketako Sailburuordetzak sustatutako zentro bat da.
Tknikak ikerketa eta berrikuntza aplikatua du ardatz, eta Euskadiko lanbide-heziketak Europako abangoardian jarrai dezan lan egiten du.
Parte hartzen duten taldeek aintzatespen publikoa izango dute, baita aurrerago zehaztuko den ekarpena ere.
The reality of the internal logistics world as we know it in the automotive industry is facing major evolutions to transform today’s factory into an autonomous, agile and flexible environment with...
array(50) {
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string(35) "Advanced Automotive Intra-Logistics"
string(75) ""
string(0) ""
string(201) "The reality of the internal logistics world as we know it in the automotive industry is facing major evolutions to transform today’s factory into an autonomous, agile and flexible environment with..."
string(902) "
The reality of the internal logistics world as we know it in the automotive industry is facing major evolutions to transform today’s factory into an autonomous, agile and flexible environment with lean inventories. This concept is the result of the integration of automatization, technologies, management systems and people, with the aim of anticipating and executing movements along the value chain with the greatest precision and speed while generating the lowest possible cost. Having an effective and efficient intra-logistics system that makes a difference for the sector requires an in-depth knowledge of the opportunities that technologies, digital tools and people can offer. This training action brings knowledge to the logistics function about the challenges and scenarios that arise to optimize its current performance as well as to facilitate the deployment of the future concept.
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string(67) "On-site"
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string(20) "Enrol to this course"
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string(10) "1 Apr 2023"
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string(5) "08:00"
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array(2) {
string(10) "23/11/2023"
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string(10) "21/11/2023"
string(124) "November 22nd and 23rd, from 8:00 to 15:00.
At the AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano).
LENGTH: 14 hours"
string(391) "Attendees will be able to identify the main actions to go through in their companies to cause a qualitative leap in the management of their internal logistics, covering their strategy, organization, operational processes, physical plane (automation/technologies) and logical plane (digitalization/information flow); deploying conventional as well as advanced actions related to industry 4.0."
string(144) "Managers and technicians mainly related to the areas of Logistics, Engineering, Production, digital transformation, industry 4.0 and operations."
string(1795) "Autonomous, agile and flexible logistics as a challenge.Traditional internal logistics
1. Balance of the trinomial: Service – Productivity – Inventories.
2. Efficiency:
Supply chain management and service level.
Warehouse design: Storage and picking system
Stock sizing
Point-of-use procurement and means of transport.
3. Efficiency:
Synchronised and optimised processes
Integrated partners
4. Sustainability and progress, deviation management and improvement of standards.
Targeted information and agile decision making
Analysis methods and tools
Action management
5. Practice: maturity level assessment
Advanced internal logistics
1. Flexible automation
2. New model of internal integration between logistics and production 3.
Optimized transport routes
Logistics resources as part of the production flow
Health of the key logistics resources to guarantee the cadence of production.
3. New relationship model between suppliers, customers and plant from start to finish in the overall flow:
Real-time visibility of customer needs, as well as location and status of shipments.
End-to-end traceability
4. Redefinition of internal roles and functions
5. Augmented personas with agile and complete information at the point of use.
6. Anticipation of the appearance of problems in logistical resources, deviations in the reception of material and new needs.
7. Applied technologies
The training will take place at the ASF facilities."
string(673) "AIC/ACICAE members: 710 euros (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 1.000 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
A 15% discount will be applied on the total amount for early registration (before November 14th).
(*) Material will be posted on the web.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "710€ + VAT"
string(14) "1.000€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(198) "
10% discount from the second registration: 639€ + VAT
15% discount for early registration (before November 14th): 603,50 + VAT
string(198) "
10% discount from the second registration: 900€ + VAT
15% discount for early registration (before November 14th): 850€ + VAT
Core Tools are a set of tools used in the Automotive sector, oriented to Quality planning (FMEA, APQP, SPC, MSA and PPAP). They were developed to design, develop, prevent, measure, control, record,...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(38) "MSA-Analysis of the Measurement System"
string(78) ""
string(0) ""
string(200) "Core Tools are a set of tools used in the Automotive sector, oriented to Quality planning (FMEA, APQP, SPC, MSA and PPAP). They were developed to design, develop, prevent, measure, control, record,..."
string(962) "
Core Tools are a set of tools used in the Automotive sector, oriented to Quality planning (FMEA, APQP, SPC, MSA and PPAP). They were developed to design, develop, prevent, measure, control, record, analyze and approve quality products and services to meet customer needs and expectations. Their use helps to greatly reduce quality problems in the launching of new products. Its knowledge is a necessity for the professional who seeks to be successful in the automotive industry. Therefore, this course approaches the knowledge and control of the variability of measurement systems and their relationship with production processes to ensure the quality of the measurement results.
It is recommended that each attendee bring his/her own computer.
Prior to the training, a questionnaire should be carried out in order to be able to evaluate the previous knowledge on the subject of each attendee.
