A reference in virtual design, development and validation
The Virtual Development Center aims to be a reference in virtual design, development and validation of systems embarked in tomorrow’s vehicle. Starting from component or system modelling all the way to driver-in-the- loop simulation, the center is able to assist companies in their development process at various stages.

Domain areas
- COMPONENT, SYSTEM AND VEHICLE MODELLING: Validation of the dynamic behaviour of different vehicle models. It allows to improve the design and features of the vehicle systems.
- RIDE COMFORT: Driver isolation from the road irregularities to control vibrations for comfort and motion sickness.
- HANDLING PERFORMANCE: Check the vehicle response to different initial conditions. Alternative driving situations can be recreated without putting the driver at risk.
The center is equipped with a driving simulator comprised of a six degree-of-freedom motion system, a bottom and top platform connected through six electrical actuators, in front of a three-screen visual display system, complemented by an audio system, a Human-Machine Interface and a Driver Monitoring System. The modular software architecture controls the platform, executes the vehicle models in Hard Real-Time and renders the graphic environments. The simulator enables the execution of industry-standard handling performance testing.

Integral services
- Industrial company projects: Companies that want to validate their own models or need support in the development of a project.
- Collaborative projects: Companies looking for partners to develop a R&D project.
- AIC projects: AICs in-house virtual development projects.