To analyze the particularities of the measurement process.
Identify the different tools for the analysis of measurement systems.
Make objective decisions on the suitability of measurement systems applied in organizations.
string(144) "Technicians and/or quality managers and professionals with knowledge of the IATF 16949:2016 Standard and/or experience in the automotive sector."
string(452) "Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA) is basically divided into two parts: the one covering the methodological part of a measurement and calibration laboratory and the one dealing with statistical tools to ensure quality in measurement results. MSA unifies criteria on how a measurement system is accepted or released, concentrates mainly on the study and control of the variability of measurement systems and their relationship with production processes."
string(664) "AIC/ACICAE members: 420€ (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 540€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one employee.
A 15% discount will be applied on the total amount for early registrations (before October 30).
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals included"
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string(12) "420€ + VAT"
string(12) "540€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(198) "
10% discount from the second registration: 378€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before October 30th): 357€ + VAT
string(198) "
10% discount from the second registration: 486€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before October 30th): 459€ + VAT
The Robust Factory: Zero defects and minimum variability
The quality function as we know it in the automotive industry is facing a transformation caused by the increased level of demand, the criticality of assets, the complexity of manufacturing...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(56) "The Robust Factory: Zero defects and minimum variability"
string(95) ""
string(0) ""
string(191) "The quality function as we know it in the automotive industry is facing a transformation caused by the increased level of demand, the criticality of assets, the complexity of manufacturing..."
string(1129) "
The quality function as we know it in the automotive industry is facing a transformation caused by the increased level of demand, the criticality of assets, the complexity of manufacturing technologies and the digital ecosystem, which make it possible to develop a robust factory with minimum variability. This concept is the result of the integration of automation, technologies, management systems and people, with the aim of anticipating the appearance of defects, as well as optimizing the working conditions of the process. Making the robust factory a reality requires in-depth knowledge of the behavior and relationship of raw materials and processes, as well as the opportunities provided by technologies, digital tools and people for their management. This training action deepens on the challenges and scenarios that are presented to the quality/process function in order to focus on 0 defects.
The training will take place at ASF’s facilities.
Attendees will be able to interact with the quality solutions applied in the manufacturing line itself.
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string(67) "On-site"
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string(20) "Enrol to this course"
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string(11) "31 Mar 2023"
array(3) {
string(10) "25/10/2023"
string(5) "08:00"
string(4) "past"
array(2) {
string(10) "26/10/2023"
string(5) "15:00"
array(1) {
string(10) "24/10/2023"
string(115) "October 25 and 26, from 8:00 to 15:00.
At AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano).
LENGTH: 14 hours"
string(270) "Attendees will be able to identify the main actions to go through in their companies at the level of robustness, both conventional actions for the minimization of process variability and those actions related to industry 4.0 for the predictive management of its quality."
string(121) "Managers and technicians related to the areas of engineering, quality, production, digital transformation and operations."
string(1595) "Traditional quality:
1. Effectiveness of the quality plan:
Focusing efforts on what is important.
First time through: robust diagnosis, standardization and training of people.
2. Efficiency in quality control, increasing team capacity;
Optimized processes
Integrated partners
Basic digitalization
3. Sustainability and process, deviation management and standards improvement
Targeted information and agile decision making
Analysis methods and tools
Action management: maturity level assessment.
Advanced Quality:
1. Keys to quality transformation:
Product quality assurance through process mastery.
In-depth knowledge of the process
Anticipation of the occurrence of problems
Traceability and traceability of the entire process
Increased people capability and decision making
Robust manufacturing with minimum variability
2. ASF Practice: Knowledge generation through multivariable modernization
Practical team experience using the ASF line.
3. Industry 4.0 application in:
Enabling technologies: inspection technologies, bit data, data analytics, machine Learning and simulation.
New operating model
Redefinition of roles and functions
4. ASF Practice: Real-time process mastery
Practical experience in a team using the ASF line.
string(682) "AIC/ACICAE members: 710€ (VAT not included).
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 1.000€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
A 15% discount will be applied on the total amount for early registration (before October 13).
(*) Material will be posted on the web.
PAYMENT METHOD:Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "710€ + VAT"
string(14) "1.000€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(198) "
10% discount from the second registration: 639€ + VAT
15% discount for early registration (before October 13): 603,50€ + VAT
string(195) "
10% discount from the second registration: 900€ + VAT
15% discount for early registration (before October 13): 850€ + VAT
Understand the requirements of VDA 6.3 and the VDA 6.3 audit process to effectively and efficiently verify the status of compliance with VDA 6.3.
At the end of the training and after...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(49) "Process audit according to VDA 6.3 (2023 Edition)"
string(87) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "Understand the requirements of VDA 6.3 and the VDA 6.3 audit process to effectively and efficiently verify the status of compliance with VDA 6.3.
At the end of the training and after..."
string(602) "
Understand the requirements of VDA 6.3 and the VDA 6.3 audit process to effectively and efficiently verify the status of compliance with VDA 6.3.
At the end of the training and after having successfully passed the corresponding exercises, attendees will receive a certificate of achievement. This certificate is valid for 1st level internal audits within the company.
To perform 2nd and 3rd audits (process auditor in the supply chain) it will be necessary to obtain the VDA card issued by an accredited entity.
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string(60) "Course"
string(67) "On-site"
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string(6) "Course"
string(6) "course"
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
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string(10) "7 Mar 2023"
array(3) {
string(10) "18/10/2023"
string(5) "09:00"
string(4) "past"
array(2) {
string(10) "20/10/2023"
string(5) "15:00"
array(1) {
string(10) "17/10/2023"
string(266) "October 18th and 19th from 9:00 to 14:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00. On October 20th, from 9:00 to 13:00.
At AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano)
LENGTH:20 hours"
string(145) "Understand the requirements of VDA 6.3 and the VDA 6.3 audit process to effectively and efficiently verify the status of compliance with VDA 6.3."
string(485) "People interested in carrying out, in the short term, internal process audits in automotive companies based on the VDA 6.3 manual.
The course is also aimed at internal auditors of companies in the automotive manufacturing sector, auditors of certification bodies who are already VDA 6.1 auditors or who have experience in this sector, as well as consultants, or any other person interested in receiving training to be enable them to carry out internal audits based on this standard."
string(987) "1. Introduction to automotive quality management systems (ISO 9001:2015; IATF 16949:2106).
2. Introduction to CORETOOLS (new AMFE AIAG-VDA, APQP, SPC, MSA and PPAP).
3. Implementation of the VDA 6.3 standard.
4. Requirement for Process Auditors
5. Remote Audits
6. Potential Analysis
7. Imputation and evaluation of audit findings.
8. Questionnaire
Process Element 2: Project Management.
Process Element 3: Product and Process Development Planning.
Process Element 4: Product and Process Development Implementation.
Process Element 5: Supplier Management.
Process Element 6: Production Process Analysis.
Process Element 7: Customer Service.
9. Theoretical-practical comprehension exam.
10. Conclusions and discussion. Practical advice from the trainer / auditor.
11. Examples, exercises and practical cases based on real situations, integrated in each of the previous items."
string(895) "AIC/ACICAE members: 1.115 euros (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 1.670 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discountwill be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one employee.
A 10% discountwill be applied to the total amount for early registrations (before June 20)
(*) Material will be posted on the web.PAYMENT METHOD:Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(14) "1.115€ + VAT"
string(14) "1.670€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(181) "
10% discount from the second registration
10% discount for early registrations (before June 20): 1.003€ + VAT
string(181) "
10% discount from the second registration
10% discount for early registrations (before June 20): 1.503€ + VAT
Desde AIC lanzamos la sexta edición del Programa Extremo de Automoción y Movilidad, pensado para que comiences tu carrera profesional en automoción de una manera efectiva.
Este es un...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(26) "Extreme Automotive Program"
string(67) ""
string(0) ""
string(195) "
Desde AIC lanzamos la sexta edición del Programa Extremo de Automoción y Movilidad, pensado para que comiences tu carrera profesional en automoción de una manera efectiva.
Este es un..."
string(12009) "
Desde AIC lanzamos la sexta edición del Programa Extremo de Automoción y Movilidad, pensado para que comiences tu carrera profesional en automoción de una manera efectiva.
Este es un Programa Exclusivo y Personalizado, pensado para un máximo de 10 alumnos por edición. Desde el primer día, te facilitaremos la experiencia laboral que necesitas para trabajar con los más exigentes fabricantes de vehículos y proveedores, mientras aceleras tu aprendizaje con nuestra metodología exclusiva learningbydoing.
Las personas seleccionadas para este programa trabajarán en un vehículo eléctrico-ObenCar, donde desarrollarán distintos proyectos conjuntos e individuales en áreas como mecánica, electrificación, electrónica, software o simulación vehicular.
AIC y empresas partners pondrán desafíos que obligarán a concebir, diseñar, fabricar, integrar y validar funciones, sistemas o componentes en el ObenCar en un tiempo récord y probarlas físicamente en circuito.
Nuestra metodología:
Learning by doing
Obtención de experiencia a través de la aplicación práctica
Sistema de aprendizaje por proyectos de empresas
Trabajo individual y en equipo de manera simultánea
Formación general y particularizada a lo largo del programa (+200 horas de formación específica)
Tutorización permanente por profesionales del sector
Master Class con OEMs y Tier 1
Visita a fábricas y unidades de I+D para ampliar expertise
Automotive suppliers know this: it is not an easy task to negotiate an agreement with their big customers. The business relationship is looking like a David and Goliath relation, and the global...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(31) "KAM-Key Account Manager Program"
string(72) ""
string(0) ""
string(196) "Automotive suppliers know this: it is not an easy task to negotiate an agreement with their big customers. The business relationship is looking like a David and Goliath relation, and the global..."
string(979) "
Automotive suppliers know this: it is not an easy task to negotiate an agreement with their big customers. The business relationship is looking like a David and Goliath relation, and the global corporations are using their buying power extensively to their favor. They insist on favorable conditions and requirements and have them built into the supply contracts as far as possible. This makes many suppliers feel powerless and helpless in both, normal times as well as in extraordinary situations.
So, what can they do? With a smart combination of strategic, tactical and legal elements, ʺDavidʺ can too achieve some ʺhitsʺ and influence important points in order to balance the one-sided rules and processes.This is the content of the new module 4 of the KAM Program, which combines strategic and legal aspects, while addressing the current context of rising prices.
Understand the purchasing strategies of OEMs and Tier 1s and the interests of buyers.
Develop tactics to relieve the pressure in the negotiation of prices until reaching a beneficial final agreement.
Acquire knowledge, skills and abilities for prevention, management and resolutionof conflict.
Learn about aspects of psychology in order to apply them to the negotiation.
string(236) "
General Directors, Commercial Directors, Project Leaders and Account Managers who deal with clients.
Any professional who wants to develop his/her skills in order to improve negotiations with clients.
string(1787) "MODULE 1: Price negotiations with OEMs – History, Basics and current context
Price negotiation. Common requests for price reduction and their conditions. Strategy preparation to face a price negotiation. New purchasing strategies and supplier selection process. The buyer role and the balance in the negotiation. The power of argumentation and how to achieve an agreement.
MODULE 2: Psychology in Negotiations
Psychology in negotiation. How to spot rule-breaking, manipulation attempts, and intentional escalation of negotiation drama. How to regain control of the negotiation from a weak position.
MODULE 3: Price Increases in the Automotive Sector – Strategies and Tactics for Price Increases – From Raw Materials to Chips
Tactics, methods for cost reduction and tools to ensure the achievement of goals and of beneficial agreements.This module includes lecture/discussion and the development of a guideline for price increase negotiations in the actual, difficult situation of the automotive supply chain, as well as practical work by the participants on their strategy for price increases.
Optional: MODULE 4 – Supplier friendly contracts? A combination of negotiation strategy and legal issues
How to put results of a negotiation into a supplier contract . This module includes a smart strategic/commercial mechanism to reassure the commitments of “Goliath”, and a wise concept to secure and enforce those commitments into the supplier contracts.
EXTRA TOPIC: Special aspects in times of supply chain problems, cost increases and the threat of inflation."
string(709) "MODULES 1, 2, 3, 4
AIC/ACICAE members: 3.300€ (VAT not included)
Non-AIC ACICAE members: 4.110€ (VAT not included)
MODULES 1, 2, 3
AIC/ACICAE members: 2.500€ (VAT not included)
Non-AIC ACICAE members: 2.950€ (VAT not included)
AIC/ACICAE members: 1.065€ (VAT not included)
Non-AIC ACICAE members: 1.360€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
A 10% discount will be applied for early registrations (before September 22nd)"
array(0) {
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(512) "MODULES 1, 2, 3, 4
AIC/ACICAE members: 3.300€ (VAT not included)
Non-AIC ACICAE members: 4.110€ (VAT not included)
MODULES 1, 2, 3
AIC/ACICAE members: 2.500€ (VAT not included)
Non-AIC ACICAE members: 2.950€ (VAT not included)
AIC/ACICAE members: 1.065€ (VAT not included)
Non-AIC ACICAE members: 1.360€ (VAT not included)
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
string(643) "10% discount from the second registration an for early registrations (before September 22nd)MODULES 1, 2, 3, 4
Excellent Maintenance: from traditional to advanced
The reality of the maintenance world as we know it is facing major changes. The maintenance process is facing a transformation brought about by the increased level of demand, the criticality of...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(51) "Excellent Maintenance: from traditional to advanced"
string(90) ""
string(0) ""
string(196) "The reality of the maintenance world as we know it is facing major changes. The maintenance process is facing a transformation brought about by the increased level of demand, the criticality of..."
string(504) "
The reality of the maintenance world as we know it is facing major changes. The maintenance process is facing a transformation brought about by the increased level of demand, the criticality of assets, the complexity of manufacturing technologies and the digital ecosystem.
The training will take place at the ASF facilities.
Attendees will be able to interact with the maintenance solutions involved in the manufacturing line itself.
array(2) {
string(60) "Course"
string(67) "On-site"
array(1) {
object(WP_Term)#18180 (10) {
string(6) "Course"
string(6) "course"
string(14) "tipo_actividad"
string(0) ""
string(3) "raw"
string(6) "Course"
string(6) "course"
string(20) "Enrol to this course"
array(1) {
object(WP_Term)#18293 (10) {
string(7) "On-site"
string(7) "on-site"
string(14) "modo_actividad"
string(0) ""
string(3) "raw"
string(692) ""
string(795) ""
string(1004) ""
string(780) ""
string(971) ""
string(11) "31 Mar 2023"
array(3) {
string(10) "27/09/2023"
string(5) "08:00"
string(4) "past"
array(2) {
string(10) "28/09/2023"
string(5) "15:00"
array(1) {
string(10) "26/09/2023"
string(120) "September 27th and 28th, from 8:00 to 15:00.
At AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano)
LENGTH: 14 hours"
string(211) "Attendees will be able to identify the main actions to be carried out in their companies in terms of maintenance, both conventional actions to improve the reliability of assets and those related to industry 4.0."
string(77) "Managers and technicians related to the areas of Engineering and Maintenance."
string(1518) "Traditional maintenance:
1. Maintenance efficiency, one of the pillars of profitability.
Focusing efforts on what is important
Reliability and first time through: robust diagnosis, standardization and training of people.
Reduction of fixed assets through optimization of spare parts.
2. Maintenance efficiency by increasing equipment capacity.
Optimized processes
Integrated partners
3. Sustainability and process, correction of deviations and improvement of standards.
Anticipation through the application of intelligence
Knowledge generation
Increased technical knowledge through agile and complete information at the point of use.
2. ASF Practice: Intelligent monitoring of asset health status:
Hands-on experience of monitoring, analysis and decision making using the ASF manufacturing pipeline.
3. Industry 4.0 impact on:
Organization and functions.
Advanced techniques
Management systems
Enabling technologies
string(666) "AIC/ACICAE members: 710€ (VAT not included).
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 885€ (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
A 15% discount will be applied on the total amount for early registrations (before September 19).
(*) Material will be posted on the web.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: AIC Foundation-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(25) "710€ (VAT not included)"
string(25) "885€ (VAT not included)"
string(0) ""
string(203) "
10% discount from the second registration: 639€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before September 19): 603,50€ + VAT
string(206) "
10% discount from the second registration: 796,50€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before September 19): 752,25€ + VAT
Product Safety and conformity representative (PSCR) (16H)
Every organization in the automotive supply chain must ensure the safety and compliance of its products.
Training provided by SERNAUTO
Minimum 9 students, maximum 12.
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(57) "Product Safety and conformity representative (PSCR) (16H)"
string(93) ""
string(0) ""
string(193) "Every organization in the automotive supply chain must ensure the safety and compliance of its products.
Training provided by SERNAUTO
Minimum 9 students, maximum 12.
string(439) "
Every organization in the automotive supply chain must ensure the safety and compliance of its products.
Training provided by SERNAUTO
Minimum 9 students, maximum 12.
Documentation and VDA Product Integrity and Conformity manual will be issued to each participant.
Upon completion of the course, VDA-QMC Certificates of Qualification will be issued.
The VDA 6.3 standard on process audits has been revised and updated in its entirety. The objective has been to simplify and align the questionnaire with the new requirements based on the experience...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(47) "Updates standard VDA 6.3. 2016 to VDA 6.3. 2023"
string(85) ""
string(0) ""
string(200) "The VDA 6.3 standard on process audits has been revised and updated in its entirety. The objective has been to simplify and align the questionnaire with the new requirements based on the experience..."
string(237) "
The VDA 6.3 standard on process audits has been revised and updated in its entirety. The objective has been to simplify and align the questionnaire with the new requirements based on the experience and feedback from all involved.
September 18th from 9:00 to 14:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00 (8 hours)
At AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano)
string(123) "To learn about new developments related to the new version of the VDA 6.3 (2023), which replaces the previous 2016 version."
string(85) "VDA 6.3 Process Auditors who are looking to upgrade their knowledge and certification"
string(373) "
Main changes to VDA 6.3. 2023 requirements
Implementation of VDA 6.3.
Requirement for Process Auditors
Remote Audits
Potential Analysis
Imputation and evaluation of audit findings.
Theoretical and practical comprehension exam
string(587) "
AIC/ACICAE members: 465 euros (VAT not included)
Non-members AIC/ACICAE: 595 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
A 15% discount will be applied on the total amount for early registrations (before September 8, 2023).
Projects are the axis of activity of numerous organizations. There are standardized methodologies and techniques that, in most cases, are assumed in the organizational culture. The challenge is...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(39) "People Management in Project Management"
string(79) ""
string(0) ""
string(196) "Projects are the axis of activity of numerous organizations. There are standardized methodologies and techniques that, in most cases, are assumed in the organizational culture. The challenge is..."
string(481) "
Projects are the axis of activity of numerous organizations. There are standardized methodologies and techniques that, in most cases, are assumed in the organizational culture. The challenge is usually given by the optimization of performance, the fulfillment of commitments, the assumption of individual responsibilities and the interest of the project vs. individual interests. This workshop aims to facilitate the role of people management in the project’s time frame.
To understand the keys to lead a project team effectively.
To use techniques to identify the capabilities of the team members and thus adapt demands and challenges.
Establish criteria, indicators and methodology for evaluation, follow-up and improvement within the team.
Develop skills to mobilize and drive the team towards the objectives and commitments acquired.
Define communication strategies for constructive situations and situations of differences and conflict.
string(95) "Project Managers and potential Project Managers; Team Managers with a strong technical profile."
string(1268) "1. Project Team Functioning.
Leading roles: service delivery and transformation
Team composition: balance, complementarity, and variety.
Capabilities of each person and capabilities as a team
Management of expectations and capabilities
Project coordination cycle
Management of team blockages. Solutions and alternatives
2. Project Team Objectives and Performance
Definition of challenges and responsibilities
Objectives: definition and conveyance
Project indicators and Team indicators
Elaboration of Team Improvement Plans
3. Relationships
Keys to effective communication, transmission of objectives.
The meaning of communication and its practices in a project team.
Error and deviation as opportunities and sources of learning.
Principles to apply motivational/affective communication.
Ways to approach feedback and positive communication.
Strategies and actions to deploy motivational and satisfaction factors.
Reinforcement techniques.
Ways to deal with conflicts.
Personal profiles in conflicts
string(826) "AIC/ACICAE members: 885 euros (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 1.120 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
A 15% discountwill be applied on the total amount for early registrations (before June 2nd).
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals included
PAYMENT METHOD:Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "885€ + VAT"
string(14) "1.120€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(197) "
10% discount from the second registration: 796,50€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before June 2nd): 752,25 + VAT
string(196) "
10% discount from the second registration: 1.008€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before June 2nd): 952€ + VAT
IMDS (Theory and Workshop) – International Material Data System
In the automotive sector, automakers are being encouraged to establish a strategic alliance to develop a common Information Technology system to collect data on product materials, called the...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(69) "IMDS (Theory and Workshop) – International Material Data System"
string(99) ""
string(0) ""
string(193) "In the automotive sector, automakers are being encouraged to establish a strategic alliance to develop a common Information Technology system to collect data on product materials, called the..."
string(513) "
In the automotive sector, automakers are being encouraged to establish a strategic alliance to develop a common Information Technology system to collect data on product materials, called the International Material Data System (IMDS), which will allow manufacturers of every part of the supply chain to enter data on their products. As a hierarchical database, it will enable car manufacturers to collect information at different levels in order to provide reports on the composition of the vehicle itself.
To become familiar with the International Material Data System (IMDS) and its interface.
To enter the information correctly in the Material Data Sheets (MDS).
To know about the different shipping options of the Material Data Sheets (MDS).
string(164) "Engineers, supervisors, quality and / or environmental technicians of manufacturing companies in the automotive sector."
string(0) ""
string(785) "AIC/ACICAE members: 420 euros (VAT not included)
Non-members AIC/ACICAE: 540 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
A 15% discountwill be applied on the total amount for early registrations (before May 31st).
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals are included.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "420€ + VAT"
string(12) "540€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(194) "
10% discount from the second registration: 378€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before May 31st): 357€ + VAT
string(194) "
10% discount from the second registration: 486€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before May 31st): 459€ + VAT
The new AIAG & VDA FMEA Manual (published on 3-6-2019), is a new normative reference to unify the development of FMEA analysis. This new version presents an innovative methodology, applicable to...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(24) "New AMFE AIAG-VDA manual"
string(64) ""
string(0) ""
string(201) "The new AIAG & VDA FMEA Manual (published on 3-6-2019), is a new normative reference to unify the development of FMEA analysis. This new version presents an innovative methodology, applicable to..."
string(573) "
The new AIAG & VDA FMEA Manual (published on 3-6-2019), is a new normative reference to unify the development of FMEA analysis. This new version presents an innovative methodology, applicable to all types of FMEA and related support analysis. The FMEA-Failure and Effects Analysis technique is presented as a methodology that helps to estimate and predict failures that a product may contain in the design phase, with the aim of incorporating the components and functions of the product that guarantee its reliability, safety and compliance with the parameters.
To identify product´s and processes´s failure reasons
To evaluate the impact of failures
To establish the necessary actions to reduce risks based on objectively obtained priorities
string(173) "Quality technicians and professionals with knowledge of the IATF 16949: 2016 and those with experience in the automotive sector."
string(527) "1. Introduction:
Objective of FMEA
Types of FMEA
Project Plan
Main new developments
2.FMEA design and process realization:
Planning and preparation
Structure Analysis
Function Analysis
Failure/Failure Cause Analysis
Risk Analysis
Documentation Result
3. Case Study"
string(861) "AIC/ACICAE members: 420 euros (VAT not included)
Non-members AIC/ACICAE: 540 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discountwill be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one worker.
A 15% discountwill be applied on the total amount for early registrations (before June 1st).
PAYMENT METHOD:Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals included"
array(0) {
string(12) "420€ + VAT"
string(12) "540€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(196) "
10% discount from the second registration: 378€ + VAT
A 15% discount for early registrations (before June 1st): 357€ + VAT
string(196) "
10% discount from the second registration: 486€ + VAT
A 15% discount for early registrations (before June 1st): 459€ + VAT
Middle managers are faced with the thankless task of dealing with personal conflicts between colleagues, and sometimes they are part of the conflict themselves. And anything that is related to the...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(41) "Conflict Resolution for Middle Management"
string(81) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "Middle managers are faced with the thankless task of dealing with personal conflicts between colleagues, and sometimes they are part of the conflict themselves. And anything that is related to the..."
string(418) "
Middle managers are faced with the thankless task of dealing with personal conflicts between colleagues, and sometimes they are part of the conflict themselves. And anything that is related to the people in the team always involves extra effort in terms of treatment and effort. This course aims to change the approach to problems and, as a result, the strategy for dealing with them from a people perspective.
To deepen in the importance of communication as a management tool, with special emphasis on labor conflicts in the company.
To analyze the elements that favor a good work environment and those that can enhance the opposite environment.
Define actions to generate healthy environments.
Identify specific tactics to address conflicts.
string(117) "Project Managers and potential Project Managers, Team Managers with a strong technical profile and middle management."
string(692) "1.Communication as a management tool.
Purposes. Medium and long term consequences
Strategy and Marketing
Keys for the argumentation
2.Environments with less conflicts. Prevention
The fluidity of relationships.
Trust with a pivotal point
Listening as a tool
3.Elements that favor conflict
How do “noises” increase?
Power, authority and their gaps
Emotional vs. rational
4. Conflict management
Operational and interpersonal tactics
Conflict mediation
string(774) "AIC/ACICAE members: 445 euros (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 560 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
A 15% discountwill be applied on the total amount for early registrations (before May 22).
Bank transfer indicating participant name and program title.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals included."
array(0) {
string(12) "445€ + VAT"
string(12) "560€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(198) "
10% discount from the second registration: 400,50€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before May 22): 378,25€ + VAT
string(192) "
10% discount from the second registration: 504€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before May 22): 476€ + VAT
IATF 16949:2016 (formerly ISO/ TS 16949:2009) is a global standard developed by the IATF (International Automotive Task Force), a group consisting of leading manufacturers and trade organizations....
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(33) "Internal Auditor IATF 16949: 2016"
string(72) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "IATF 16949:2016 (formerly ISO/ TS 16949:2009) is a global standard developed by the IATF (International Automotive Task Force), a group consisting of leading manufacturers and trade organizations...."
string(661) "
IATF 16949:2016 (formerly ISO/ TS 16949:2009) is a global standard developed by the IATF (International Automotive Task Force), a group consisting of leading manufacturers and trade organizations. Its objective is the development of a quality management system that enables continuous improvement, with an emphasis on preventing defects and reducing ariation and waste in the supply chain. The automotive QMS standard defines the quality management system requirements for the design and development, production and, where relevant, assembly, installation and service of automotive-related products, including products with embedded software.
In many organizations, internal promotion processes have been carried out on the basis of promoting good professionals at the technical level to a management function in recognition of their work....
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(47) "How to turn a Technician into a People Manager?"
string(86) ""
string(0) ""
string(199) "In many organizations, internal promotion processes have been carried out on the basis of promoting good professionals at the technical level to a management function in recognition of their work...."
string(451) "
In many organizations, internal promotion processes have been carried out on the basis of promoting good professionals at the technical level to a management function in recognition of their work. This decision, good in the short term because of its implications for the individual and for the organization, can generate dysfunctions in the medium and long term. This workshop aims to facilitate the transition to a people management function.
Decide what is the rol of each employee in my activity
Set out the key elements to lead people
Propose simple techniques to favor relationships between people
string(97) "Intermediate Managers, Team Managers and potential Team Managers with a strong technical profile."
string(1086) "
Situation 1:If I already do my job, do I now also have to do with people? One more thing?
Situation 2:What do people want from my team?
Situation 3:If facility maintenance is a natural procedure, what do I do with the people?
Situation 4:What’s in it for me if I also deal with people?
Situation 5:When I make an unfortunate decision with a team member, what happens?
Situation 6:I want to do it right, but I don’t know how to do it.
With the development of each situation, the following is raised:
Detailed analysis of the situation
Proposal of actions and measures to deal with the situation (repertoire).
How to transfer these repertoires to similar situations
string(785) "AIC/ACICAE members: 300 euros (VAT not included)
Non-members AIC/ACICAE: 420 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
A 15% discountwill be applied on the total amount for early registrations (before April 26).
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals are included.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "300€ + VAT"
string(12) "420€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(194) "
10% discount from the second registration: 270€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before April 26): 255€ + VAT
string(194) "
10% discount from the second registration: 378€ + VAT
15% discount for early registrations (before April 26): 357€ + VAT
8D and PDCA methodology for automotive problem solving
The success and competitiveness of companies today are directly related to the quality of their products or services. This requires, in case of failures, the use of appropriate methodologies to solve...
array(48) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(54) "8D and PDCA methodology for automotive problem solving"
string(94) ""
string(0) ""
string(202) "The success and competitiveness of companies today are directly related to the quality of their products or services. This requires, in case of failures, the use of appropriate methodologies to solve..."
string(639) "
The success and competitiveness of companies today are directly related to the quality of their products or services. This requires, in case of failures, the use of appropriate methodologies to solve the nonconformity. To this end, problem solving based on the 8D methodology in the production process in the automotive industry evidenced effective results such as the elimination of nonconformities, responding to customer expectations and providing financial performance.
Prior to the training, a questionnaire must be completed in order to evaluate the previous knowledge of each attendee.
To know the 8D format used in automotive and PDCA.
To understand the importance of solving the root of the problems.
To develop the 8 disciplines for problem solving.
To deepen the use of tools and techniques used in 8D.
To promote teamwork.
string(225) "Managers, technicians, internal auditors and professionals of the automotive sector involved in the quality management system. Personnel involved in problem solving, especially quality, engineering and production, purchasing."
string(777) "1. Presentation of the method: Why use a problem solving methodology?
2. Principle of operation: 8D and PDCA
3. Case study of a common thread – problem definition
4. Presentation of 8D and resolution
The 8 steps
Analysis of quality tools applicable at each stage
Resolution of the case
5. Follow-up of the 8D
6. Techniques for root cause analysis: Ishikawa and 5 whys.
D1: Formation of the team
D2: Problem definition
D3: Containment actions
D4: Root cause analysis
D5: Final solution
D6: Solution implementation
D7: Prevention
D8: Closure and celebration
string(819) "AIC/ACICAE members: 420 euros (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 540 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
A 15% discount will be applied on the total amount for early registrations (before April 19).
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Meals are included.
PAYMENT METHOD:Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa
BBVA: ES48 0182 1290 3102 0150 6187
KUTXABANK: ES24 2095 0611 0091 0787 3466"
array(0) {
string(12) "420€ + VAT"
string(12) "540€ + VAT"
string(0) ""
string(200) "
A 10% discount from the second registration: 378€ + VAT
A 15% discount for early registration (before April 19th): 357€ +VAT
string(200) "
A 10% discount from the second registration: 357€ + VAT
A 15% discount for early registration (before April 19th): 459€ +VAT
Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) is the methodology to be followed by the manufacturer or supplier to arrive at a finished product. It is very important in complex projects because it greatly...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(76) ""
string(0) ""
string(202) "Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) is the methodology to be followed by the manufacturer or supplier to arrive at a finished product. It is very important in complex projects because it greatly..."
string(841) "
Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) is the methodology to be followed by the manufacturer or supplier to arrive at a finished product. It is very important in complex projects because it greatly facilitates communication between the parties involved, whether they are internal departments of an organization or customers and suppliers. The Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) is intended to ensure that all customer engineering records and specifications are clearly understood. Although similar to APQP, its focus is on the approval of a product that has already gone through the APQP process.
REMARKS: It is recommended that each attendee brings his or her own computer. In order to evaluate previous knowledge of the subject, an individual questionnaire must be completed beforehand.
Product audits are becoming an essential tool for product quality assurance. VDA 6.5 is the German reference book describing how to implement this methodology, always taking into account the...
array(50) {
string(9) "actividad"
string(45) "VDA 6.5 – Product Auditor Qualification"
string(77) ""
string(0) ""
string(193) "Product audits are becoming an essential tool for product quality assurance. VDA 6.5 is the German reference book describing how to implement this methodology, always taking into account the..."
string(625) "
Product audits are becoming an essential tool for product quality assurance. VDA 6.5 is the German reference book describing how to implement this methodology, always taking into account the customer’s vision. In this course you will acquire the necessary knowledge about product audits, how they should be planned, how to prepare audit plans and how to present results in order to draw conclusions and be able to establish subsequent actions. All this always under the prism of continuous improvement.
REMARKS: It is recommended that each attendee bring his or her own computer
March 8th from 9:00 to 14:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00.
At AIC Academy (Amorebieta-Etxano)
LENGTH: 8 hours
string(299) "
The objective of this course is to analyze the requirements of the VDA 6.5 referential, as well as to provide the knowledge to plan and execute the internal audit process of this referential, in order to effectively and efficiently verify the compliance status of this referential.
string(261) "
Quality, engineering or management systems managers based on ISO/TS 16949; personnel involved in activities related to management systems; newly hired personnel in quality or systems departments, production, logistics and automotive processes.
string(371) "
Objective and scope of the product audit
Development of the product audit
Audit program
Audit plan
Execution of the product audit
Audit report
Corrective actions
Qualification of planners and auditors
Reference documents
Practical examples
string(799) "
AIC/ACICAE members: 420 euros (VAT not included)
Non AIC/ACICAE members: 540 euros (VAT not included)
A 10% discount will be applied from the second registration for those organizations that register more than one professional.
A 15% discount will be applied on the total amount for early registration (before February 28)
(*) Material will be posted on the web. Lunch included.
PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer indicating name of participant and title of the program.
Holder: Fundación AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa